Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Security & Trust in Long-Term Relationships

Chase Amante's picture
security & trust in a long-term relationshipPeople must feel secure in their relationships to stay in them. As relationship trust crumbles, security erodes, and people take steps to guard themselves.

In my four-part relationship model, GISS, the first ‘S’ stands for ‘security.’ Security, as I use it for relationships, means a few things:

  • Trust that you are who you seem to be.

  • Trust that you can be relied upon for what’s required.

  • Trust that no outside forces or events can upend the relationship.

The reason I don’t simply call it ‘trust’ is because all these kinds of trust together create a feeling that the relationship is secure. Yet in the absence of this trust, or as the trust erodes, a sense of insecurity prevails.

How secure should you aim to make your relationships? Many men strive to give their women a sense of total security – greater security, in truth, than they can realistically deliver.

It’s a chaotic world out there, full of uncertainty and unknowns. Just as your woman seeks security in her relationship with you, you bear the responsibility of deciding how strong a sense of security you will give her… and whether you can live up to the impression you allow her to have.

Tactics Tuesdays: Talking About Other Girls

Chase Amante's picture
talking about other girlsWhen you talk to girls, talk about other girls. It lets you set sexual frames, communicate popularity with women, and inspire girls to chase you.

Here’s a “golden oldie” of seduction community wisdom:

When talking with girls, talk about other girls.

I first encountered this advice in the first seduction manual I ever read, Swinggcat’s book Real World Seduction. In it, Swinggcat recommended telling girls stories that had other girls in them.

It didn’t take long before I heard this same tactic from other seduction community legends. One advocated talking about “my friend blah blah” and then referring to your friend as “she” and “her” – and if a girl asks, “Is she your girlfriend?” you know you have her hooked.

Another talked about how telling stories about other girls you know or knew allowed women to feel more comfortable around you, showing them you’re not some guy women avoid, while allowing you to show the girls you’re talking to that you have girls just like them in your life already (excellent for attainability).

I don’t see this advice so much anymore, so I figured I’d do a little write up on it specifically, just to get it out there again.

Make Girls Text You Back… On IMPULSE (Trailer)

Chase Amante's picture

Do you ever feel like there’s something you’re missing when texting girls… where if you just GOT it, the responses, dates, lovers, and girlfriends would begin to deluge in?

That missing aspect is a sense of social obligation – one where a girl feels like she HAS to, and also WANTS to(!), message you back.

A sense she gets from the way you write your texts that compels her to respond to you on impulse.

I’ve created a new System on texting girls in this unique way to create the sense of obligation in them. I call this System “Impulse Texting.”

You can watch Impulse Texting trailer below:

(or watch here)

Girls' Signs of Interest: Why Can't Most Men See Them?

Chase Amante's picture
missing girls' signs of interestMost guys have ‘signal blindness’ to many of the signs women send. Why is this… and what can they do to start seeing women’s signals and signs of interest?

When I first started coaching men on meeting women, I discovered I had an unusual power nearly none of the men I coached possessed:

I was able to recognize girls’ signs of interest.

Like anyone new at anything, I at first worried about being a bad coach not worth the money students were paying me. However, I soon discovered that simply by directing men to interested women and giving them a few basic things to do, I’d amaze my students.

My more intermediate students could see some of these signs, although often not until I pointed them out. If I told a student like this he’d missed an escalation window with a girl (i.e., a chance to move things forward with her), then pointed out the signs she’d shown that indicated that, he’d nod his head and realize it: “Oh yeah, I did notice her doing that. So that’s why she did that!”

He’d noticed the signs, which means some part of him had learned to pay attention for them… but he hadn’t progressed to acting on them. He hadn’t learned to pounce on such signs.

The guys who were new, on the other hand, were oblivious. They had no idea which girls liked them, or that any did. They could not tell a wildly interested girl from a disinterested one. If you got them into a conversation with a girl opening escalation windows left and right, they’d just keep talking normally. When you asked them why they didn’t take advantage of all the openings the girl was giving them, they’d say, “Huh? I thought she was just talking normally!”

I have sat in on guys’ conversations and dates, helped the guy to pull the girl to another venue, or even to pull her home, all while the guy had no idea the girl was open to doing any of that with him. When we talk later the guy is astounded the girl went that far with him and wants to know how I knew she would.

How I knew she would is simple: girls are constantly signaling their interest levels and openness, and I can see these things… but apparently, surprisingly to me at first, most men cannot.

Tactics Tuesdays: Verbal Buy-In During Sexual Escalation

Chase Amante's picture
verbal buy-in escalation to intimacyAnother way to get intimate with women. Rather than just feeling them up and undressing them, you can prompt them to verbalize desire for you instead.

In my article on pussy-centric escalation, a commenter asked me for examples of getting verbal, logical buy-in to your escalation to intimacy. I recommended this for any girl who seemed like she was either on the fence or could cause trouble (e.g., an orange flag girl, etc.).

So let’s talk verbal buy-in during your sex escalations!

Verbal buy-in is anything you are doing to get a girl to affirm that yes, she really wants this next step in the seduction to occur.

You’ve no doubt heard of the social justice / feminist / egalitarian concept of “affirmative consent”, yes? You might’ve thought it a terrible, seduction-killing concept. But believe it or not going for verbal buy-in as you seduce is basically just this: it is the same concept as “affirmative consent”, just gussied up and made sexier.

I’m going to show you how to do this today, and add another powerful tool to your sexual escalation arsenal.

Not Getting Laid? You're Playing It Too "Safe" with Girls

Chase Amante's picture
not getting laidGuys who are not getting laid are so due to “safety.” They don’t do the three things guys who do get laid do, and they pay the price for it in sexlessness.

When a guy is not getting laid, it is almost always for the same reason:

He is playing it too safe with girls.

I don’t mean “safe” as in “avoiding sketchy situations with girls bristling with red flags.”

Sure, red flag girls might be easier, but that’s not the kind of “success” you want.

Instead I mean “safe” as in he is doing things to protect his ego and avoid work that might not pay off instantly, the cost of this being that he continues to not get laid with girls.

So long as he continues playing things this kind of “safe”, he will remain stuck in a dry spell, going nowhere with girls, and not getting laid.

The only way out of it (aside from Lady Luck taking pity on him and throwing him a freebie one day) is to stop playing it so safe… and begin taking the kind of risks that bring girls into one’s life and bed.

How to Always Act the Right Way with Girls (1 BIG Secret!)

Chase Amante's picture
how to act the right way with girlsGirls put guys in some tricky situations. Is there a way to always know how to act the right way with a girl? There is… and it’s not as hard as you’d think.

Have you ever known a guy who was ultra-smooth, and seemed to somehow always know the right thing to do with a girl?

Ever wish you had a way to be like that guy, and always know how to act the right way with girls yourself?

Believe it or not, the secret that ultra-smooth guy has access to has nothing to do with his personality or his upbringing.

He doesn’t have any special powers inaccessible to other men.

He’s actually doing something that any guy can learn to do.

He probably never even set out to learn how to do it.

But you can.

You can specifically TARGET this ability, and deliberately seek to become a guy who always know how to act the right way with a girl.

All it takes it is a bit of a...


When Girls Try to Dictate Frames to You

Chase Amante's picture
girl dictates frameEarly in a relationship, many women will try to dictate what that relationship will be. How you respond to these “frame dictations” determines everything.

There’s a newsletter I recently sent out to the Girls Chase Newsletter list on women’s early frame announcements (EFAs). If you’re unfamiliar with EFAs, these are women’s demonstrations to you, either before sex or not long after it, regarding what they’re looking for with you.

A girl might be looking for something casual. She might be looking for something serious. She might not know what she’s looking for. Either way she is usually going to convey her position or lack of one to you in an early frame announcement. You will see it – if you’re paying attention, and know what to look for.

While I was writing the newsletter on EFAs, I briefly inserted my own opinions on which ones I preferred versus disliked, before removing them. A newsletter doesn’t need my opinions; it’s more useful without, just giving the facts, so you can decide what suits your own agenda.

However, in that moment when I wrote my own personal preferences (before removing them), I realized the EFAs I disliked all had something in common, and the EFAs I liked had something in common too: the ones I dislike are the ones where the woman attempts to dictate the terms of the relationship, whereas the ones I like are the ones where she leaves it more up to you.

I thought it might be fun to have a little look at these differences, between women attempting to dictate the frame, versus when they declare themselves more open to you setting it.

Is Success in Life Incompatible with Success with Women?

Chase Amante's picture
success and women: incompatible?In contrast to what many will tell you, successful men often struggle with women… while prolific Casanovas lead messy, unsuccessful lives. Why is this so?

If you’ve spent any time in the manosphere, you’d be forgiven for thinking success in all the ways a Disney Prince must succeed at will bring you all the women you could ever want.

Just become financially successful, respected by your peers, and a man of upstanding quality, and your princess shall appear! The Disney castle will rise before you; songbirds will twitter beautiful melodies; and you will Live Happily Ever After.

But is this correct?

Is male success the key to limitless bounty with the fairer sex?

My experience and that of thousands of men I have talked to, myriad public figures, scientific papers, and the histories of dozens of cultures all seems to point to the same one answer:

“Not really, no.”

The far more troubling question – and the one we’ll examine today – is this:

Is too much success as a man actually counterproductive to romantic and sexual success?

Girls Flirt When It Feels Safe to Flirt

Chase Amante's picture
girls flirt when safeWhy do girls flirt in some places but not others? Why will they flirt with some men but not others? It has as much to do with safety as it does attraction.

How do you get a girl to flirt with you?

For starters, make it feel safe for her to.

There are various ways women may feel like flirting with you is safe – ranging from because they believe there’s nothing that “can happen” to because they believe that anything that could happen would be positive.

Let’s take a quick look at what this means – how and why girls judge it “safe to flirt” – and how to use this to create meaningful flirtations that lead your seductions forward toward consummation.