Female Mind | Girls Chase

Female Mind

Does the Lover Always Win the Game of Love?

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By: Chase Amante

Oct 6, 2022

Lovers are skilled in the game of love. But do they ALWAYS win? If not… then is being the lover still really the best path to succeeding with girls?

lover game of love

Female High Standards: Evolutionary Basis & Self-Advertisement

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By: Chase Amante

Sep 22, 2022

Women often seem to have high standards for men. But why? Evolution suggests an answer: it benefits their DNA. Yet there’s more to it than just this…

female high standards

NEW VIDEOS: Why Girls Lie & How to Stop Them Lying

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By: Chase Amante

Aug 9, 2022

Women tell lies. No two ways about it. If you don’t want them lying to you, though, first you must understand why they do it… then you need to know how to stop it.

how to stop girls from lying

How Women Tame Men, Pt. 2: Tameworthiness

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By: Chase Amante

Jun 5, 2022

Taming a man is a lot of work. How do women decide which men are worth the trouble? There’s two things they look at: how tamable they are… and how tameworthy.

tameworthy men

How Women Tame Men, Pt. 1: Approval/Disapproval

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By: Chase Amante

May 26, 2022

As most men spend time around women, they grow tamer. What causes this effect? The answer is: women themselves… and their leverage of disapproval and approval.

how women tame men

Why Do Women Have Sex? The 10 Most Common Reasons

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By: Chase Amante

Apr 25, 2022

Why do women have sex – is it in hopes of a relationship or because the guy is hot? Urges, pleasure, loneliness, experimentation… women’s true sexual motivators may surprise you.

reasons women have sex

Women Need a Reason to Have Sex

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By: Chase Amante

Apr 14, 2022

Women need a reason for sex; men just need a place. So goes the saying… but why is this the case? Much of it has to do with the way women experience sexual arousal.

women need a reason to have sex

Secrets to Getting Girls: Feminine Interest Spectrum

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By: Chase Amante

Apr 9, 2022

A woman’s level of interest with you isn’t an on-or-off switch. It’s a position on a “spectrum of interest” – and her position on that spectrum is in constant flux.

feminine interest spectrum

Female Quirks: Women Go Nuts When They Can’t Tell Your Status

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By: Chase Amante

Apr 6, 2022

When she can’t figure you out, she’s intrigued. When you seem like you might be the man she wants, even more intrigued. Once she’s intrigued, she’ll chase.

women tell your status

Women Select Mates Very Differently from How Men Do

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By: Chase Amante

Mar 24, 2022

Women are different from men. They aren’t attracted to the same things men are, and they choose their mates differently than men do.

female mate selection

Why Girls Suddenly 'Pop Back Up' Again

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By: Chase Amante

Feb 28, 2022

She quit responding to your texts, but then, months later, there she is, messaging you to meet up. What happened, and why did she reappear?

girls pop back up

"It Just Happened": Subconscious Flirtation and Hookups

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By: Chase Amante

Feb 10, 2022

Women often claim dates and hookups “just happen!” to them. But do they? And if you’re a man, is there a way to tap into things “just happening” yourself?

it just happened

All Women Are Like That

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By: Chase Amante

Jan 22, 2022

Women debate the morality of an extramarital affair while married to a man you don’t love. Why do different women view things differently?

all women are like that