Articles by Author: Chase Amante
Tactics Tuesdays: Approaching & Opening Groups of People
You’re at the bar, or the mall, or the beach, and see a group of people.
You decide you want to talk to them. Maybe they look cool; maybe there’s a cute girl in the group.
Either way, you need to start a conversation… somehow.
How do you open when it’s a group of people?
There are two (2) ways: one bolder, and one more discreet.
How to Pick Up Shy, Conservative Girls Who Don't Go Out
The online world is filled with men declaring that all women are out there hooking up constantly, leaping from one man to the next, and that conservative women are unicorns.
The reality however is that the median American woman sleeps with a mere three men in her entire life. 42% of American women sleep with two or fewer men. 21% sleep with just one man all their lives. 6% die virgins, never having been with a man. Why then does it seem like there’s a non-stop sex party going on?
It’s because all these women who aren’t out there dating, partying, and sleeping around are invisible. They’re not on the scene. They don’t actively date much. Most of them have very quiet social lives, or barely even any social life. Most men who are actively dating women – using avenues like dating apps or nightlife – very rarely run into girls like this. Because, again, these women aren’t active in the scene. The smaller number of prolific dating women, on the other hand, are VERY active… and it is easy to run into them a LOT.
I wrote this article to answer a question guys have been asking me lately: namely, where do you have to go and what do you need to do to pick up shy, conservative girls?
Tactics Tuesdays: Romantic Disclaimers
Let’s say you follow my advice and do your best to move faster with girls.
Just because you’re moving fast is no excuse to not mind social rules. You still must come across socially adroit even as you break society’s usual rules.
One simple way to do this as you ask things, invite girls to things, and make your proposals is with romantic disclaimers.
A romantic disclaimer is any bit of language you use to take the edge off anything you say that might otherwise be a bit improper. For girls who dig you but weren’t expecting you to move that fast, it can make all the difference.
10 Lessons from Drunk Chase to Help You Pick Up Girls
I talked to a guy the other day who asked me if it was hard figuring out what went wrong (when things did go wrong) back when I was first learning to pick up girls.
I said yes, to some extent, but I think I had it easier than many guys. I more or less started out my seduction journey with the VAC attraction model. That gave me a system for deciphering what was happening in a pickup and why right from the get-go. I also had a few other troubleshooting tools I received pretty early on.
Another thing I did while learning, I told him, was to “pay close attention to what Drunk Chase was doing.”
Back in the day, I used to be a pretty heavy drinker. A lot of guys get sloppy when they’re drunk and do a lot worse at picking up girls. But my problem when I was newer was social anxiety. Me getting drunk made me fun, cool, and smooth. I’d often go out, get very drunk, and pick up girls… a lot more easily than I could when sober. One of my early wingmen remarked to me that, “You’re really relaxed and cool when you’re drunk. I wish you could be like that all the time!”
He had a fair point. So, I made it my goal to be more like Drunk Chase all the time.
After that, even when I was hammered drunk, there’d be a little ‘Sober Chase’ inside my head, observing what I was doing, and taking notes. “Oh wow, I can’t believe I just did that,” I’d be saying, as Drunk Me pulled off yet another wild thing with a girl. I’d be even more shocked that it worked.
The lessons I learned from Drunk Chase I then applied to Sober Chase’s game.
As it turned out, they worked just as well sober as they did drunk.
I don’t drink to excess anymore. I kicked that habit, fortunately. It got a little too out-of-hand at one point. I was putting myself in too many risky situations while drunk and had one too many close calls.
Nevertheless, I still learned a lot during that period, and since the topic came up the other day, I thought it might be fun to share 10 of the lessons I learned from ‘Drunk Chase’ about how to better pick up girls.