The Slave to Pussy™ Argument
Some men argue that to learn game is to be a “slave to pussy”. Is
this argument valid? Or is it a flawed argument that misses the big
If you’ve been working on your game for any not too-short period of time, you’ve probably heard the Slave to Pussy™ Argument. That argument goes something like this:
“Don’t waste your time on girls, you’re just being a slave to pussy. Instead you should be hunting, fishing, working out, stacking money, and making something of yourself. Let the women come to you.”
I suppose you might also call this the Field of Dreams Argument: if you build it, they will come.
Get rich enough, jacked enough, and masculine enough first. Then, girls will begin to pop into your life all on their own.
Obviously, if you know me, or this website, you know I’m going to tell you this argument is bunk. The idea that you don’t need to learn game to do better with girls (or put in the practice to solidify that game) is one we’ll tear apart here.
But before we even dive into these arguments, I’ll point out one
flaw of this argument. That is its setup of game (learning to do
well with girls) and
(turning yourself into a man with attractive passive value) as two
opposing, mutually exclusive forces – when the
truth is, these two forces are complementary. That is to say, learning
game does not stop you from working out or stacking money; and you
should develop yourself in multiple
ways (yes, learn game, but also lift, and improve your financial
prospects too. And read a lot of good books). We’ll
dive into this
further below... But first, a comment on the men who don’t even think
your fundamentals are worth improving.