Socializing | Page 19 | Girls Chase


Meeting, getting to know, and generally hobnobbing with the people you meet throughout a lifetime of travels and adventures.

How to be the Funny Guy that Gets Laid

William Gupta's picture

I’m not going to beat around the bush, I’m a funny guy. I do stand-up comedy for fun. I’m the guy who leaves his friends and family in stitches. Being funny has both helped and hurt me with women. Humor helped me because I win over her friends with ease, I have some great openers, and I can use it to diffuse awkward situations.


But that same humor has led to me receiving more tests, not being taken seriously, being the entertainer and not the lover, and on more than a few occasions it has bought me a one-way ticket to the friend zone.

What I have come to realize about using humor with women is that you need to know when and how to use it to get her to go home with you. So here is my breakdown of how to be a funny guy that still gets laid.

How to Quit Being Self-Conscious in Nighttime Venues

Cody Lyans's picture

I’ve recently been talking about fundamentals that help you get your foot into the club scenes, whether it be having the right light-hearted approach, or introducing your personality in a way that embraces the challenges brought on by the club scene.

Here I want to talk about how you really should be merging your persona with your activities when out in public.

First off, let me say, yes, there is a certain stigma and social pressure put on ANYBODY who is active socially in public. People might view you outrageous, unfairly privileged, amoral, or even shame you for being outgoing.

self-conscious nightclub

Sometimes, just for waving at a person, someone else may see you as arrogant; or for having a sex life, people can think you “unrealistic” or “irresponsible”; and for being proud of your growth you will face snickers from people that think a man who self improves is “weak” for admitting he is not already perfect.

It is easy to feel uncertain about yourself when any of these judgements are circling you. It can feel like if you make a mistake people are going to make it worse and it will destroy your image.

You will FEEL a resistance to becoming part of any scene because of this feeling of doubt and indecision. And it is natural to close up and think “Well, IF I act conservative enough, then I’ll slip through undetected”. However, for most people, even though they TRY to not get caught out, the fact is, sometimes you just are.

My solution?

Personal integrity.

3 Ways to Train Up Social Aptitude

Chase Amante's picture

social aptitudeYou’re at a night school class you share with a pretty girl you’ve had your eye on. The semester’s only halfway through, yet you have a feeling this girl likes you, and you like her too. You’ve chatted a few times, and sometimes you sit near her or next to her, but not always.

One evening, your class lets out and she takes a long time to gather her belongings. Coincidentally (or not), two of you head out at the same time. You strike up a conversation with her on the way out, and she’s responsive, but the conversation quickly stalls out. She seems happy but nervous. You feel like she’s waiting for something. Then you think how awkward it would be if you asked her out and she said no, and now you’ve got to keep coming back to this class and it’d really suck if there was an awkward vibe between you and this girl you like.

So, you tell her well, anyway, you guess you’d better get going, and you peel off and head to your car. On the way home, you kick yourself for not asking her out.

There are some men out there this kind of thing never happens to – if they get a shot with a girl, they take it. They can’t even understand why this would even be a problem for guys.

For most guys though, this is something they’ve had happen once or twice (or thrice... or four times... or more times).

The difference between the man this doesn’t happen to, and the man it does, quite often, comes down to a difference in their general and specific social aptitudes.

Dance Floor Game Tips #7: Handling Her Friends

Alek Rolstad's picture

We have so far covered many aspects of dance floor seduction:

  1. Dance game foundations
  2. Warming up on the dance floor
  3. Dance floor target selection
  4. Opening on the dance floor
  5. Building attraction on the dance floor
  6. Physical escalation on the dance floor

In the two previous posts, we discussed escalation and attraction building on the dance floor. Escalation, although powerful, is not that simple - there are certain pitfalls you can face, and we will be addressing the following three of those today:

  • Her friends cockblocking

  • Her not feeling comfortable being touched publicly (afraid of how others will judge her)

  • Her need of you being accepted by her friends


We address these issues by first learning how to deal with her friends on the dance floor, and then learning how to isolate her when the time was right.

General resistance, either caused by anti-slut defense or lack of attraction, is the topic we will be dealing with next week.

Using Your Reputation to Sleep with Lots of Girls

Darius Bright's picture

I messed up…

In a social circle where the stakes were high I failed to be discreet. No, I didn’t go blab about what happened, but instead, due to too much alcohol consumed, I failed to isolate and we were noticed.

sexy reputation

But an interesting thing happened:

Despite a couple of women from that circle seeing us and this being the gossip of the year, my indiscretion didn’t reach the ears of parties that could’ve blown the whole situation out of proportion and make my life truly difficult.

Those smart ladies decided to make a better call than I did and keep my little secret. Would you like to guess why?


Keeping the social circle healthy in general was definitely one of them, but one crucial piece of the puzzle was that they, consciously or not, decided that they didn’t want me to be kicked out of it.

You see, until that moment, despite openly being a sexual man and with my image and actions clearly communicating that I prefer a promiscuous lifestyle, I still acted within my code of standards that I talked about in my last article and in general wasn’t a social risk.

On the contrary, a sexual, attractive man who is smart about the way he does his thing can actually be a very valuable asset in a social circle.

In other words, my reputation saved my ass in that situation.

With this article I’d like to help you understand the benefits of having the right reputation within a social circle and afterwards we’ll cover how to develop your reputation as a sexual man so it works for you, instead of against you.

Personal Standards for the Moral Seducer

Darius Bright's picture

One of the most destructive limiting beliefs that holds back many men is that having a promiscuous lifestyle in which one sleeps with beautiful women seems somehow morally wrong. To them, it seems that there’s something wrong with being attracted to someone and desiring passionate sex with them.

personal standards

It sounds silly when I put it like this, yet, unfortunately, in our minds this limiting belief rarely takes form as a simple, straightforward statement like this. If it did, getting rid of it would be easy.

No, instead it’s usually much more deceptive, and the result is that we find ourselves ashamed of our desires... we restrain ourselves from openly hitting on her and being sexual because we are afraid of public scrutiny, and when things don’t go our way, like she doesn’t reciprocate the attraction, just like a child who did something wrong, we feel the need to run back to our safe place.

The reasons why so many of us developed this unconscious belief that being sexual is wrong are diverse, but in most cases it boils down to social pressure to meet some very outdated norms.

But what if instead we operated in a manner so that deep down we knew that we were doing the right thing by trying to seduce her; by showing our sexual side? What if we knew that by leading the interaction towards sex we were also leading ourselves towards mutual happiness (or at least a happier state)?


Let me tell you that it’s liberating to play your part in the dance of seduction knowing consciously and unconsciously that you’re doing the right thing. Even more so, it does open up new doors, especially in social game.

Sadly, I can’t give you a surefire, step-by-step approach on how to overcome this limiting belief and instill in you a new one – every situation is unique and every man’s journey towards this goal will be different.

What I can do, is set you in the right direction by helping you establish a set of personal rules that you believe in: ones that will make sure that as long as you will abide them you will be true to yourself and in your mind you will be doing the right thing.

How to Mix a Drink to Make Her Taste Buds Pop

Darius Bright's picture

As I was slicing the lime I could hear them going “Mmm…” in a satisfied, flirty manner and then get giddy between themselves. Were they checking my butt while I was preparing the drinks?


But who can blame those pretty ladies – skinny jeans were working their magic and I’m fine with being objectified, at least in this manner.

But this article is not about skinny jeans.

mix a drink

You see, over the years I’ve experimented with and picked up quite a few hobbies that in one way or the other helped improve my romantic life. Learning about men’s style helped me transform my appearance, learning to dance (particularly afro-latin dances) helped with leading, touching, and making her wet on the dance floor...

And developing bartending skills not only made the line “come over to my place, you really need to try my legendary mojitos” that much more effective, but also somehow ended up improving my social life (don’t worry, I’ll explain later).

How to Develop Charisma as an Introvert

Darius Bright's picture

A girl once said the following about me to a mutual friend:

“You know, the best things about Darius are his deep cuts and his charisma.”

I must say, I was a little surprised. Not about the deep cuts part – since college I was known to wear buttoned shirts with an extra open button and I’ve always preferred V-necks over crew necks on tees.

Quick off topic tip: It works and it’s hot. If you’re of shorter stature be careful though, as it might mess up your upper body proportions and visually make you look shorter.

The part that I was surprised about was that she called me charismatic. You see, I’ve never been the talkative, outgoing, life of a party kind of guy, and back when it was said it was even more obvious than it is now.

Nonetheless, in her eyes I was charismatic.

introvert charisma

What’s interesting is that after that conversation I did indeed start working, at first indirectly, on further developing this quality – though “quality” might not be the best word to describe charisma. As you’ll see in this article, it would be more appropriate to call it a skill than a quality of your character.

As I got better at managing charisma, interesting things started to happen:

  • I would relatively easily find new groups and friends during my nights out (it’s not uncommon by the end of the night to realize that the group I’m currently having fun with, who are inviting me to after parties and the like, consist only of people I don’t really know)

  • Guys often will buy me shots and ask to drink with them (happens less frequently with women, but that’s expected)

  • And people in general seem eager to open up and share their stories.

For example, last time I was out, after ordering my drink, an unknown guy walked up and asked me to join his company of four ladies on the dance floor.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain that, not only does this makes nights out more pleasurable in general and puts you in a very positive state of mind, it also makes the subsequent steps of seduction easier (but don’t be fooled, you still need to make things happen).

With this introduction I first would like to refer you to another article, written by Ricardus, The 3 Things to Know If You Want to Be Charismatic, in which he brilliantly covers the core parts of what makes a man charismatic and how to be one.

I would like to urge you to read that piece first and then come back here, as in my article I would like to focus more on the specifics and strategies you can employ to develop your charisma and do this, even if you’re not a particularly outgoing guy.

How to Successfully Introduce a Girl to Your Family

George Russell's picture

If you want to catch and keep a beautiful girl, you need to be at the top of your game. And no matter how much you love your family, sometimes it would help if they were buried deep underground. The thought of exposing a girl to the circus of your nearest and weirdest can be truly terrifying.

introduce her to family

But there’s really no reason to be afraid. I’ll show you how to play this game like a pro, winning the affections of the girl and the admiration your family.

The key to success is realizing what you’re dealing with. Regardless of what you tell each other, every girl thinks meeting your family is getting to know “the real you”. Interactions with your family will make a deeper impression on her than almost anything else, including, in many cases, how you treat her when you’re alone.

This is a prime opportunity for you to attract her. When she meets your family, she’s ready to notice everything you’ve got going for you. Like how you’re manly and self-assured when you talk business with your dad, how you’re kind and sensitive when helping your mum with the dishes, how you’re hilarious when you tease your little sister, and how you’re boldly sexual when you put your hand on her under the dinner table.

Putting on this kind of show is going to take some serious preparation, not to mention skill. For a start, when is it okay for her to meet your folks?

There are two variables to consider:

  1. Is the time right for the girl to meet your family?
  2. Is the time right for your family to meet the girl?

The Magic Word that Gets You More of What You Want

Drexel Scott's picture

Good day, gentlemen. Today, I’m here to tell you about something profoundly simple yet tortuously difficult for some. Let me ask you something… what if I told you there’s one particular word in the English language that will get you more of what you want than entire essays of other words?

That with this one magical word, you can assert your boundaries, display your standards, and become a stronger man all at the same time?

You would probably think that I’m crazy… and most likely also want to know more! First I will tell you the word, and then we will delve into its dynamics.

The Magic Word is…

