Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Tactics Tuesdays: When She’s Not Ready to Escalate

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not ready to escalateSometimes, you’ll have met a girl and be talking with her, or you’ll be on a date with her, and you’re at that point with things where you would (normally) move to the next step.

Only, you try to go to that next step with her, but she’s not going.

She’s not ready for the courtship or the seduction to escalate to the next stage, and, thus, refuses.

Maybe you’re having a great conversation with her at the bar, and you suggest the two of you grab seats. Nah, she says, she’s got to stay at the bar.

Perhaps you’ve had a wonderful conversation on a date with her, and you want to take her home. Only, you make the invite, and she tells you she’d rather spend some more time at the café you’re at.

Or, you’ve met this girl on the street and walked all over town with her, but she simply won’t grab food with you or accompany you anywhere else... even though it feels like she ought to be ready to.

What do you do when it’s time to escalate... but she’s not ready?

Why Relationships Fall Apart, Part 1: Game-Personality Disconnect

Chase Amante's picture

why relationships failWith this article, I’m kicking off a new series called “Why Relationships Fall Apart” that I’ll make further installments in as the weeks go by. The first in the WRFA series is on something I’ve deemed ‘game-personality disconnect’. A comment from a reader named ‘straw’ in my article on “Why Women Misremember the Past” describes this perfectly:

Hi Chase.
As much as i dont have much problem with pick up and short term relations, I have found it impossible to maintain a longer relationship. It is almost as if suddenly my value dropped to zero. The pattern repeats itself all the time and its been going on for years now. At the beginning, women get crazy about me, the persue a relationship and after more or less 3-4 months there is a complete almost overnight shoft in the interest department.
Is it possible that I employ too much game at the beginning so they are attracted to someone im not? I may put on some game at the beginning which makes them pursue me hard and then the moment i get involved, usually after a couple of months, i show them i am involved and their interest drops, they start criticizing me, and its almost like eveything i do is SUDDENLY bad and wrong or ridiculous.
If yoy are in a relationship with somebody of course you show you care, what would be the point otherwise. Why does my value drop a couple of months after we enter the relationship?

The problem straw has run into is that the way you attract and take women itself serves as a screening tool, drawing in the women who are most attracted to that ‘style’.

Just like you probably have your own preference for submissive girls or feisty girls, and girls of an opposing style bore you or drive you nuts, women have their preferences too – and if you lure in women looking for one thing by behaving like it, only to revert to something else later on, for her it’s kind of like buying a ticket to a metalcore concert because that’s her scene only to show up there and discover it’s jazz (or vice versa).

Tactics Tuesdays: Attention Grabs (to Elicit Approach Invitations)

Chase Amante's picture

Here’s an oldie but a goodie from the bygone days of Fast Seduction: Jay’s (Formhandle’s) pre-approach invitation male approach invitation, which used the (rather exhausting) acronym ‘pAImAI’.

It’s a complicated-sounding name for a simple technique: behave in an attention-grabbing way that entices women to send you approach invitations.

pre-approach invitation male approach invitation

If you do nightlife often, you’ll likely have started doing this one on your own already.

If you don’t, and you want to make your opening easier, you’ll probably find it useful.

How to Get Started When You’re Socially Hopeless

Chase Amante's picture

When I decided to start gunning hard for significantly improved social skills in 2004, that was when I had to come to grips with how hopelessly miserable my current social skills were, and how hopelessly far behind I was socially compared to everybody else.

Some part of me enjoyed being the total outsider, because I enjoyed the independence of the man apart, the one cut off from society. I figured this would make my eventual triumph all the more poetic. It was only when I set about trying to bring that triumph about that I came to realize it would be even tougher than I’d estimated.

socially hopeless

What I quickly discovered was that even some of the most basic social rules were alien to me. What do people talk about? How do they join conversations and move between groups? How do they not trip over their own feet socially and look dumb and find themselves excluded?

I’d already developed a good wit and the ability to tell an entertaining story by that point, so I wasn’t flying completely blind. But general conversation – interacting with other human beings in a setting in which I was not the guy on stage, cracking jokes or spinning stories or showing off my musical talents, was unknown to me. And was most human interaction... I couldn’t lean on jokes or tales or busting out freestyles to help there.

So, this one goes out to the social newbs, starting off hopelessly behind everybody else, realizing the rest of mankind has a 10+ year head start on them in learning how to socialize.

Let me tell you what I did, and give you some suggestions about what you can do.

The Break-Up-Get-Back-Together Cycle

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

One of the cycles familiar to lots and lots of people is the break-up-get-back-together cycle.

If you’ve been dating before, odds are you’ve gone through this once or twice (or thrice, or more) yourself.

Here’s how it works: you and a girlfriend break up. Then after a while, you realize how perfect she’d been for you, and reach out to her to get back together. Or, you’re plugging along in your single life, when she reaches out to you and wants to see you again.

Then pretty soon, you’re back together. For a few days or a few weeks, it’s as great as ever!

break up get back together

Then things go back to the way they were before the first time you broke up. If you initiated the breakup before, you may start wishing you’d stayed broken up. If she’d initiated the breakup before, you may notice she’s become annoyed with those same things about you that precipitated the initial breakup in the first place.

So you break up again. A little time goes by, and maybe you get back together again. Then maybe you break up again later.

Here’s a question you may not have asked yourself, though: why do you do this? And why does she do it?

Obviously it’s kind of a silly nonsense dance, isn’t it?

Either stay together, or stay broken up, right?

Yet you aren’t doing that. But why?

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Pick Up Girls at the Airport

Chase Amante's picture

pick up a girl in the airportA month or so back, below my article “Tactics Tuesdays: Hugs, Handclasps, and Arm-on-Shoulders”, a commenter named Magenta asked about how to pick up girls at the airport:

Hi Chase,

Can you do an article on Aiport game? Such as how do I approach/connect with women who are traveling to/from, waiting at the airport lounge, waiting in line for security checks, etc....type of conversation to have and figuring out logistics of what is possible/not possible.


I’m a pretty big fan of any kind of transit game, as I’ve talked about before in “Meeting Women on Buses, Trains, and Airplanes.” Transit has a lot of nice things going for it, including:

  • She’s usually going to be by herself
  • She’s in an ‘active’ or ‘alert’ mood because she’s waiting for her conveyance
  • However, she’s also sitting there with nothing to do while she waits
  • And, you have an instant social context, so speaking is low pressure

Airports offer the further plusses that she’s on a big adventure, so likely to feel excited and perked up (unless this is yet another business trip she’s made 1,000 times), and grant you an instant value boost – if you’re traveling, whether for work or pleasure, she assumes you have money and are likely somewhat ‘important’. You’re also more likely to lead an interesting life. And, you get an instant commonality – you’re both travelers, something that immediately separates you both from ‘regular people’ (you and her, against the world).

In this article, I’ll talk about my approach to picking up girls in airports: preparation, execution, logistics, and whether to grab numbers or try for something then and there.

Picking Up Girls in Nightclubs: Is It Worth Your Time?

Chase Amante's picture

The loud, pulsing base. Darkness. Strobe lights.

Girls out in packs, dressed up in skimpy, sequined outfits gyrating their hips on the dance floor or hovering about the bar, expressions of bored aloofness plastered across their faces.

picking up girls in nightclubs

Men wafting about in button-down shirts, buying drinks for themselves and their buddies, offering drinks to girls, slurring out lame, corny pickup lines and aggressive-but-clumsy attempts to feel her up later on in the night.

Tall, muscle-bound doormen looming over everything, the imminent threat of violent removal if you step out of line.

Silver-tongued bartenders serving infinite streams of patrons while stripping women away from their boyfriends or the men trying to pick them up with the ease of the years of day-in, day-out training in the nightlife environment.

The VIP section, empty sometimes, other times crowded with men and women sometimes laughing and drinking, but more often looking out over the rest of the nightclub and wondering how to get that fun to come to them.

For several decades the nightclub’s towered as Western society’s ultimate proving ground for the man on prowl: if he can pick up women here – here, where they look their best; where other men gather in droves to take their chances with them; where their walls are up higher than anywhere else... surely, this man is a true ladies man.

Yet how much of that is reality, and how much simply commercial fantasy?

Are nightclubs simply used as a convenient proxy by the media for “mate value”?

And, should you spend your time in them... or are they a waste of time?

Girls Chase Podcast Interviews Ep. 8: Nick Glover

Chase Amante's picture

Nick Glover (who posts as PrettyDecent on our forums) talks to host Varoon Raja about his journey from sexual inexperience to consistently good with girls. Along the way, he takes time to discuss sexual tension, including how to use it right and what

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Isolate a Girl Away from Her Friends

Chase Amante's picture

If you read the articles on here (and especially if you read Alek’s articles – he discusses this one regularly), you’ve no doubt come across the tactic of isolation.

The word isolation describes the act or state of being cut off or removed from others. That might sound like something nefarious, but its use here is far more practical:

Isolation is the art of getting a girl away from her friends, from people who know her, or from people in general, so that you and her can get to know one another more privately and ramp up the connection between you.

how to isolate a girl

This is obviously most applicable in social venues (bars and nightclubs, parties, barbecues, girls you meet on vacation, etc.), however you’ll sometimes find yourself needing to isolate in traditionally non-social places (for instance, say you meet a girl in a crowded airport terminal, or in a busy café).

Assuming you are isolating women who find you attractive (and you will have an outlandishly hard time isolating women who do not), they want this too, enjoy this, and before you do it often will be hoping that, somehow, they end up somewhere one-on-one with you without their friends, much as they adore them, sticking their noses in or craning their necks around to hear what you are saying better.

Today’s article is all about isolation: how to isolate a girl, different ways you can generate isolation scenarios, and what you can do in the case where for whatever reason you can’t pull her off somewhere more private just yet, but you’re nonetheless at the deadline to create some one-on-one time with her.

Self-Cultivation; or, the Art of Checking Off Boxes

Chase Amante's picture

Over on our discussion forum, member Sneaky_Charm asks for help getting “unstuck” and making progress again:

I realize that I’m looking for an easy fix, and in a way, trying to justify my laziness. As if looking for some magic! But, at the same time, I’ve read enough books to understand that self-image is a very real thing.

Chase, I know you said in one article that you were in the same place for years, and then your life started to change. So what did you do? Did you do anything, or it just happened?

He says he knows “the biggest problem is taking action.” Yet, he’s still not taking enough. How do you stop running underwater when you’re not taking sufficient action in the first place?


Well, part of it’s just internal motivation. Sometimes until you really crater, you won’t feel sufficiently motivated to really step it up. Or sometimes you catch a lucky break (or perhaps you caused that break yourself by feeling around and exploring and testing stuff out) and you get a taste of what your true potential is or could be, and that’s all the motivation you need after that.

In my case, both sides played a role: I made rock bottom my home for a good long while and finally had enough of it, and then I managed to string together a bunch of lucky breaks over a period of time that gradually gave me tastes of what was waiting for me if I busted my tail. A beautiful girl unexpectedly gives me her phone number; I see a guy who’s light years better than me with girls, and watch him work, and understand. And I say to myself, “I can do this.”

But the art of self-cultivation can be boiled down to a simpler, and different, formula than just internal motivation + luck. We can also boil it down to this: draw some boxes, then start checking them off.