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Meeting, getting to know, and generally hobnobbing with the people you meet throughout a lifetime of travels and adventures.

Game Imbalance Hypothesis

Chase Amante's picture

game imbalance hypothesisThis is the first in a three-part series on regional sexual selection pressures. This piece introduces the concept of “game imbalance”, defines it, and posits it as a contributing cause of men’s difficulties with women.

I have an alternate theory why certain classes of men struggle with women far more than certain other classes do, on average. Alternate from what most guys cite: looks discrimination, racial discrimination, height discrimination, income discrimination, etc.

The one we’ve been seeing the most complaints from on the discussion boards lately are men of Indian descent. Asian and Arab guys struggle a lot as well. Of course, men of all races complain about their inabilities to succeed with women (and I’ve heard plenty of success stories and known personally plenty of successful guys from all of these racial groups), but some of these race-level complaints are far more ubiquitous than others.

So what makes the difference?

I have a theory. Actually, a hypothesis. I’d like to call it “game imbalance hypothesis.”

And if you’ll walk with me a moment, I’ll show you how I think the effect the hypothesis describes is hampering certain men and favoring others in the sexual marketplace.

Hit and Run Pickup in Clubs: If at First She Does Not Respond…

Alek Rolstad's picture

Previously I laid out my new strategy of approaching – the “hit-and-run” strategy – which allows you to approach women without facing any strong form of resistance (such as “approach walls” – where women respond negatively to your approach).

hit and run pickup

To recap, my hit-and-run strategy is based on first approaching a girl with a simple ice breaker, for the primary purpose of “breaking the ice” (as opposed to the primary focus being to build attraction), then leaving (in order to avoid being perceived as a potential “stalker” and instead as a mysterious man while also making her miss your presence).

Here is how this type of approach goes, step by step:

  1. Look out for approach invitations (signs of interest). If you get none, it is still wiser to approach anyway.

  2. Short approach, often with just a simple “ice breaker” followed by an introduction. Then leave the girl or the group as fast as you can with no explanation given.

  3. Do something else. Maybe approach other women?

  4. Look out for signs of interests – girls you broken the ice with will be curious about you.

  5. Re-open with something along the lines of “There you are” or simply “Sup?”. You will see that the reception will be much warmer!

That was a recap of the most important aspects covered in my previous post that talked about the hit-and-run strategy. You can read a more in depth analysis of this concept here: “How to Stop a Girl Acting Like a “Bitch” in a Club.”

In this post, we will elaborate further on this concept – as you’ve probably guessed that it can be used for much more than just approaching. We will discuss in depth how this strategy (of “approaching and then leaving” and then hopefully re-approaching later; in other words, the hit-and-run strategy) can be applied to other situations, such as dealing with rejections, handling bigger groups of females (three or more), and handling women’s resistance to sexual advances.

No time to lose, let’s get to it.

Lowering Expectations, Then Shattering Them

Cody Lyans's picture

We are born into a world that doesn’t expect much out of us. Just be average, fit in, blend with the crowd, and you will be all right. This is fine if you want to be an average Joe with an average Jane by his side living an average life, but it is not so fine if you want more than this.

Yet you may have a tough time breaking out of the “mold” these low expectations place you in. From an early age we are all trained to expect average things of ourselves. Lifting one’s sights to see what is truly achievable takes work.

low expectations

Having low expectations placed on you sucks.

However, when you are a kid there is nothing you can do about it except “grow up”, so you end up agonizing on this desire to change during what should be one of the most care free periods of your life.

We get crammed into school systems, graded like we must perform a service adequately, and pushed into the social confines of routine. We are left to drift away into obscurity until we grow up, and at that point it seems too late to change anything. The system that supposedly is meant to make us match expectations instead lulls us away from the best ways to exceed them.

Another Bad Night? Don’t Get Washed Out – Change It

Cody Lyans's picture

Have you ever just had a bad night?

One of those nights where everything you want to happen just doesn’t materialize, and as a result you get pulled into this space where everything you do is some how miscalculated and wrong?

One of those nights where afterwards you shake your head and feel like “What the hell was that!?”

bad night

Well, I have good news: it gets better, and the better you get the more you avoid these nights.

There are things you pick up along your journey that help you avoid getting washed out like this, and I thought I’d share some things I’ve noticed to help you avoid some of the discomfort when things aren’t going all that well.

Dealing with People Who Want You to “Prove Yourself”

Chase Amante's picture

prove yourselfThere’s little more frustrating than that guy demanding you prove yourself to him, or that girl challenging you to show her how badass you are.

It always feels uncomfortable and icky when people do this to you, but you may feel pressured to respond... or not feel like there are really any valid other options to do BUT prove yourself or look “disproved.”

And then, when you prove yourself? Either the other person dismisses your proof and tells you “Not good enough”, or you get the slow clap “I’m impressed” response that drives you nuts – either way this other person asserts his superiority.

For all you care, he could have commanded you to be a good monkey and dance, and you (unhappily) obliged.

Obviously, tap dancing on command isn’t the way to handle this one.

Instead, you must understand how to deal with it when it arises, and you must understand what prompts it in the first place.

The “Sigma Male”: An Alternative to Being the “Alpha Male”

Halvor Jannike's picture

sigma maleFew concepts are more viral in contemporary culture than the notion of the “alpha male”.

Many men want to become “alpha males”, but there is surprisingly little agreement on what characterizes this social role.

Even more, it can actually be argued that many guys should NOT try to be alpha males in the biological sense if their goal is to be a man who attracts women.

Does that mean that you should be a weak, submissive man?

Not at all.

There is a kind of strong man who is not the alpha male in its original sense but who may actually be a better archetype for many students of seduction.

Don’t Talk About Fight Club and Take the Red Pill

Chase Amante's picture

An interesting thread, I noticed, had popped up on our discussion boards the other day, with guys hashing around about the “manosphere” and its various merits or drawbacks.

There were some comments about how a guy started out here on GC but went over to the “manosphere” because it suited him better. There were others from other guys talking about how they started out in the “manosphere” and ended up here and found this site to suit them better. And then there were some rather balanced posts discussing the various similarities and differences and strengths and merits of each.

I, though, would like to take a brief foray into exploring some of the mentality behind much of the most vocal and grating “red pill”-esque thought you will encounter, and that of its predecessor, “Fight Club”-esque thought; if you know what I’m talking about, then you either can’t stand it or you think it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

fight club red pill

If you’re not too familiar with the pickup community or the manosphere, this’ll be new but hopefully still interesting for you, from a “social dynamics within social hierarchies” standpoint. If you are familiar, it might give you something interesting to chew on.

How to Get Laid in College, Pt. II: The Slowburn

Hector Castillo's picture

Wassup everybody,

This is my second entry into the three part series on The Best College Seduction Styles, a subset of my expansive College Game series.

If you read the first article of the series, detailing my particular style, “Big Man on Campus” (BMOC), and didn’t find its exuberance attractive, then perhaps Slowburn is for you.

If BMOC is Muay-Thai – aggressive and forward – then Slowburn is Ninjutsu – subtle, but deadly when executing precision strikes.

how to get laid in college

How to Be Respected by Men and Women Alike

Chase Amante's picture

‘Respect’ is a thing we get a lot of questions on around here. Most regularly, how to command it. How do you make others respect you?

The easy answer is, you earn it. But that’s only half of the equation.

The other half is that you demand it.

how to be respected

Some will pay you respect you do not demand. But others will only respect you if you yank the respect out of their gullet with both hands.

And whenever someone has a problem with respect, it’s always because he’s lacking on one (or both) sides of the equation:

  1. He isn’t demanding respect, or
  2. He hasn’t earned it yet

How to Get Laid in College, Pt. I: “Big Man on Campus” Game

Hector Castillo's picture

Note from Chase: Hector’s one of our senior discussion board members, and has posted a slew of often outrageous and always entertaining lay reports in the Field Reports Board, where he’s cleaned up with naughty coeds. Hector wanted to give back a bit, and so he’s sat down to put together a series of articles to teach you everything he knows about sleeping with women by the fistful in the hallowed halls of university. Take it away, Hector...

Greetings fellow studs in development…

I’m Hector. And I’m here to shed some light on pulling tail in college. But, first, a bit of background information, so you feel “connected” to me and all that.

Before finding Girls Chase I considered myself quite the ladies man and had crafted some decent natural game. But only a few years before that I didn’t even know what a vagina felt like. And boy was I curious. Unfortunately, I was a wallflower.

I sat silently and watched everyone else live seemingly exciting lives. A few times I tried to enter these social groups or cold approach girls, but I always hit walls of rejection. Truthfully, I wasn’t socially calibrated enough to scale those walls. But I resolved to grind past the pain, learn how to navigate the social milieu, and get me some of dat pussy.

how to get laid in college