How to Not be Needy: Small Scarcity & Big Scarcity
The other day, one of the advanced members of our Girls Chase forums asked me about how you root out scarcity in all its forms, and how to resist the sometimes overpowering urge to give into it.
Scarcity can spring naturally from the situations you find yourself
in, but it may also be engineered:
individuals (and organizations) who understand the value of scarcity can also use it to make
themselves more in-demand and attract higher value friends, mates, and
associates. It’s all around us, pervades what we do, and we use it on
each other, intentionally or inadvertently, non-stop. As you become an
increasingly valuable individual socially, there will be more and more
people who feel scarcity interacting with you (or trying to), and
usually there will still always be someone
or something you yourself
continue to feel it with or for.
Scarcity takes many forms:
You meet a girl who’s super hot and perfect for you and you can’t help feeling nervous around her and acting different around her
You reach a point in a relationship where you find yourself going back and forth over whether staying with this girl is what you really want, but feeling unsure whether you’re ready to give her up
You reach a point in a relationship where your girlfriend is clearly going back and forth over whether staying with you is clearly what she really wants, and it makes you feel helpless
You find yourself working a job that’s pretty good, but not perfect, and while some part of you wants to leave, another part isn’t sure if other jobs are necessarily better... and you may be safer just staying right where you are
You find yourself talking with a salesman who seems to be offering something you might be interested in, but he’s pushing you for a decision now and you’re not sure whether to take the plunge or beg off
In any of these scenarios and a whole lot more, scarcity, in one of its many forms, snakes its way into your heart and tightens its grip around your psyche.
Possibly on its own; possibly due to the machinations of those
around you.
Sometimes you may fight free from scarcity, yet some of the time it gets
you. And sometimes the end
result is okay and you get the thing you felt needy toward and the
thing turns out to be worthwhile, while other times you realize sooner
or later you
settled for something less than what you could’ve had... had you been a
little braver. Or you tripped over your own two feet in your attempt to
secure it, and chucked yourself out of the running in the process.
How do you combat the creeping feeling of neediness you get whenever you wind up in a truly scarce position, and instead remain calm, measured, and effective?