Girls Chase Podcast Interviews Ep. 2: Franco
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Girls Chase Podcast, with Varoon Raja.
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Girls Chase Podcast, with Varoon Raja.
Since my last article on the rebellious mind dealt with the concepts of uncertainty and unknowableness – topics which are always uncomfortable for us since human beings tend to be “truth seekers” who want a final answer (hence: science, religion, philosophy, etc.) – I figured I’d delve into a topic normally cloaked in unknowableness today too.
Specifically, I want to talk about the conflicts of interest inherent in romance and seduction, some of which are effectively irresolvable.
There are many simpler aspects of meeting and having relationships with women that are resolvable, such as:
These all fall into tactical, operational, or, in the case of the last three (or a particularly tricky situation on the first three), some degree of strategic.
However, there are problems in romance that are unresolvable because you and the girl simply have end objectives that are too different, or even in active opposition.
These occur at the romance equivalent of “high strategy”, and if yours and hers are diametrically opposed, then one of you must submit his wants to the other’s wants, or the relationship will fail.
I suppose I should caveat then that these are normally unresolvable conflicts of interest – from time to time, one of you may cave to the other and give in to that other’s desire for where the relationship goes (or where it doesn’t go), but unless one party abandons what is in his or her best interests, these conflicts do not resolve in any way other than you and her going your separate ways and meeting other people.
Unless you hack your way around them, which we’ll also talk about (a little later), rather than address them head on again and again and again like what most people try and fail to do.
In “When to Throw the Ball into Her Court (and When Not To)”, a reader writes:
“You have some vague guides on believing certain things as well as some articles on what you should believe. You have some important ideas like independence and having conviction spread out throughout your site. What your website really lacks though is a guide to psychological strength. What it is, how you get it, why its more important then fundamentals (or at least as important). Many of your articles peripherally address this concept. What do I mean though by psychological strength? A great question, I’m glad you asked. I love concision so I’m going to describe it in two words. Irreverence and identity. I believe that true leadership and independence only comes from uprooting everything that influenced you in your past. Deconstructing your beliefs. Consciously assessing all your beliefs and finally replacing your previously held beliefs with new ones. These new beliefs are what give you conviction in your life. You form a new belief in yourself, a self-concept, self-respect, and self-adoration. Finally leading to self-actualization. It starts with irreverence and a challenging mentality of everything and finishes with an identity.
I have considered writing on this topic before, but shied away from it because I honestly don’t think it’s something that most people aspire to.
It’s also not something I have consciously learned to any degree,
which makes me skeptical of its teachability – I don’t generally like
talking about things that in my case are more natural ability than they
are adopted qualities.
However, I suppose it’s at least worth having up for anyone curious for curiosity’s sake, so heck... why not talk about it.
Caveats out of the way then, allow me to present the psychological
qualities of irreverence, personal
conviction, and psychological independence – and how you perhaps may
develop them if you choose to.
In “The Ultimate Guide on How to Get a Girl Back”, Danny writes:
“This really rings true right now, I have been flirting with a girl for a few months, getting to know her and building quite a bit of chemistry. She works at a coffee shop I go to work on my computer. She had a boyfriend at the time, we met, who was shitty, manipulative and distant. We talked a lot and as soon as they broke up we said we should hang out, texted and flirted a lot more than previously, but she was always aloof about hanging out. In an attempt to show here I was not the kind of shitty guy she had been dating, I told her outright how I feel, that Im not the kind of guy to play games, or try and play the field, and she has been pulling back more. It seems like I came on to strong, and now she feels either disinterested or like she can have fun and Ill just sit there and wait.
In our last conversation, which did not go great (she didnt get mad, just wasnt as forward as normal) we actually talked frankly, said we were both interested in each other, but then she brought up just getting out of a relationship, always hanging out with friends etc. so, expressing both interest and disinterest at the same time
would be interested to hear thoughts.”
That’s a crummy place to be in. Really no fun.
However, the scenario is amazingly common: you see a girl dating a guy that you know is just all wrong for her.
She complains about him, she hates him, she despises him. She breaks up with him, gets back together with him, then breaks back up with him again.
And a light bulb goes off: if you can just show her you’re different from him, she’ll be yours.
As soon as she realizes that you’re nicer, or cooler, or more considerate, or even sexier, this girl will jump from his branch to your branch.
Then you try it, and... it doesn’t work. She doesn’t get together with you.
You tear your hair out in frustration, but it doesn’t help. In the
end, she starts dating another guy just like her ex, and your mind is
blown. Doesn’t she realize he’s
EXACTLY like that guy she just left whom she hates so much?
The reason this occurs is simpler than you might think, though: it isn’t because some mysterious force intervened, or the “timing wasn’t right”, or any of the myriad other reasons a girl will give you herself.
The simple fact is that she has a type... and you aren’t it.
“The ball’s in your court.”
You either love uttering that line, or you never utter it.
It’s a truly liberating line when you’re using it right – some girl you think likes you, or you think might like you, but who is being coy or difficult about coming out... you’re just going to fire that text off to her, and forget about her.
Or a girl you met somewhere social, but she isn’t accompanying you: “Come find me later.” Maybe she will, maybe she won’t.
These can be difficult things to say, and even more difficult things to adhere to, when you’re first starting out and chasing women is second nature. Even if you manage to tell a girl the ball’s in her court, you may find yourself texting her the next day anyway... or the day after.
And the other side is sometimes true too – you may find yourself shoving women off your plate too quick and too often, not wanting to deal with the sometimes-stressful dance that is seduction.
Perhaps that girl you told to get in touch with you later, who never did, would’ve gotten together with you had you persisted just a little bit harder in person or over text.
Drawing the line between when to persist and when to toss the ball in her court is a dicey call sometimes... yet it may determine the difference between you chasing after her and still not getting her, and you flipping the script on her and getting her chasing you.
One topic I’ve found coming up a lot recently in discussions with guys on the boards and in real life is that of avoiding what I call ‘over-gaming’... when a guy just spends too much time trying to convince a girl he is attractive enough, or that she should come with him, instead of just leading and making it happen.
If you’ve fully internalized some of the basic concepts on here already, like:
... there won’t be much new for you in this post.
However, if you’re still not firing 100% on all cylinders, this’ll give you another perspective at looking at an issue that guys in the intermediate level on up run into quite commonly.
I’m staying with Colt out in Denver right now, and we had an interesting conversation yesterday in which he mentioned that some of his friends read Girls Chase religiously, then go out to bars and refuse to approach girls at all.
The way he phrased this to me specifically was to ask me: “What do you do when you have friends who are trying to go the whole James Bond GC approach and look super cool but never approach?”
So, yeah, I get this. Approaching’s no fun. It opens you up to potential public embarrassment, since you’re going to get rejected more often than not. Worse, if your ego’s feeling a little fragile, or there are people around you’d like to think well of you, that ego or that impression might take a hit if you go out there, walk up, say ‘hi’, and get shot down.
But if you want girls, you have to approach girls.
The “super suave James Bond who just chills at the bar sipping a martini and just waits for girls to open him” is a kind of funny seduction myth that it’s nice to imagine yourself inhabiting.
However, it’s a myth, and no more. Not even Bond himself does it – his approaches are cool, and smooth, but he makes them.
This is something I see guys who are newer and even guys a bit more advanced doing. Most guys fall into it sometimes. I fall into it sometimes. “I’ll just wait here until girls gravitate to me and then dating and sex will happen.”
But nothing happens if you don’t approach.
Being unreactive to challenging situations is often the strongest option available to you. When a girl is testing you hard, someone is publicly belittling you, or things are just generally going crazy and spiraling out of control, the most nonplussed, nonchalant man typically wins: he shows dominance, control, and unflappability.
However, sometimes the calm of unreactiveness must be set aside, and situations simply need dealing with.
Sometimes the girl testing you needs to be set straight; sometimes person belittling you needs to be put in his place; sometimes the crazy situation requires you to place both hands on the wheel and make things sane again.
If you react in situations where remaining unreactive is ideal, you violate the Law of Least Effort and appear tryhard; yet, if you fail to react in situations where your reaction is sorely needed, you seem weak, fearful, and indecisive.
That makes things necessarily a bit trickier, because there isn’t a perfect one-size-fits-all response to every situation; sometimes it’s better to not react, other times better to react.
To know which one is called for, you must have a read on the specific situation... and you must be able not to bow to social pressure.
One of the first places guys seem to go when they decide they are going to really knuckle down and get good at night game is to the local mega club.
These places beckon like the meccas of pickup: the hottest girls, the wildest crowds, the biggest DJs, the coolest atmospheres. They’re virtual smorgasbords of women dressed to the nines just waiting for the right man to come along and sweep them off their feet. And if you’re a guy with any social status in the nightlife scene at all, you have to be here.
In most of the cities I’ve traveled to and lived in, these tend to be the places where most of the guys who are looking to pick up girls head to. And most of the guys you ask about venues will point you their way:
You: Where should I head to if I want to meet a girl tonight?
Guy: To XYZ Mega Club, of course!
Yet, there’s a problem you will notice if you spend enough time in these places.
That problem is that they are absolutely brutal venues to meet women in, and you will almost always fail – and quite miserably, at that.
I was just browsing a website where I came across young, sexually inexperienced men lecturing other men on how “lucky” they were to have a girl to wake up next to, and how, if they were in those men’s shoes, they would basically walk on water for such girls and do anything the girl could possibly want or ask... if they could get them.
In response, the men who actually got laid and had girlfriends
laughed at them and responded with things along the lines of, “And
that’s why you don’t have a girlfriend.”
In business, you find it’s of vital importance to be aware of the relative strength (or weakness) of your position walking into a negotiation – any negotiation.
Ideally, you’ll walk into a negotiation where both parties are negotiating from strong positions – you are strong, and the other party is strong. In this case, you stand the best chance at having a fair outcome for both parties (a win-win) because neither side will compromise on things that are important to them.
Also possible – but far less likely – are negotiations where both parties are weak. These will also tend to be “fair” negotiations, as they are alliances of convenience; however, they don’t happen so much because everyone wants to ally himself with someone strong, and this is especially true for the weak.
Lastly, you will encounter negotiations that are weak-strong (or strong-weak), where one party negotiates from a position of relative weakness, and the other negotiates from a position of relative strength. These negotiations tend toward being extraordinarily one-sided in their outcomes the vast majority of the time – they are net value transfers from the weak party to the strong party.
That’s because the weak party inevitably compromises far too much – he knows he has little to offer, and doesn’t know when he’ll get another shot at a deal with a stronger party, so he becomes willing to trade anything simply just to keep the stronger party around and, hopefully, give himself the chance to “prove himself” to said stronger party as someone worthy getting access to even the littlest piece of value back.
Yet these dynamics are not unique to business – they happen with people, too. And the easiest place to see them in action? “Nice guys” trying to get dates and girlfriends.