Harmful Mindsets | Girls Chase

Harmful Mindsets

Effort Aversion: Or, Why You Don't Work Hard and Get Laid

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 17, 2013

Effort aversion is a natural tendency people employ to conserve their energy – but it also leads to self-improvement projects falling by the wayside.

effort aversion

How to Vanquish Fear the Moment It Crops Up

Colt Williams's picture

By: Colt Williams

Nov 11, 2013

How you overcome fear when it crops up is pivotal to your success living outside the box – but overcoming your own fear is no easy task to master.

how to overcome fear

Why to Throw Out the 1-to-10 Scale for Rating Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Oct 2, 2013

The 1-to-10 scale is a simple and popular way of rating women’s looks – but it’s destroying your ability to get with the most gorgeous women.

1 to 10 scale

9 Terrible Excuses Men Use to Avoid Meeting Great Women

Colt Williams's picture

By: Colt Williams

Aug 28, 2013

She’s not THAT cute, or she looks high maintenance? Or maybe you just aren’t in the right ‘state’. These are common excuses men use to avoid meeting new women – and there are a bunch more, too.

On Entitlement: What Do You REALLY Bring to the Table?

Colt Williams's picture

By: Colt Williams

Jul 28, 2013

A wave of entitlement has swept the West the past generation or so... and it’s afflicted men as much as women. But what do you REALLY deserve?


Why "I Want to Be Liked" Makes You Unattractive to Others

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By: Chase Amante

Jun 21, 2013

You might not realize it, but you’re actually harming your chances with the opposite sex when you want to be liked too much. Here’s how.

want to be liked

Cognitive Dissonance and Upset Commenters

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By: Chase Amante

May 20, 2013

Why do people get upset when they encounter views that clash with their own? We look at cognitive dissonance, and how it works.

cognitive dissonance

Anxiety in Men: Where It Comes From and How to Stop It

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 28, 2012

If you've ever struggled with anxiety, you know what an obstacle to fulfillment and success this is; now, learn how to beat it.

anxiety in men

Why Chasing Women Doesn’t Work and Why Persistence Does

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 27, 2012

Everyone knows you shouldn't chase after women - but how do you differentiate between chasing and persistence? This article draws the line firmly in the sand; that way, you never have to chase again.

chasing women

How Victim Mentality Can Stifle Your Life – and Luck with Women

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Nov 20, 2012

Hidden in the recesses of many people's minds lies victim mentality, a thought plague of blaming others - and preventing progress. But you can prevent this from stifling you - if only you try.

victim mentality

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Complain to Women

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By: Chase Amante

Oct 18, 2011

Don't complain – get what you want, instead. This is the gist of this post, on why complaining to women is bad – and what you need to be doing in its place.

don't complain

The White Knight: Superman Syndrome and Damsels in Distress

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Sep 17, 2011

White knights fancy themselves heroes, but the damsels in distress they save never stop needing saving. Find out how to disarm them – and not be one yourself.

white knight

Just Be Yourself: The Worst Dating Advice Known to Man

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

Jul 27, 2011

Just be yourself is just about the worst dating advice you'll ever get. Find out why it's so very counterproductive, and what you should do instead.

just be yourself