Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Let a Girls Chase Pro Plan Your Next Hook Up

Chase Amante's picture

It’s been in the works a little while, but we’ve just finished rolling out a revamped phone coaching platform.

Now, you can get direct one-to-one coaching from your favorite Girls Chase authors and have them tackle your biggest girl and dating issues with you personally, monopolize their times and pick their brains, and put your girl-getting on rocket fuel.

What to Do When a Girl is Late for a Date

Chase Amante's picture

late for a dateOn our discussion boards, a member named killerman has run into a situation where girls are changing date times last minute, or otherwise being late for a date. Here’s what he had to say about this:

right there’s one thing that’s really getting on my nerves these days, and it’s girls agreeing to a time but then trying to change it last minute, then being late. it’s really getting on my nerves, but the thing is how do I express it without coming across as an asshole? i understand that sometimes things crop up but sometimes it seems they do it just because they feel like it. i cant remember a girl turned up to a date on time so maybe it’s their way of testing out guys? like maybe they do it on purpose to piss us off then see if we’re genuine by expressing our discontent?

What killerman wants to know here is how to express your disapproval to a girl at having her change times or be late.

What I’d like to use his problem for is to answer, in addition to his own question, a slightly broader one: what do you do when a girl is late for a date?

Do you get mad... or storm off... play it cool... or hang in there and wait... or, do you do something else?

Introducing the New Girls Chase Roster

Chase Amante's picture

About a month-and-a-half ago, I put out a call for new writers for the site. We received volumes of promising and talented submissions – so much so that my email became completely backlogged (and I’ve only just recently carved through it all) and the team and I spent a lot of time reading and rating submissions from prospective writers.

The good news: we’ve got some truly talented folks joining the roster now, to help “pick up the slack” since my retirement from active-duty writing.

new hires roster

Today, I’d like to provide you with some brief intros for new members of the team, and a quick summary of articles we expect to see from them over the coming weeks and months (subject to change, of course).

The Ones You Go to, and the Ones Who Go to You

Chase Amante's picture

If you’re like most men, the women you end up with are, by and large, the ones who put themselves on your radar:

  • The girl who sits near you in the library or coffee shop

  • The one who dances next to you at the bar or club

  • The one who glances at you while waiting for the bus or train

ones you go to

These girls signal you, they toss approach invitations your way, and you get up off your butt and go meet them.

If you think about most of the girlfriends you’ve had, they probably fall into this category. Unless you’re a regular street gamer or mass approacher, my guess is most of the women you’ve slept with fall here, period.

Yet, are these the best quality women you can get?

Or are you missing the choicest fruit high up in the trees, for the fruit that’s easier to get, lying readily in reach upon the ground?

We’re Hiring – Come Write for Girls Chase

Chase Amante's picture

UPDATE: We're now closed to new submissions. Thanks to everyone who's applied!

Hey there,

Do you have a way with women, a skillful pen, and a knack for teaching other men to do what you can do?

We’re looking for a few exceptional men to come join the team to write for Girls Chase. We’ve got spots on the roster, and are looking to fill them – if you’ve been wanting to put your pen to the pad and you’ve got tech with girls that simply needs to be put out there, now’s your chance to show other men the ropes.

girls chase is hiring

“Get Laid on Tinder” System Available To Own NOW

Chase Amante's picture

laid on tinderI’m really, very, extremely excited to let you know that Colt’s Tinder system is now available for purchase, and his final presentation on his methods (and the system itself) is up:

Colt’s Tinder System + Final Presentation

Just in case you haven’t been following along:

  • Tinder’s just about the most promising, fruitful place to meet women we’ve seen in ages

  • Tinder’s also a NEAT place to meet women because it doesn’t just have the crazies and bargain-barrel chicks on it like you see with most online dating sites / dating apps, but – because it’s “trendy” and an “in” thing to do – it actually has scads and scads of attractive, sexy, regular girls on it too. And while some of these are looking for Instagram followers, many of them are extremely curious about seeing what all the noise is about and going on some Tinder dates (and a lot of them already are doing this)

  • Colt plowed 500 hours last year into decoding the rules of the game on Tinder and building a complete end-to-end system for himself (and now you, if you want it) to basically pipeline women by the dozens off the app and out into person, and from there into his bed

  • I’ve been working with Colt since last May or so on fleshing out the details of the program, and the past month has basically been nothing but Tinder for me – I personally pulled out all the stops to make sure this was as useful, and also beautiful, product as we could possibly create for you

Tinder Webinar #3: Post-Sex Retention

Chase Amante's picture

Colt Williams’s Tinder Webinar #3 is now online (and if you’re on the launch list, you should’ve already received the link). This is the last short webinar before we release the complete Tinder system presentation and open up the cart this Tuesday, January 20th.

Tinder Webinar #2: Using Tinder Efficiently

Chase Amante's picture

We’ve just completed uploading and arranging Webinar #2 in Colt’s Tinder webinar series – his second video is live. If you’re already signed up to receive the updates on the launch, you should already have an email in your inbox containing the link to the second video.

Tinder Webinar #1: An Unconventional Opener

Chase Amante's picture

After lots of nearly-sleepless nights getting all the pieces ready and a lot of hard work from the team, I’m extremely pleased to let you know that our new site for Colt’s Tinder program is up and running – and his first webinar is LIVE.

tinder webinar

In Webinar #1, you’ll learn:

“Get Laid On Tinder” System: What Should We Include?

Chase Amante's picture

All right gents, it’s been a while coming, but we’re nearly ready with Colt’s Tinder system. Apologies for the delays – I know everybody wanted this YESTERDAY, but I’ve been trying to ensure that when we get this one out, we make it good, we make effective… and we do it with style.