Articles by Author: Chase Amante | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Chase Amante

Is Marriage Worth Doing Anymore If You're a Man?

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTModern marriage seems to offer many pitfalls for men. Yet many men still marry anyway. So is marriage worth doing for men today – or not?

There’s an ongoing debate on our forum about whether marriage is worth it if you’re a man.

Marriage as an institution has undergone some extremely significant changes in the Western world over the past century. Indeed, it’s been changing for the past three centuries, but in particular over the past 70 years – since the first no-fault divorce law passed in Oklahoma in 1953 – there’s been a complete transformation in what marriage is, what it stands for – and even who marries and why.

In fact, marriage ALWAYS changes… and most of the ‘new’ changes to marriages have happened many times in history before – if not in recent history.

The changes marriage has undergone are argued to have improved it for many parties.

There’s one party marriage has not improved for, however: heterosexual men.

So, today, we’ll take a close look at what the changes to marriage have meant for men… and whether, as a man, marriage is something worth doing anymore.

Conversation Example: Repartee

Chase Amante's picture
conversation example: reparteeThis conversation example shows how to build flirtation, banter, and excitement in the initial Repartee Stage with a girl. Follow along & watch it unfold!

A short while back, a reader requested the following:

Chase, in HTMGC you say repartee is to be used after the opener and that it consists of push-pull, chase frames, intrigue and teasing.

Is it possible write an FR style article that shows these tools specifically being used at the outset during the repartee phase?

All the posts on these tactics only give mid or end-game illustrations of their use.

I've also read the conversation example article. It's awesome! Upon close observation, i notice that in the convo example post you skip the whole repartee aspect post opener and jump right into rapport hence why i'm requesting for an article where you specifically show how push-pull, chase frames, teasing and intrigue can be jumbled up together after delivery of the opener.

So all right; let me give you a conversation example with a fleshed out chunk of repartee.

If you have not read my prior Conversation Example, I’d suggest you check it out. That example takes you deeper into the conversation than this example will (we’re going to stop after repartee). If you want some real (verbatim) conversations and repartee between girls and me, plus the full chapter on repartee, check out that chapter and the two reports in the appendix of my book How to Make Girls Chase.

Keep in mind, repartee must be calibrated to the girl. If she’s responsive to it, laughing, into it, you can draw your repartee out a bit and have some real fun with her. If she’s the humorless type, though, you’re going to move through repartee pretty quick just to not waste time cracking jokes that flop / using tech that doesn’t ‘hit’. Some girls just respond better to bonding than they do playful banter.

For our example here, we’ll use a girl who’s responsive to repartee and gets into it – that way we can unfold a nice, fleshed out repartee sequence with a girl you’ve just met.

Why Are There So Many Single Men and Women?

Chase Amante's picture
so many single men and womenThere are 4x as many unmarried 40 y/os today than there were just 3 decades ago. What’s happened, and why are so many men and women single and alone?

In the same forum thread that inspired my last article about men who resent women, a separate forum member commented to ask:

Does this still apply when women reject all of their suitors to end up single? Many of the women who rejected me over a year ago are still single. This description could well apply to many single women above 33, say. Can we then declare that the woman's standards were unrealistic or that the criteria that she used to reject were unreasonable and harmful (to her own happiness)? Or would you still argue that she rejected all of those guys and ended up single because she has expectations for men based on her experiences with men the past and she didn't see comparable quality with any of her suitors? This could be a past chad boyfriend but even if she's a virgin it could be male figures in her family e.g. a woman might want a guy to be taller than her baby brother. In that case, would you make the argument that the suitors who got rejected failed to effectively compete with the guys/male figures of the past or would you concede that the women can be blamed here for their standards?

It's true; there are lots of single older women, and more all the time. There are also lots of single older men. There are lots of people in general who are not having committed long-term relationships, and even more of them (single and attached) who do not reproduce.

All this – people remaining single, even while older; people eschewing committed relationships; people remaining childless – are part of a broad sociological trend throughout modern societies. It is not just a Western phenomenon; the same phenomenon is occurring in East Asia, which has a very different society but the same exact issues.

If we want to understand the explosion of older single and childless people, we need to look beyond individual cases and examine broad civilizational trends to grasp what is really happening in human societies.

If You Resent Women, You're Blind to the REAL Dating Picture

Chase Amante's picture
don't blame womenMen who resent women miss one key thing: it’s not women they’re competing with for women! But who is it who’s REALLY responsible for making them lose then?

We’ve got a guy over on the forum talking about how he resents women because they have it so easy in life (his words). This is pretty common red pill / incel talk these days.

I get it. Men are frustrated. Frustrated people look for someone to blame. Women are the ones turning these guys down, so women are the ones they saddle with the blame. Is it fair? Is it unfair? Well, this is what humans do.

Normally I would talk about fixer vs. complainer mentalities here (Fixer: “I’m failing, so I need to figure out why and fix it”; Complainer: “I’m failing, and it’s all everyone else’s fault!” Guess which one of those two guys is going to eventually get what he wants, and which one isn’t?). Or I would advise men not to compare themselves to women, because men aren’t women, and comparison to women is getting oneself stuck in mental impotency.

But today I specifically want to discuss this phenomenon of men resenting women, because they blame the women for their predicaments as rejected, dateless, sexless men.

But it is not women who are ultimately to blame for you getting rejected.

I won’t even say it is ‘you’ who is to blame.

Nor is it fair to say ‘society’ is to blame for your rejection.

Instead, there is another culprit – a far more ubiquitous one; one you are doing everything in your power not to look at, to avert your eyes from, because he is threatening, intimidating, and makes you feel weak and small.

But you must know this foe if you ever hope to overcome him.

What to Do When She Wants to Reschedule

Chase Amante's picture
what to do when she wants to rescheduleA girl you have a date with texts that she wants to reschedule. What should you do? How to respond? It depends – on which of the 4 “reschedulers” she is.

Everybody’s been there before. You have a date set up with a girl, everything’s planned, and then out of the blue she wants to reschedule.

She might be really apologetic. She might have a totally understandable reason to postpone.

Or she might not apologize or give a reason for it at all… all you get is a curt “Hey I won’t make it. We’ll have to reschedule,” and that’s it.

How do you handle curveballs like these?

What should you do when a girl asks to reschedule a date?

Using Uncertainty to Make Girls Chase You More

Chase Amante's picture
using uncertainty to make girls chase youWomen won’t chase if they feel certain they can get you – or that they can’t. Instead, you’ll use uncertainty to make girls chase you… PLUS 1 more thing.

Do women chase men because they feel uncertain?

They most certainly do. In fact, uncertainty is one of the central features of chasing behavior.

If you own a copy of my flagship program One Date & The Dating Artisan, and you’ve made it through Module 1 on getting girls to chase you, you know all about uncertainty.

You know the large role it plays in chasing behavior. You know that if you can create it, you can compel women to pursue you who might otherwise never chase a guy.

In that same Module 1, you also have a broad range of powerful tools to create all that attractive uncertainty. So we aren’t going to go too much into the nuts and bolts here today.

Instead, I want to take a closer look at the concept of uncertainty itself and expand on what we talked about in TDA Module 1. While Module 1 covers the “how to do it”, I’d like to dive deeper here into WHY it works… just why uncertainty drives people to chase others, and what preconditions there before the effect kicks in.

If you’re ready to really understand what it takes to create an inescapable vortex of attraction that sucks in women inexorably in with intrigue and attraction, you’re reading the right article.

Let’s talk about using uncertainty to make girls chase you harder and more.

The Wandering Romeo and the Many Tribes of Lovers

Chase Amante's picture
wandering romeoJal Lamoree isn’t content with just one perspective on women. So he seeks out experiences, learns from different men, and explores womankind from a variety of angles.

Once there was a youth named Jal Lamoree who itched to know of women yet knew himself ignorant of them. Everywhere he looked, other men seemed to have clear ideas about what women were like and what they all wanted, so Jal decided to seek knowledge from the men around him.

He was in high school, in his third year, and his friends were boys who were nice and shared some of his interests in games and academic pursuits. Their group included no girls. These friends talked about girls, but always in an outsider way. There were girls they found hot, but “those girls were all sluts,” they’d say, before laughing and changing the topic. Jal laughed too, until the day he wondered how his friends knew that about those girls. So he asked.

“Well, just look at how Paisley Olson dresses,” one of his friends offered. “She’s always wearing skirts. Skirts are for ‘easy access’, don’t you know?” The boys all chuckled, except Jal. Jal was trying to figure something out.

“Yeah,” another friend said. “I mean, Lucy McCoy? Maya Adams? You think girls stay that popular not putting out?” The other boys chuckled again.

“C’mon, man,” a third friend said to Jal. “Everyone knows those girls are sluts.”

Jal heard what his friends were saying. But those girls ran in totally different circles his friends had no access to. He never saw them act slutty in school. How did his friends knew what they did outside of it? The few times he’d run into Paisley outside of school she’d been friendly and sweet… and she was always with one of her parents.

“Well, what about the girls who aren’t popular?” Jal asked.

“All sluts,” a friend said. “They’re either ugly or they’re sluts!” The boys all laughed – except Jal.

Tactics Tuesdays: Sexual Escalation Script

Chase Amante's picture
sexual escalation scriptWhat steps should you follow to get to sex with a girl? This sexual escalation script lays it all out, down to the timing of each move needed to bed a girl.

We’ve got a guy over on the forum who’s struggled to make things sexual with girls. He’s a mechanical learner who can follow rules but has trouble grasping the deeper purpose to them, and seems a little lacking in social intuition.

As a result, he’s struggled to find success with women – though he’s been on fifty dates from dating apps, he hasn’t bedded a single girl, and his efforts to seduce once back with girls at his place consistently fall flat.

For today’s Tactics Tuesdays installment, I’m going to lay out an example sexual escalation script you’ll be able to follow in a typical seduction. Even if you’re an intuitive learner this should still be helpful to you, as it’ll give you certain techniques and timings you might not have stumbled across yet. If you’re a mechanical learner I expect this might be a Godsend.

So join me and let’s follow along every step of the way as we lay out a path toward creating sexual arousal in a woman that allows you to sweep her off her off her feet and into bed!

The Uncomfortable Truth About Meeting Girls on Instagram

Chase Amante's picture
meeting girls on InstagramThe secret to meeting girls on Instagram is… well, it’s an uncomfortable truth. Can it be done? Yes. Will you enjoy what’s involved? Most likely not…!

One of the requests we see periodically from guys ‘round these parts is for a system to meet girls on Instagram. It makes sense at first blush, because pretty much anywhere else you can find girls, there’s typically a way to pick them up – even if most guys will never really bother to learn to do it:

  • There’s stripper game you can use to pick up strippers at strip clubs.

And as any guy who’s carved out a large-enough online presence for himself has found out, you can use the Internet to attract, date, and lay women – from adoring female fans to fellow influencers you actively seek out.

So there should be a way to meet girls on Instagram, you’d suspect.

After all, SOME guy is meeting them. These girls are dating guys SOMEHOW or other! Maybe even some guys who slid into their DMs?

Anyway, how can you make that guy those girls are dating be YOU?

The truth is, there are ways to meet girls on Instagram, sleep with them, and take them as girlfriends – but none of them are (as we shall see) quite what most guys asking for a way to meet hot Instagram girls hope…

You Can't Beat Fear of Rejection with More Rejections

Chase Amante's picture
beat fear of rejectionGuys who fear rejection from women can’t overcome that by getting more rejections. What they need to be aiming for, rather, is successes; victories; WINS.

A few weeks back, I responded to a reader named Zucchini with an admirable amount of courage and tenacity who, nevertheless, had run hard into a wall. He says:

For me, my biggest handicap was not being able to master fear. I genuinely tried to follow the advice. Years ago, I went out and approached a hundred girls, thinking "I just gotta approach to overcome approach anxiety! Confidence will naturally follow, right?" Then I burned out because I was so nervous on every approach I ended up ejecting early, half-assing it, or getting brutally rejected (those rejections STILL linger in my head as fears years later).

Ever since, he’s wondered why he’s so afraid, why he can’t overcome his anxiety, if he has too little self-control, if he simply doesn’t want it enough, or what the real problem is.
He studied courses, took trainings, mentored under coaches, and eventually threw himself back into the gauntlet for another pass:

So I pushed myself harder and harder. I was out in the field until my eyes would not stay open, my feet were blistered, and even walking seemed like climbing a mountain. I approached another hundred girls. I told myself I needed to push extra hard because I was so handicapped and weak. Most of time, I repeated the same mistakes over and over, not able to apply anything I was supposed to. Every failure reinforced this story in my head. Eventually, I burned out again, now even LESS confident of myself than before.

At the time of his comment, he'd just read my article on stuck man mentality, and realized he’d started thinking about his problem this way: as a special handicap he had, which other men did not have, that maybe made game impossible for him.

He says:

Now I have reached rock bottom again, and am opening my mind again. I came to the conclusion I am not fully ready to apply the lessons from teachers of seduction yet, so I have started taking advice from teachers in other disciplines - mindfulness, anxiety, behavioral therapy. Perhaps it is unwise to mix in advice from different sources...? I don't know. But I know what I'm doing isn't working. And I'm grateful to this article for opening my mind further and reassuring me that other people also have similar problems.

All this is good. I studied meditation and mindfulness before I started approaching in earnest (I used it to break free of depression). It makes a big difference.

That said, I want to highlight what was going on here with Zucchini (who you have to admire for pushing himself so hard despite crippling fear – lack of willpower is NOT his problem!). He’s switched up his strategy now, yet what he was doing before was trying to beat fear of rejection by, in essence, getting more rejections.

But you don’t beat fear of rejection by getting rejections – not usually.

You beat it by getting SUCCESSES.