Insights from the Mind of a Seducer | Girls Chase

Insights from the Mind of a Seducer

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Answer "Who Is She?" & Other LTR Tests

Chase Amante's picture
who is she?Every guy gets asked tricky questions by his long-term girlfriends. How do you deal with these in a way that lets you calm the girl without giving up power?

When you have a long-term girlfriend – and even before she’s long-term, sometimes – you are going to run into the occasional (or perhaps not so occasional; depends on the girl) grilling about people and activities in your life.

Some of the standard ones are questions like:

  • “Who is she?” about some girl who obviously knows you in-person or who appears in photos with you or is texting you, who your girlfriend does not know

  • “I don’t like those friends of yours” about buddies you have who are brash, single, and playboy-like

  • “You’re still doing that?” if you are heading out to nightlife or parties with friends but unaccompanied by your girlfriend

  • “I don’t see why you need to do that” if you are signing up for, say, a foreign language class suddenly out of the blue

  • “Oh, so now you care about your look a lot” if suddenly you are fixing up your fashion, getting back into exercise, working to slim down, or trying out new hair/skin/etc. products

You are a lot more likely to run into this with confident girlfriends, and ESPECIALLY if they are looking for something long, long-term with you (i.e., permanent / ever after). Less confident girlfriends will be more circumspect, and may instead only hint at their concerns.

Girls who aren’t thinking super long-term with you, on the other hand, may not ask you these things at all.

When you DO get hit with such LTR tests though, they’re tricky:

Fail to reassure your woman, and she begins to lose confidence in the relationship.

Yet, go too far emasculating yourself in your response (“I’ve never even LOOKED at another woman! I swear!”), and you reduce a lot of her attraction for you, meanwhile handing over stronger relationship control to her.

If you want to survive these types of tests without wrecking your relationship one way or the other, you’ve got to know how to answer them.

Can't Approach Girls (Too Anxious)? Switch Up Your Aims!

Chase Amante's picture
approach anxiety girlsHas anxiety to make an approach frozen up your attempts to meet girls? There’s a simple solution to getting around it: change up your objectives.

A friend of mine recently got back into cold approach after a long hiatus.

He’s made some approaches. Some have went well. But on the whole, he’s reentry into game has been stymied by something he never had to deal with much before: approach anxiety.

We discussed what the source of his anxiety was, since there are a few different flavors. Most guys get anxious about approaching girls… but the root “why” of it takes some slightly different forms.

In his case, he’s a bit out-of-shape and feels unconfident women will want to meet his unconfident (and now older) self. But on top of this, he fears that if he approaches unconfidently, and is rejected, he’ll grow even less confident… making his next approach even more likely to fail… making his confidence fall farther still.

I call this the “downward spiral” fear: if you start approaching without confidence in yourself, you’re only putting yourself on a downward spiral that leads to a total collapse in confidence and the inability to so much as look at a girl ever again.

You can get trapped with this form of anxiety for a long time, though.

That’s because in order to GET confidence, you have to have some successful approaches.

To have some successful approaches, you have to approach.

Yet… to approach… well… you can’t do that until you have the confidence you’d get from successful approaches, right?

It’s a Catch-22: you can’t do the thing until you get the results you get from doing the thing. But you can’t get results until you do the thing.

So, you’re trapped.

There’s a way out of this trap, however.

But to get there, we have to go deeper.

Women Don't Respect Guys They Haven't Slept with Who Give Up

Chase Amante's picture
women don't respect men who give upA lot of guys seem to think a woman will respect you more if you walk away. But they don’t. They just forget you. Except for just a few scenarios…

It seems like we are seeing this opinion voiced more and more, where men claim women will respect you a lot more if you just walk away when they test you too much. Examples:

  • If she throws a lot of tests at you, walk away. She’ll respect you more

  • If she has bad behavior in general, walk away. She’ll respect you more

  • If she won’t put out fast enough, walk away. She’ll respect you more

We had a thread on the forum recently where a member reported bedding a very attractive girl – but not before wading through five hours of intensive last minute resistance. After intimacy, the girl grew lovey-dovey. However before they got intimate, when she was putting up her wall of resistance, she tested him hard, even to the point of saying some hurtful things.

At one point in the thread, a member suggested walking away, because (he said) doing so would make her “respect” him more. More than him soldiering through the tests and bedding her. That’s because, this member said, if you proceed forward and bed the girl:

It shows her that you’re someone she can berate and walk all over and you’ll still put out.

Is that right?

If it’s your first night with a girl, but she puts up a wall of resistance, will walking away cause her to respect you as “someone who won’t put up with her BS”?

How about during other scenarios with girls, like when you just started talking to her but she is rude to you… or if you’re trying to get her to go home with you but she is resisting?

Should you just walk away, and now she’s going to respect you more?

No, this isn’t correct at all, and it’s not how women work.

It is a misunderstanding of female psychology that men have – and it’s one we will correct.

How to Persist with a Girl When She Resists You

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to persist with a girlGirls may resist when you seek to do things with them. But girls also say they like guys who persist. How do you persist with a girl the right way though?

Hey guys and welcome back.

After a few coaching sessions, I realized that I kept telling my students about an aspect of persistence that I haven’t discussed on the blog before, and it is an important one:

Should you tackle resistance head-on, or back off, let things sink in, and try again later?

In my many posts on persistence, I have advocated for “retreating and taking a few steps back” before persisting again. This advice is still valid. However, there is a nuance or an exception to this rule, which I will discuss today.

I will recap persistence and how to persist correctly before covering the exception to the rule and then explain why this exception applies.

We’re also going to talk about how to persist with a girl in two different seductive contexts here:

  1. How to persist with her when you are escalating things yet she resists

  1. And how to persist with her when you set a frame that she resists

Note: this post is advanced.

Start the New Year Right: 23% Off These Girl-Getting Systems

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To help you ring in 2023 and stick to your New Year’s resolutions (one of which, I hope, is to “get off the benches” and get more & better results with girls this year), I’ve thrown together a unique deal for Girls Chase readers.

Until midnight Saturday, you can claim 23% off five of our most popular systems for getting way more (and higher caliber) girls into your life, way easier.

Take a look below – and choose the program or programs you’ll need to help you hit your goals for 2023.

Tactics Tuesdays: Soft Barriers (Easy for Her to BREAK Past)

Chase Amante's picture
soft barriersBarriers in seduction get the other party helping to move things along. Soft barriers are a special variety: they’re easy to pass to raise her investment.

A couple years ago we discussed the powerful tactic of barriers in detail.

Consummate Seduction vs. Limited Seduction

Chase Amante's picture
consummate seduction vs. limited seductionSome seductions aim squarely at consummation. Yet many have limited goals: to socialize, to flirt, to practice. Why does this difference in seductive intent exist?

Many moons ago, I noticed a rather curious phenomenon:

I’m a better seducer with girls I’m strongly attracted to.

When I’m really, really into a girl, I:

  • Assert a much stronger presence

  • Am much more present & engaged

  • Behave in more attractive ways

  • Game at a higher, sharper level

  • Persist more, and more confidently

I’ve always spent a lot of time observing myself, looking for things I do naturally when I am ‘on’, then seeking to replicate them consciously when I am ‘off’. To a certain extent you very much can… but only to that extent. Beyond it, you simply have to be ‘on’.

I didn’t know if this was just me, but once I started digging into the science on dating and attraction, I found studies that seemed to support it. For instance, some studies on men’s voices find that change the way they speak when speaking to attractive women, and that third party observers rate the voice men use when speaking to attractive women to be a more attractive voice.

(women do this too, raising their voice pitches to people they find more attractive. A higher voice pitch is rated as more feminine and more attractive in women)

Having spent time in this space, I’ve also had many men lament that they perform much better with girls they’re really into – and why can’t they perform that way all the time?

It raises the question: if you perform with peak seductive prowess for women you’re very attracted to, why can’t you perform at peak prowess for women you aren’t? The end goal is the same after all – to achieve sexual intimacy – isn’t it?

Or is it?

Get Your "Lockpick" for the Female Texting Mind

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what she really meansOur new book female texting psychology tome “What She Really Means” is out. Decipher her texts… get into her head… and obsess her with your messaging.

The Bible on texting girls has just hit shelves.

Coming in at over 500 pages, our own Hector Castillo’s complete guide to texting, What She Really Means, is now available to own.

Why Do Some Men Pick Up Girls but Most Men Never Do?

Chase Amante's picture
why pick up girlsSome men dedicate themselves to picking up lots of girls. Yet most men never choose this ‘seducer’s path’. Why do some men choose it, while others don’t?

I just finished writing an article on two very different ultimate motivations in seduction, based on von Clausewitz’s absolute vs. limited war. I think the distinction (I’m calling them absolute vs. limited seduction for now, though I might change the names when I publish the article) is enlightening.

Anyway, toward the end of the article, I got into some of the typical reasons men give for not approaching women, or for not attempting to really push to close out their seductions.

In the world of seduction, we typically call these ‘excuses’ and tell men they did not approach or did not close things out due to anxiety, fear of rejection, and so on.

And that is true. But in light of the concept of limited seductions, I’m starting to think it’s also not the entire picture.

We have numerous guys in the community who have confessed to years of false starts trying to get going picking up girls but simply not having the motivation to ever really get going. Some guys start after six months or a year. Many guys need a certain kick in the butt – such as a painful breakup – before they dive in.

Some guys disappear and presumably never become seducers.

All these are men who IN a seduction community – commenting on seduction articles, writing on seduction forums. Most men in the world will never get involved with such things.

Why is it so hard for most men to get into pickup? What is different about the men who actually do get into it, and proceed to excel?

[WATCH] 3 New Videos on Creating a Sexy Male VOICE

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Ready to start speaking sexy?

If you haven’t been following along over at GirlsChase.TV, we’ve got three new videos up on speaking with a sexier voice.

They include lessons on:

  • The basics of vocal fundamentals

  • Speaking louder and with clarity

  • Adding depth, resonance, and purr

You may never have worked on voice much, but after THESE lessons you’ll be well on your way to a super smooth, alluring voice.

Two of these are Premium-only, for Premium viewers – but the intro lesson where I give you the overview of what goes into speaking sexily is free even if you aren’t a Premium subscriber.

Here’s a little bit about what you’ll discover in each vocal fundamentals lesson: