Men Style | Page 19 | Girls Chase

Men Style

men's style

The 3 Sorts of Lady-Killer (and Which One You Are)

Chase Amante's picture

In my article “Tactics Tuesdays: Calling Her When Texts Don’t Pan Out”, commenter AnonDude asked the following:

I found that interesting and it would be great if you could write a post on different styles and goals of seduction, pros and cons of each, combinations of different styles and stuff like that.

lady killer

I thought this’d make for a fun article, so decided to write this one next.

Now, this might not necessarily be as practical an article, since, as you’ll see, you are what you are and you like what you like and you don’t have much, if any, conscious control over that.

Nevertheless, this may still be useful for you: we’ll be looking at what you want, why you do what you do, and what things you ought to be focused on (and what things not).

Let’s talk about what the 3 sorts of lady-killer are... and figure out which one you are.

Make the Right First Impression: 4 Clothes & Grooming Steps

Darius Bright's picture

impression clothesMy first “real” job was an entry level position in a contact center – I was one of a few dozen young people who sat in a large office floor taking calls. It was a thankless job but a fun experience overall.

You might be wondering – what does this have to do with first impressions?

You see, I was still rather inexperienced at the time, and after hearing stories from buddies in similar jobs/positions I figured that I might as well use this opportunity to meet women too.

Office romances... great idea right? Well, not really, but that’s another story.

Before my first day I went out shopping for clothes. Because this was my first job with a dress code (no jeans and stuff), I didn’t own anything remotely passable that wasn’t a suit, and this was by no means a job worth wearing a suit for.

Even though my dressing sexy skills were far from what they are today, I was already grasping the basic concepts:

  • The clothes need to be cut close to the body to emphasize physique.
  • I can subtly use colors to avoid looking boring.
  • Showing some skin is a great way to spike sex appeal.
  • Grooming matters.

The result,

I got myself slim cut grey dress pants, purple buttoned shirt, black dress shoes, and a black leather belt – solid, professional look. Because I had that ulterior motive of getting with my new sexy coworkers, I wore my buttoned shirt with an extra button open and had my medium length hair styled to something similar to this picture.

Given my agenda, I also tried to have a sexy walk going when passing the floor to get my coffee.

Considering that most other guys did the bare minimum just to pass the dress code requirements, I naturally stood out.

For the first week (or was it two weeks...) we, newbies, were trained separately and only passed the floor where everyone was working a couple of times a day to get coffee and have lunch.

By the end of the training a few funny things happened:

  • Most guys who were working there already didn’t like me.

  • Some of the female co-workers were already calling “dibs” on me (it was shared with me later in the job).

Both of these things happened despite me saying probably less than five words (“Good morning”, “Hi”) to people who were working there.

Unsurprisingly, by the end of my first week actually working there, a cute co-worker approached me during the break to ask for my number and later asked me out. And during my short time before getting promoted to another department there been a few other pleasurable encounters like that.

I’m sharing this to show you how truly powerful first impression and your image can be. Now, as I got wiser, I usually advise against office romances, but we can reap the benefits of the right first impression in nearly every social situation.

And with this article, I’d like to show you how you can use specifically clothes and grooming to achieve the first impression of a sexy man.

Girls Chase Podcast Interviews Ep. 5: Darius Belejevas

Chase Amante's picture

Darius Belejevas joins us today for the fifth installment of the Girls Chase Podcast. Darius is a regular contributor to on the subject of fashion and style (you can read his articles here), and today he weighs in with more on these and other topics.

In today’s podcast, Darius and host Varoon Raja discuss:

Mastering Your Appearance

Darius Bright's picture

Recently I wrote an article called “How to Juggle Women, Projects, Habits, Career, and More” where we discussed the strategy of using “projects” to improve different areas of our lives.

That article looked at our lives from a macro level, but the fascinating thing about this approach is that we can apply it to specific areas of our life too. For example, appearance (the article “How to Juggle Women, Projects, Habits, Career, and More” should be your first prerequisite read for context on this piece.).


If you’ve been following my articles, you probably know that for the last six or so months I’ve been focusing heavily on improving my own appearance with the goal of seeing how much one can improve his looks during such a short time given enough focus on effort BUT still while living a normal life (which of course means going out, meeting women, and an occasional drunken debauch).

During this time I focused on the following:

  • Movements and posture

  • Physique

  • Skin care

  • Grooming

  • Style

And even though I haven’t managed to reach my goal just yet (to become, on average, a 9+ in terms of appearance, which of course is a very lofty goal) the strides in the right direction were significant enough that I feel I can consider it a success and share it with you.

But before we begin…

The Truth About Big Muscles and Getting Laid

William Gupta's picture

When I was seventeen I overdosed on cocaine. I weighed 107 pounds and was 5'9" - needless to say, I was skinny. It's been eight years since that event and I now weigh 165 pounds and am around 7-8% body fat. I have been asked to be a fitness model and to competitively powerlift. My journey from being a skinny kid to a muscular bro was motivated almost entirely by my goal of bedding more women.

muscles get laid

And although putting on a lot of muscle didn't give me the results I had fantasized about, the journey helped transform my character and turned me into a guy who does in fact bed a lot of women. I'm writing this post because there are a lot of misconceptions about how being muscular helps you with women, so here is the truth about how being muscular will help you get laid.

Hair Length and Male Attractiveness

Chase Amante's picture

hair length and attractivenessHow important is hair to attraction?

I didn’t pay it much mind the first few years I was out chatting up girls. I got my $12 Supercuts haircut, threw on some threadbare button-down shirts I still had from high school that were two sizes too large for me, a pair of basic jeans, and some chunky white sneakers or square-toed loafers.

And then I’d go out and talk to girls.

I got okay results. I’d get dates sometimes, and sometimes I’d sleep with a girl. Some girls really liked me. Because of this, I assumed these other things did not matter.

Later I realized I was handicapping myself though, and once I started experimenting a lot more with clothes and hair, I got better results.

How much better? It’s hard to say. Fashion and hair improved for me at the same time a bunch of other things did, which makes it tough apportioning out credit.

However, whether the difference it makes to your fundamentals is a 5% improvement or 15% one, this is a fairly straightforward 5% or 15% you can add to your attractiveness portfolio, and it’s one you shouldn’t miss.

5 Image Mistakes that Might be Holding You Back

Darius Bright's picture

Learning how to present yourself to look attractive, sexy, and desirable to women is a two-step process: first, you learn what you should do, with some basic and advanced strategies that help you get the most out of what you were naturally born with; second – and just as importantly – you learn what NOT to do; the common mistakes that are holding you back along with so many other men.

image mistakes

So far on Girls Chase we have a lot of great stuff that help with the first part of this equation:

And more…

With this article, I’d like to talk about the second part: the mistakes that even the best of us sometime make when it comes to presenting ourselves and looking attractive; the ones that are holding us back on our quests to become truly sexy men.

But before we delve deeper, let’s make a quick stop and talk about…

How to Look Good Bald (and be Handsome as Hell)

William Gupta's picture

There are many articles on the internet about how to get a haircut that suits you. Well that’s great for people with hair, but I know from personal experience that there are a lot of balding men out there and there are almost no articles out there on how to look good bald... and pull off the sexy and bald look.

how to look good bald

I decided to write this because I know how it feels to start losing your hair. Earlier this year I started shaving my head completely bald and I’m pulling more girls bald than I ever did with hair. This guide will enumerate the three must do’s to capitalize on your lack of hair situation and turn it into a strength.

But first we have to talk about a decision you need to make.

5 Sexy Summer Outfits for Men in 2015

Darius Bright's picture

It’s that time of the year again – the sun is starting to shine brighter, the weather is getting comfortably warm, and the skirts on our beautiful ladies are getting shorter to the point where it’s very easy to lose your focu... wait, what was I saying...


But maybe that’s not what pops into your mind when I say that summer is here. Maybe instead you imagine scorching sun, sweating as if you were in a sauna, and uncomfortable, sticky clothes.

As discussed in “Summer Fashion For Men: Your A to Z Guide to Looking Sexy in Summertime”, summer brings a quite distinct set of perks and challenges when it comes to dressing sexy and presenting ourselves in the most attractive light.

From one side, we can finally show off our physiques that we’ve been working on during the winter-time, and thin fabrics are really great at putting sex into her mind just by looking at you; on the other hand, most summer-friendly clothes are quite hideous and make us look boyish instead of sexy. I’m looking at you, shorts.

For this reason I originally prepared the A to Z Guide to Looking Sexy in Summer-time, to help you make the most of the benefits that come with this time of year and to work around the drawbacks as much as possible.

With this article I’d like to dig into the specifics and offer you concrete outfits you can use during summer and look very sexy, something we did with “6 Outfits That Will Help You Look Sexy” (if where you live the weather is far from getting warm, this is the article to check).

How to Develop Charisma as an Introvert

Darius Bright's picture

A girl once said the following about me to a mutual friend:

“You know, the best things about Darius are his deep cuts and his charisma.”

I must say, I was a little surprised. Not about the deep cuts part – since college I was known to wear buttoned shirts with an extra open button and I’ve always preferred V-necks over crew necks on tees.

Quick off topic tip: It works and it’s hot. If you’re of shorter stature be careful though, as it might mess up your upper body proportions and visually make you look shorter.

The part that I was surprised about was that she called me charismatic. You see, I’ve never been the talkative, outgoing, life of a party kind of guy, and back when it was said it was even more obvious than it is now.

Nonetheless, in her eyes I was charismatic.

introvert charisma

What’s interesting is that after that conversation I did indeed start working, at first indirectly, on further developing this quality – though “quality” might not be the best word to describe charisma. As you’ll see in this article, it would be more appropriate to call it a skill than a quality of your character.

As I got better at managing charisma, interesting things started to happen:

  • I would relatively easily find new groups and friends during my nights out (it’s not uncommon by the end of the night to realize that the group I’m currently having fun with, who are inviting me to after parties and the like, consist only of people I don’t really know)

  • Guys often will buy me shots and ask to drink with them (happens less frequently with women, but that’s expected)

  • And people in general seem eager to open up and share their stories.

For example, last time I was out, after ordering my drink, an unknown guy walked up and asked me to join his company of four ladies on the dance floor.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain that, not only does this makes nights out more pleasurable in general and puts you in a very positive state of mind, it also makes the subsequent steps of seduction easier (but don’t be fooled, you still need to make things happen).

With this introduction I first would like to refer you to another article, written by Ricardus, The 3 Things to Know If You Want to Be Charismatic, in which he brilliantly covers the core parts of what makes a man charismatic and how to be one.

I would like to urge you to read that piece first and then come back here, as in my article I would like to focus more on the specifics and strategies you can employ to develop your charisma and do this, even if you’re not a particularly outgoing guy.