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Women Will Teach You About Women – And Yourself (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Their wisdom is unmatched.

Their truth is unmarred.

Their virtue, unassailable.

Okay, not really. Women aren’t perfect or any more magical than men are (though sometimes I swear they are angels), but women can teach you a LOT about, well, women. And yourself.

Sometimes it’s not their words, but their actions. But sometimes, yes, their words are also truthful (well, mostly...).

I will teach you the art of LEARNING from women. I have known no greater teacher during my journey through the land of women.

Papi Gnome will explain...

Do Not Compare Yourself to Women

Chase Amante's picture
women have it easier
"Women have it easier." Well sure, in many ways they do. But YOU are not in competition with women.

There is a thing I have seen online (not so much in real life, but perhaps I'm not socializing with the right guys for it in real life) where guys complain about how easy women have it or how much XYZ thing favors women.

I'll give a few examples of this:

  • "Women don't know anything about how hard it is to approach guys. Men approach THEM! Why do men have to do all the work?"

  • "Dating is all about what the woman wants. Men have to do all the work of planning and wooing and courting a girl. The man has to make all the moves. Then if he messes up, the woman walks! How is any of that fair!"

  • "The law is completely stacked on women's side! If a woman wants to screw a man over, she totally can! As a man, you are a second class citizen!"

Are these things true?

Well yes, they are. Men do have to do all the work of the approach. Men do have to do all the work of the date. Men do get ditched if they mess up with a girl, often (but not always. Girls will cut you some slack if they like you). The law does often favor women (though not quite to the extent most men's rights activists seem to think).

I guess if you are arguing for a change to cultural norms, or the legal system, it might be worthwhile to complain about this stuff and get a movement going.

If you're on Girls Chase though, I assume your primary objective is more success in the world as it exists, and not so much becoming a political activist to try to change the world.

You might well be a political activist too. But that's not why you are here.

If you're here, it's because you want girls.

And if you want girls, stop comparing yourself with girls.

Qualities That Propel You to Dating Success

Tony Depp's picture

success with women
If you want learn how to become successful with women as quickly as possible, these particular traits and mindsets will accelerate your progress.

If you want to be amazing with women, there’s one mindset that will land you more success than any other:

The ability to deal with rejection.

When guys ask me what it takes to become amazing with women, I tell them the only thing that separates them from me, is that I’ll face rejection more in a week than they will in their entire life. It’s true. The best salesmen aren’t always the top closers; they just knock on more doors.

Guys also ask me how long it will take to learn and get good. I’ve written articles trying to explain and quantify something like this, but it’s really up to individual experience, work ethic, and the emotional fortitude to deal with a crapload of rejection.

That got me wondering... what qualities make a guy learn success with women quickly? Is there a certain mindset you can embody to become a champion in the shortest amount of time possible? What are the personality quirks and characteristics you can work on to master your transformation in this lifetime?

Do Seducers Seek Women's Approval?

Chase Amante's picture
seeking female approval
If you go out to flirt and talk with women, and you set up dates, and have sex, does that mean what you’re really after is female approval? Well, yes and no.

There is this argument that resurfaces every so often from the MGTOW/MRA/incel crowd. The argument is that by approaching women, flirting with them, asking them out, and sleeping with them, you are engaged in approval-seeking behavior. A seducer is the ultimate 'approval seeker', by this logic, because he devotes even more time to seeking out women to date and bed than an ordinary guy.

It's an interesting argument.

At its core, there is truth. There's a fair bit of approval seeking among some chunks of dating men. And in general, any public activity you engage in to any extent involves at least a little approval seeking.

Speaking to another human is always going to be a form of approval speaking: you want this other human to acknowledge (and approve of) your thoughts, perspectives, point of view. (If you don't think that's the case, then find me one person who has no reaction when his thoughts or perspectives are rejected and mocked by another individual. Such a man is very rare.)

You want to feel (in the language of today's progressives) validated (approved of) by others.

Pickup Practice

Chase Amante's picture
pickup practice
If you have a little trouble approaching (or sticking with it after the first few approaches), just switch yourself over to “pickup practice mode.”

There are three different 'going out modes' a guy can be in when he might meet girls:

  1. Just hanging out mode
  2. Make something happen mode
  3. Pickup practice mode

One of the major differentiators between different skill levels of seducer is what mode the guy gets 'hung up' in. Because to do truly well with women you want to be able to use all three.

6 Big Secrets to Being ‘Fearless’ as a Man

Tony Depp's picture

how to be fearless
Fear can be useful to avoid being eaten by lions. But when it comes to approaching women and living life to its fullest, you must learn how to be fearless.

Imagine how awesome your life would be if you knew how to be fearless. You could do anything. You’d be full beast mode.

I have a friend. Let’s call him Jim. Jim’s a writer. He's like me but not as good looking. He always wanted to write the next American classic. He wanted to be the next Bukowski, Jack London, or Hemingway.

Whenever I’d return from a trip to some foreign country, like Vietnam, Ukraine, or Mexico, I’d invite him to come on my next trip with me. He’d say, “Tony, isn’t it dangerous there? I prefer a nice, safe Alaskan cruise. You should try a cruise.”

When I went camping with him, all he wanted to do was sit around, drinking and sketching pictures of the campfire. I wanted to trek into the forest and climb the nearest mountain. “Oh, Tony, but there are bears and stuff. We could get lost.”

He is also obsessed with mainstream media and believes that right-wing Nazis are taking over the world again. He lives in a constant state of fear. Every decision has some terrible consequence. In this perpetual state of paranoia, nothing truly inspirational happens, nothing random, adventurous, or worthy of retelling.

He never wrote his great American novel because he never had any great American experiences. He never fought real Nazis, or traveled to Africa, or made love to exotic women. Because he had no idea how to be fearless as a man, he couldn’t live a life adventurous enough to write a book.

He fears death. And it’s the fear of death that keeps us from living.

I told him that, and we haven’t been friends since.

Depression and Dating: Get Laid Even If You're Depressed (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

I deal with bipolar episodes. One minute I’m on top of the world and have more confidence, testosterone, and optimism than ANYONE... then the next minute, I’m devising a thousand different ways I could off myself and rationalizing why I’m the greatest piece of shit that has ever existed.

And my depressive episodes DEFINITELY impact my dating life. Of course they do.

But you can still find success. Hell, you can even USE your depression to your advantage.

This video is for those who aren’t feeling okay, those who rarely feel okay, and anyone who will ever at some point NOT feel okay... which is everyone.

So here’s how to navigate the dating world when you’re not feeling your best.

Harnessing the Seductive Power of the Dark Triad

Tony Depp's picture

dark triad seduction
Women are instinctively attracted to men with dark triad qualities. But you don’t have to be a psychopath to capitalize on that. The first step is learning to not care.

Have you ever felt like you’re being watched? Like Big Brother or the Eye of Sauron is gazing down upon you, judging your actions, biding its time before sending in the Gestapo to whisk you off to some dungeon?

You’re not alone.

This is what many men feel like when they’re doing pickup. That they’re being watched, and what they’re attempting to do is so morally reprehensible that it’s practically criminal. The current political climate adds to these fears, no doubt.

It’s such a common issue that I’ve written dozens of articles and could probably write an entire book on the subject. I might call it:

The Unapologetic PUA: How to Not Care What People Think

In regards to picking up girls, if you want to be great at it, you have to not care what anyone thinks about you. You must be:

  • Not in your head worrying yourself out of approaching
  • Present, calm, and charming when you do approach

It’s what men spend years attempting to master. To become soulless approach-robots with one aim in life: to have sex with hot girls!

"I'm Doing Everything to Succeed with Women but It's Still Not Working!"

Chase Amante's picture
doing everything pickup seduction
If it feels like you're doing everything they told you you needed to do and it's still not working... you're probably not doing everything they told you you needed to do.

Don't Chicken Out with Women; "Next Time" Never Comes

Chase Amante's picture
dating next time

There are many common errors men make in dating. These errors sabotage in small ways or large ways with women. The errors put guys through endless frustrations... usually of their own doing.

We'll talk about an error today in the way guys often think about "next time." Because it's sort of a big one, but it's likely one you won't stop to reconsider too often.

If you sift back through your memories, I bet you will find instances where you thought "I'll do it next time." See a beautiful girl? "I'll talk to her next time." Talk to beautiful girl? "I'll ask her out next time." On a date with beautiful girl? "I'll ask her home next time." Home alone with beautiful girl? "I'll make a move on her next time." As soon as you read these, I know you know the thoughts are counterproductive. If you're like most men, you still have them sometimes anyway though, don't you?

What's not included are the 'next time' thoughts you don't have. Like "That girl rejected me, but I'll get it next time." Or "My approach sucked. Next time will be better." Or "It's all gone tits-up with this girlfriend. But I'll do things right with my next one."

Men have these 'positive next time' thoughts far less often than they should. Yet they are a key to staying sane in the moment, and heading off neediness before it crops up.