Mindsets | Page 15 | Girls Chase



A Man's Girl Mix and His Jadedness

Chase Amante's picture

girl mix
The mix of girls you’ve dated and slept with informs your opinions of women. Different girl mixes can lead to very different thoughts about women.

As you make your way through life, and particularly as you make your way through seduction, you will discover different men at varying levels of ‘jaded’.

There are romantically inexperienced men who are incredibly optimistically naïve about women. There are romantically inexperienced men who are incredibly pessimistically naïve about women. Like all views formed from a distance, these are unrealistic views, punctured by the first few experiences with women in the flesh.

Once a man begins to accumulate romantic experience, his views on women shift toward the middle. The optimist discovers women are not as pure as he’d thought; the pessimist discovers women are not so devious as he’d feared.

Yet, from this intermediate middle point, as men accumulate still more sexual and romantic experience, their views diverge again.

All experienced men’s views on women are ‘realistic’. Yet the tenor of the views can differ wildly from man to man. They range from the experienced man who thinks women are sometimes tricky but mostly sweet, to the experienced man who thinks every woman is a siren, luring men who fall off their guards for even a moment to the rocks.

There’s one single, easy way to predict how jaded about women a man with some experience under his belt will be, though: look at the mix of women he’s been with.

Girls Who Sense Your Intentions and Don't Want You Anymore

Chase Amante's picture

girl sense your intentions
A woman senses you only want to hook up with her, and closes herself off to you. Why’d it happen – and how do you prevent this ‘closing off’?

On an article from about half a year ago, Art commented:

Has anyone noticed how women can sense if you don’t foresee a future relationship and put their guard up/ auto-reject? And then the women you DO want to become intimate with can sense a ‘strings-attached’ neediness, causing an imbalance? I’d love to get some insight on balancing attainability when being handsome yet shy. I get all kinds of signs from women that I’m excited to unlock, yet they can tell if it’s “real” or not very quickly and move on if the vibe isn’t real.

It's a common scenario. A girl who liked you before, who realizes you don't want her for what she wants or might want with you, and auto-rejects.

Odds are you've seen this plenty. You start to talk to a girl, she's into you, but you realize you don't want anything long-term with her. All of a sudden it's as if she read your mind, and she grows frigid. The magic fades, and she makes her exit.

This is frustrating when you're on a notch hunt. You want to get more women in bed, raise your experience level, and have fun... but you don't necessarily want to commit to every girl who finds her way into your bed.

Yet girls keep realizing it, and keep going cold to you. Is there a way to stop this happening?

Decision Making in Seduction IV: Mistakes Are Good

Alek Rolstad's picture

mistakes are good
Good decisions can get you laid tonight, but mistakes are what provide lessons that make you more successful with women down the road.


I hope you enjoyed my posts on decision making and handling wildcards – two very interrelated subjects. Today, I will share some final thoughts. Reading through these posts a second time, I have noticed there is one aspect that may lead to confusion or misunderstanding, and could become detrimental in the long term. I am going to clarify my take on this.

Some situations in field will cause difficulties that require good decisions to be made. The same goes for when you will have to deal with wildcards. You must remain cool-headed and try to find solutions, or simply move on. Decide which of the solutions you would like to stick with.

The latter can become a choice of whether to move on, whether to focus on building more compliance (which, as we discussed, is one of many solutions to lowering the detrimental effects of wildcards), or whether you want to deal with the wildcard. Sometimes the answer is straightforward. Sometimes it isn’t, and different solutions present themselves.

Nevertheless, when discussing these subjects, we have always kept in mind that you must make a decision that either gives you the best chance of getting to bang the girl or avoids wasting time, money, or energy on bad leads.

Decision Making in Seduction III: Building and Keeping Momentum

Alek Rolstad's picture

building pickup momentum
Negative sexual momentum can spoil your interactions with women. But a good decision-making strategy helps break the trend – and can even reverse it.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. I hope you are enjoying this series on decision making so far. Making good decisions is key if you plan on reaching consistency in your results and increasing your odds of getting that girl.

Sometimes you will be stuck in situations where you will have to make calls, and you had better make the right one — making good or bad calls in these situations means the difference between a lay and no lay.

Today I will add a few more words on decision making, an expansion to my previous post. I will be sharing with you a few examples of mini-reports from the field where I have found myself in tricky situations and been forced to make decisions. I will share both success stories and failures.

Decision Making in Seduction II: Weighing the Variables

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

seduction variables
As a seducer, your decisions can trip you up… or set you up. How do you weigh the odds and decide whether to stick with a girl or find a better option?

Hey, guys!

Welcome back. So, last week we discussed the importance of cool-headedness and how it relates to better decision making in field, resulting in more lays and better odds of getting that girl. Today, we will discuss decision making itself. I will cover each of the variables I personally take into account when I’m making a decision.

There is an infinite number of variables to be taken into consideration when making decisions, depending on the situation, context, who you are, and your desires. Some situations are truly unique, and you will need to account for additional variables you did not initially take into consideration. For example, if a girl happens to have a boyfriend who turns out to be a gangster, you will have to factor that into your evaluation. Another example that comes to mind is interactions that lead to tricky social situations, such as banging your best friend’s ex – “don’t” is my go-to advice. You have to assess the consequences.

Another situation is double-pulling with a wingman like I do with my friend Pablo Garcia. Sure, we can go tandem, split up, and each leave with a girl, but we don’t see each other often and we get plenty of lays on our own. When we are together, it is because we want to pull together – we just find it so much more fun! However, if I screw up, Pablo is doomed and vice versa. Additionally, if he doesn’t hook, we can double-pull. Same goes for me if I don’t hook. Unless we both hook, we move on.

As you can see, different scenarios will offer new variables to take into consideration. The list I provide here is a starting point, things I think are key to keep in mind in most if not all situations. There is no way to write an article on in-field decision making and take into consideration every potential variable of every potential scenario. However, from this post, you can learn a lot about the overall mindset of decision making to use as you see fit. You can add your own variables to your equations if you wish. In fact, in certain circumstances, I recommend it.

Decision Making in Seduction I: How to Be Cool-Headed

Alek Rolstad's picture

cool headed
How you conduct yourself has a big effect on how attractive you are to women. Cool heads in moments of chaos set men significantly apart.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. Today we will discuss another subject that I believe will make you a better seducer.

This subject is one of the variables covered in my post “How to Tell If a Guy Is a Good Seducer” where we covered multiple variables that I believe are what give a guy great success, and more importantly, great consistency – which kind of signifies that the “luck aspect” is less significant for him, hence why he is good.

In that post, we covered the following variables:

Decision making is another subject that I believe has been under discussed. I will make this a two-part article, with the first piece focusing on cool-headedness (the right state of mind to be in whenever facing difficult situations). We will focus more on the practical aspects of decision making in Part 2.

Decision making is key, and it can mean the difference between hitting and missing. Wrong decision? You are out. Think about it. You have a great lead with a girl but suddenly decide to change venues (without her). Well, guess what, you won’t bang that girl. Now, perhaps you may find another girl in the next venue, but what if the next venue sucks and you get no leads? I am sure we’d all agree the decision was bad.

Usually, situations that force you to make decisions hastily result in, sadly, unfortunate decisions. She is resisting, your material is not working, a cockblock shows up, or another wildcard chimes in (e.g., her friend starts puking). These situations can be stressful, forcing you to make a decision, and often quickly. We will discuss these scenarios in further detail next week. However, before you are able to become a good decision maker in the field of seduction, you first and foremost need to understand the importance of cool-headedness.

Cool-headedness is a prerequisite for decision making in dating, pickup, and seduction. To be honest, I think it also is essential for all types of decision making in life.

Therefore, we will focus on this subject first before moving on to the more practical aspects of decision making.

Resistance/Susceptibility to Influence

Chase Amante's picture

susceptibility to influence
Everyone out there is trying to influence you. How susceptible are you to that influence – and how susceptible are those around you?

I wanted to write a quick post (that turned out not to be so quick) on resistance and susceptibility to influence. This article is something of a cousin piece to my piece on grouping and herding in dating from last week.

The subject of this article - resistance and susceptibility to influence- goes for you and the people around you. Your friends, your family, your workmates, your lovers, partners, and dates.

Everyone is susceptible to the influence of other people and forces. The degree of susceptibility varies from person to person, and situation to situation. Some people are more easily influenced than others. Some situations make it easier to influence people than others. Most people are only marginally aware (at best) of their influencability.

If you are susceptible to influence but do not realize it, other people can step into your mind and make you think things and believe things you might not really want to think or believe. This can lead you to taking actions you might previously not have agreed with. Sometimes this turns out to be beneficial; sometimes not really.

For an example of the beneficial sort, I had a friend in university who influenced me to apply for an internship with Nike and pick up a minor in supply chain. Until this friend, I did not care about getting a job after school, was doing the minimum necessary to get through school, and disdained the idea of internships. Yet because of this friend, who'd had an impressive co-op run building a new supply chain process at Tyco, I grew excited about getting a good job and doing better in school. I didn't get the internship, but came in second in a pool of 200 candidates and got some very valuable feedback from the interviewer which played a key role in me getting the job I did get, a year later. I got more a lot more focused on school and got straight As again the next semester, for the first time in years. And I got my dream job on the first try - I zeroed in on them and the job fair and blew their socks off in my interview. Had that friend not influenced me, none of that would've happened.

Years later, I was in a startup where one of my business partners influenced me to open up the purse strings more than I thought was wise, against my instincts and all the reading I'd done on startups spending all their money too quick being one of the #1 reasons they go under. He influenced me to do a number of other things more in-tune with how he thought we should do things and less in tune with how I thought we should. We ran out of money and I had to close the business and lay everyone off. The partner who'd influenced me to spend more managed to negotiate the rights to the business away from myself and the other partner (despite having joined the startup much later, and having taken far more capital out of it than he'd put into it), then sold those rights to another group of founders. The business is now a successful venture-backed business doing everything I originally wanted to do, and would've had it do... had we not run out of funds so quick.

I don't regret the experience (I enjoy Girls Chase much more as a business; and I received a lifetime of invaluable lessons in negotiation, predatory partnerships, and sticking to your guns - plus a healthy dose of business confidence after I found I'd been right all along), but the outcome was a direct result of that business partner influencing me to act in ways contrary to how I'd have acted on my own.

Every human being is susceptible to the influence of other human beings. There are no exceptions to this. Locate the strongest, most resolute human being in the world, and I guarantee you we can find a way to make him crack with enough time, and the right people, in the right situation.

The question we want to look at today though is how susceptible vs. resistant are you and those around you?

How to Become a Passionate Man

Chase Amante's picture

how to become passionateCommenting on my article about 12 common unsexy nice guy traits, a reader named Colin writes:

Your article stings and hurts [f]or one reason...which is #8 on this list [don't have any interests or passions]. That's me. That's the reason I'm a mid-30s virgin and am too scared to try any relationships with women. I have a well paying job, own my house, have good relationships with my parents, and behave the way in my "nice guy" mind an attractive guy should be. But I have no passion. I hate and avoid competitive things, because I feel so bad about myself when I fail. I never played sports as a kid for that reason. I'm sort of a wuss, really. #8 is KILLING me. Girls I like have passions. Guys they are with have passions. Why should they like a wuss like me who avoids passionate things? At least it makes sense to me. I even have a girls number and I'm too afraid to call her for fear of exposing my wuss, passionless self. That and the fact that I don't socialize with any friends...don't really have any at that. I realized long ago I had no hobbies other than masturbating, and so I started taking up guitar. But even that's wuss because that's not competitive. At least not the way I play. I'm lost and I don't know how to get around this, no matter what I read. I need specific help.

We've had a lot of guys ask the "How to be passionate?" question over the years. Most of the advice out there is ephemeral - you've got to search for what you're passionate about! they tell you. Makes for a nice sound bite, and while it is true, it is also pretty useless, as far as advice goes.

We're going to nail it down for you today, and give you some practical tips you can use to immediately get the 'passion' area of your life handled.

Because, well, everything's better with passion. Until you reach the point where everything's better with Zen... however, that's a discussion for another day.

Today, let's put the magnifying glass on passion, and see how to add it into your life even when it seems like it isn't there.

State Control, Pt. 3: Awareness

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

in-venue awareness
Situational awareness makes a huge difference in your ability to meet and connect with women. You must notice the right things – and filter out noise and distractions.

Today we are going to talk more about state. Previously we discussed what is was – primarily a social and sexual state – and how it can be useful to be in such state when out meeting women. We also discussed how to get into and manage this state.

What we will discuss today is a topic that has not been discussed much in this scene – awareness. I will explain what I mean by the term and how it is useful. That said, I know some of you become skeptical when one uses terms such as “awareness.” This is partly due to the term being vastly used in spirituality and other similar stuff. Whether or not you believe in such things, I can tell you right now that this post has nothing to do with that. In fact, what we will cover is actually rather practical in nature.

Besides feeling slightly social (but not too much, as we discussed) and preferably sexual (in order to sub-communicate sexual intent), I find the most ideal state is to be relaxed and aware. Think of a Zen-like state, where your head is clear and you feel calm, and you see everything going on around you. It is like seeing the whole world from a third perspective. You see who talks to whom, you see who knows whom. You also see who is attracted to whom. And more importantly, you easily spot who is looking at you.

You also easily spot girls who are logistically available. Think of a girl standing on a podium attention whoring verses the girl sitting alone in a corner. Or let us say you are inside a noisy club and happen to prefer using verbal seduction. Suddenly you spot your favorite girl grabbing her pack of smokes and heading outside. That is the time when you wait a minute and “coincidentally” go out for a smoke/fresh air yourself.

How to be Certain, Part 4: Extension and Perfect Uncertainty

Hector Castillo's picture

certainty extension
As we go deeper into certainty, we look at three more aspects: extension (the follow through after a decision), perfect uncertainty, and faith.

Welcome to Part 4, guys. If you missed the previous articles in this series, here they are.

Understand the Triumvirate of Uncertainty. Nail down your certainty by improving your morality, your knowledge of women, and socializing. Figure out what you want from others, then learn how to demonstrate these certainties in your verbal and non-verbal expressions. That will cover most situations where you must take the lead.

But the question I raised in Part 3 remains: do you ever really know where you’re going? Are you ever truly certain about anything?

The answer to that question gives us two possibilities.

  1. If one can ever be truly certain about anything, how do I get there?

  2. If one can never be truly certain about anything, how do I lead decisively?

If we’re stuck with inevitable uncertainty, we can still succeed, because for women, appearance trumps substance. If it looks like it works and actually works, who cares what it’s made of? Practicality wins. Thus the answer here, if certainty is impossible, is that you don’t fake it until you make it; you fake it because there’s no other option that works.

Even if you make the wrong play, say the wrong thing, make the wrong facial expression, or time some move with a girl or a follower incorrectly, you can still stumble forward without missing a beat, and succeed. Most of my seductions are rough. Like fighting, love and sex are messy. The better your training and experience, and the better your fundamentals, the more smooth and error-free you are. But you can’t always prevent error, especially with wildcards like jealous guy friends or cockblocking girlfriends, or a resentful member of your social circle. See, that’s all perfect execution. But this series is about perfect certainty, not perfect execution.

And now, to answer the question. Can you ever be 100% certain about anything, including what you want, what you know, and what you think you ought to do?

I have three answers, starting with the most practical answer.