Don't Let Your Approaches/Courtships Be Adversarial
If you get your hackles up, or start to feel defensive, it’s easy
to turn adversarial on dates and in conversations. Yet do this, and you
will quick run into walls with women...
Here’s an insidious problem it’s easy to overlook.
Sometimes if you hit the bars, or the street, or a party, and your first few approaches don’t go well, and you pick up a couple rejections, you can start to sour on the whole ‘chat up new girls’ thing.
1. The Problem with ‘Adversarial’
2. Being Less Adversarial with Girls
Or sometimes if you have a history of rejection... or you’ve been reading too much anger-inducing content on the Internet... or you’ve just had a terrible day in general... this can happen.
Basically: you start to expect the worst, and either bristle for it, go in adversarially, or both.
And when a woman talks to you, she can feel it: you’re defensive, guarding against rudeness, insult, or dismissal. And/or you’re aggressive, treating her like an opponent whose defenses and objections you must ‘beat’, instead of as a friend you’d like to help lead around those objections (and into bed).
Yet the more adversarial you let your approach become, the worse it will usually do.
You need to not do this to make things work better with girls.