Alek's Seduction Gambits | Girls Chase

Alek's Seduction Gambits

Sex Talk Gambit: Female Submission

Alek Rolstad's picture

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today, I’ll discuss a gambit I love: the female submission gambit. I have been using this a lot lately and it is part of my current stack.

This gambit was originally from a 2019 forum post. See Sex Talk: The Submission Gambit.

I’d like to make this information available to a broader audience. I have successfully used this gambit, so I wrote a blog post about it. I'll include more details, comments, and analysis, then thoroughly explain the female submission gambit because it deserves it. Even better, this gambit is highly relevant today.

Sex Talk Gambit: Independent Woman

Alek Rolstad's picture
independent woman gambitIn this simple-to-run sex talk gambit, easily transition into sex topic with a topic every woman loves to discuss: strong, independent women.

Hi guys, welcome back. Today, it is time for a sex-talk gambit.

Gambit posts are examples of themes I use that have been extensively and successfully field-tested. This post provides examples of how to deliver a sex-talk gambit, the independent woman gambit, followed by an analysis of why it works.

I’ll describe the gambit and then present an example. Feel free to word it to suit you. I will likely not word the gambit the same way presented here the next time I go out. In field, I remember the theme and key moments and will freestyle, keeping in mind the different mechanisms happening in my setting. By doing so, I can calibrate as factors come into play or, even better, find ways to accentuate them.

To be clear, even though I do not repeat the gambit exactly as presented here, chances are that I am likely to deliver something along the lines of what I describe below. Your version may differ slightly.

Aside from wording the gambit to your style, you can take this (and any other gambit) as inspiration to create a gambit covering similar themes. You could even use different themes using the same mechanisms or try different mechanisms using this theme. So, field test and see what works.

The idea is that this gambit:

  • Conveys that you are skilled in bed or that you are knowledgeable about women and sexuality

  • Communicates that you are a safe lover and have a good understanding of sex’s implications for women (slut-shaming, pregnancy risks, etc.)

  • May arouse her (if you choose to be more explicit)

If you score favorably on a few factors, this may be a good gambit. Only extensive field testing will give a clear answer about whether it works. If it works but not as well as you’d hope, see if there are ways you can tweak it.

The Purity Gambit: Open Up Sexual Topics in a Surprising Way

Alek Rolstad's picture
TEXTThe Purity Gambit introduces sexual topics in a way few women expect: by discussing purity. But we don’t mean chastity! We mean purity of another kind…

Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.

You may remember a recent post of mine about social observations and how the sexual market has changed. Everything changes, although rarely drastically; it changes enough that we can tweak our game while maintaining our framework. We usually don't need to make extreme changes, which is good.

I pointed to gambits focusing on lowering anti-slut defense (ASD), women's defense mechanism that allows them to reject or resist sexual advances to preserve their reputation, so others don't label them as sluts. These gambits often have fewer effects in more sexually liberated Western societies.

Those gambits still work, although less powerfully. Women still fear the slut label subconsciously, and society still has a somewhat sex-negative attitude toward sex, at least deep down. Today, it has a different form (radical feminism).

That said, the idea of being a sexually free woman correlates with more modern ideals of liberal feminism and being a strong, independent woman. Whether or not we agree with these ideals is up to each of us, but as discussed in my previous posts, we can use this to our advantage to create great gambits.

And this is true with today's gambit.

I wrote this gambit quickly as a forum post a while ago, but since it works remarkably well today, I decided to rewrite it, adding more details and tweaks to make it more powerful. I discuss more of the mechanisms below. You are welcome to read my forum post, which contains a discussion between me and several posters: Sex Talk: The Purity Gambit.

Talk About Pansexualism with Girls (and Hook Them In!)

Alek Rolstad's picture
the pansexuality gambitPansexualism has become a trendy sexuality… and it makes for great sex talk fuel with girls. Use this gambit in your chats to get the juice flowing.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

In last week's post, I discussed socio-cultural changes in the West that affect the efficiency of sex talk. All my gambits still work, but sexual openness, non-judgementalism, and low-keyness gambits previously had a more significant effect than they do today. We still get positive results, but they are less impactful now. Women back then opened up and loved you for uttering those words. Why the change? Well, slut-shaming is less prevalent, and the culture of female empowerment allows women to be more social about their sexuality. This is not to say that women won't like you for using those gambits; they still have a potent affect-but it is not the magic trick it once was.

However, in some conservative countries with more conservative girls, gambits about sexual openness, lowkey-ness, and reframing sex as positive still work like a charm! So, those gambits have not hit their expiration date yet!

But some subjects simply work better now, like sexual avant-gardism and sexual comfort. The gambit that I am to go through covers the former. It's about having an edge, pushing the norms that help some women become immersed in what you have to say. This allows you to build rapport and get easy hooks. Even better, it opens the gate to juicier, more explicit subjects.

How to Know If a Girl Likes Oral or Anal Sex: The Pleasure of Sex Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
how to know if a girl likes oral or anal sexSome girls like oral and anal sex. Some girls don’t. How do you know if a girl likes such encounters? Use the “Pleasure of Sex” gambit and she’ll tell you!

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today, I’ll share an explicit sexual gambit to arouse your girl and escalate the vibe. What’s more, it can help screen for specific sexual practices, like oral and anal sex.

PS: this gambit is advanced and requires good conversational skills, calibration, and experience with sex talk. You should know how to tackle potential resistance and have good frame control and delivery to ensure success.

I have not shared an explicit gambit for a while, as I favor lighter, less explicit gambits that are not as prone to trigger resistance. This lets me play it safe and introduce the gambit early, usually in night game, allowing me to set an early sexual frame, which has several benefits.

Lighter gambits are still powerful, though. They get the job done and set a sexual frame. They may not arouse her like explicit gambits do. Still, sometimes it’s not necessary if you set a clear sexual frame, set sex-positive frames, and avoid resistance through anti-slut defense busting gambits, such as communicating you are low key, How to Have Discreet Sex (and Communicate Discretion) and that you are nonjudgmental. Then, physical escalation is often enough to seal the deal.

Typically, explicit sex talk is beneficial and risk-free to pull off in late game when you can escalate. There are some exceptions; see When to Switch to BOLD Sex Talk When Talking to Girls.

Some guys, myself included, prefer verbal escalation to sexual. In these cases, bold gambits have their place too.

With that out of the way, let me show you a gambit that serves a different purpose—for screening.

Tell Her You Can Last All Night: The APE Sex Talk Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk gambit: premature ejaculationCan you turn girls on and communicate you don’t cum early – without sounding like you’re bragging? With this unique sex talk gambit, you absolutely can.

Hey guys and welcome back.

After discussions with forum members on the chat, I’ve been asked to share one of my gambits.

If you did not know, we have a forum with many experienced players (including those at our writer level) to discuss and ask questions for free. The forum has a great culture and has one of the best newbie/veteran ratios online. In addition, we have a live chat!

A recent chat discussed premature ejaculation and how to avoid it. Some asked how I deal with this. I mentioned a technique conveying sexual experience while being a good lover. Most women do not want a man who ejaculates quickly, as they usually take longer to orgasm than men.

This gambit is from a long-ago post of mine about tackling premature ejaculation. The trick works well and has assisted me greatly over the years, although I do not have this problem.

The idea is to tell her you can last a long time without appearing that you are bragging. Not cumming fast is a bit like saying you have a big dick, if you see what I mean. (On that note, a normal-sized penis is ideal.)

How do you do this? You convey to women that you are not a quick cummer (without explicitly saying it) and are a guy who lasts for a while in bed. You offer an explanation that “makes sense” for why that is. More importantly, the reason for you lasting so long is not because you are a sexy Superman (which would be bragging), but it’s because you know a simple trick to make sex last longer. I go through this trick here: How to Stop Premature Ejaculation – Proven Tips from a Pickup Artist.

I want to be clear that lasting all night is not necessarily ideal. It is easy to believe that because we, as men, know that premature ejaculation is unsexy, we quickly assume that the opposite must be sexy. Well, it is, but it can go too far. If you never ejaculate, she may become self-conscious: “Why is he not ejaculating?” “Is there something wrong with me?” Her worries arise because most guys tend to ejaculate rather quickly during intercourse, and many do it faster than she hoped.

I will briefly recap the anti-premature ejaculation (APE) trick and then show you can convert this knowledge into a sex talk gambit.

"Self-Control Is Sexy": A Sex Talk Gambit (Turn Her On!)

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk gambit: self-controlThis simple conversation gambit gets you turning women on via an unusual conversational route: self-control. Because self-control is sexy… as she’ll agree!

Hi guys. I hope you are all doing great.

I want to share a sex talk gambit that is very efficient and easy to pull off. What can this gambit do for you?

  • Communicate sexual, social, and female understanding (pacing effect)

  • Build sexual comfort

It does all this while setting a sexual frame, which we know is crucial. When the interaction is sexual, whether the sexual frame is explicit or light, future sexualization is smoother because the interaction already has a sexual undertone. So, talking about sex as you move forward will be easier, forging a path for bolder and more explicit gambits.

This self-control sex gambit is light and does not contain much explicit content, but feel free to create a more explicit version if you want. Because this gambit is less explicit, it’s less prone to resistance, less risky, and easier to introduce.

However, a light gambit does NOT mean it is weak. It is powerful even if the level of explicit content is low because it still sets a sexual frame and conveys attractive attributes. And this can get a girl interested and attracted.

Sometimes, light gambits are all you need to hook her, get her immersed and curious about you, and even be willing to go home with you. Sure, it rarely is enough to escalate all the way, but it can set a clear path for easy physical escalation.

Light sexual gambit are helpful in your early game as a hook gambit; see Using Sex Talk to Hook Girls Early in a Conversation.

So, let’s get into the gaming, but first, I’ll share some background so you understand the theory behind this gambit.

Remember, you can find a compilation of all my gambits here: STICKIED: Sex Talk Gambits Compilation (And more).

Sex Talk Gambit: Women's Sexual Subjectification

Alek Rolstad's picture
sexual subjectification gambitWhat if you could take the hot topic of sexual objectification… and turn it into an arousing subject for romantic exploration? With this gambit, you can.

Hey guys and welcome back. It has been a while since we’ve discussed sex talk gambits, and I decided to share one today to add another gambit to my compilation:

STICKIED: Sex Talk Gambits Compilation (And more).

Today’s gambit is ideal to use in early game, as it truly works as chick crack: an attention grab that gets girls talking, ideally what you want in early game since it helps generate a hook and solidify it.

But that does not mean you cannot use this gambit later. You can because you acquire other benefits such as sexual prizing. And sexual prizing is invaluable—conveying that you are a good lover through communicating traits that are usually attributed to great lovers: experience, skills, understanding, plus knowledge about sex, women, and relationships, as well as comfort building and pacing.

I’ll review the mechanisms at play and how to use the gambit.

So here is “the sexual subjectification” gambit. It’s about discussing objectification.

First, I’ll give my definition of objectification. If that bores you and you want to get straight to the gambit and the practical element, you can skip the section below.

Advanced Sex Talk: Excite Her with the Squirting Gambit

Alek Rolstad's picture
squirting gambitIf you already know how to sex talk, you’ll like this one. By discussing how to make a woman squirt, you can make her so excited she… wants you to make her squirt.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I’ll go through another gambit. This one is bold and explicit. The goal is to convey sexual prizing to arouse a girl. It’s a powerhouse, but it can be tricky for beginners at sex talk to pull it off. So it is more suitable for advanced guys.

Use it mid- to late-game to escalate the vibe and further sexualize your interactions. It’s ideal when you need to spike her so she agrees to go home with you or when you are back at your place and are about to seal the deal!

Of course, physical escalation is also good instead of verbals. You can combine both, although be careful that bold touching plus bold sex talk can be overkill. To learn more about when to use touch versus verbals, see part 3 of my sex talk calibration series for an in-depth discussion.

This gambit is older but very powerful. It may be harder to pull for beginners unless the vibe is strong and:

  • There is already a solid sexual frame set. This gambit can reinforce the sexual frame, not set it.

  • You have already talked about lighter sexual subjects.

With that out of the way, here is the gambit. I will start with a transition, cover the gambit, then discuss the mechanisms at play.

I’ll break down the gambit into three parts. You can view this as one gambit or three interconnected gambits.

3 Sex Talk Gambits So Bold & Explicit They Arouse Girls Instantly

Alek Rolstad's picture
arouse girls with sex talkBold, explicit sex talk can really turn a girl on. What exactly should you SAY though? Easy: use one of THESE 3 sex talk routines to melt her loins…

Hey guys. Welcome back.

Today I want to discuss three different sex talk gambits. I shared three shorter gambits a few years ago. These gambits have become popular, given student feedback from my coaching sessions and the forum comments.

See 3 Sex Gambits: Good/Bad Sex, Sex is Unfair, and the Dark Side.

These gambits are popular because they are short, easy to understand, and simple to pull off without being complex or verbose. They don’t require much memorization, as you should not try to memorize these gambits word-for-word. Instead, use these examples as inspiration and deliver the content with your OWN words, depending on the girl and context.

You may remember my post a few weeks ago when I went over light versus bold sex talk. Light talk is less explicit (but not less powerful) and more suited for the early game to hook and convey intriguing and attractive traits about you by hinting that you are a good lover. Bold sex talk conveys sexual prizing (you are a good lover); it also helps escalate the vibe and turn her on.

My last mini-gambit compilation provides a list of light gambits suited for the earlier part of the seduction process. Of course, you can use them later in your interactions; I do it often! Switching to lighter gambits between the late-game’s bolder ones can sometimes be a good call!

Note that short gambits do not make them less powerful. They can be ideal when you cannot talk for long, or it is too loud or chaotic to have deep and complex conversations.

That said, I am providing short gambits here; however, that does not mean you cannot expand upon them or spend more time elaborating on the concepts and themes of these gambits. You may even want to add additional dimensions to them. You surely can! I have done so in-field.