7 Reasons Why Your Approaches on Girls Don't Hook
If you approach girls but they rarely or never hook, what’s the
cause? There are 7 technical reasons why women may not hook.
Whether by day or at night, sometimes you’ll approach a girl yet it just doesn’t hook. Sure, there are the girls who aren’t into you. But what about the ones who open well, and feel like it should work... yet for whatever reason you cannot make things connect?
4. You Don’t Introduce Yourself
5. It’s Unclear Why You’ve Approached
My usual suggestion for men who have trouble getting their approaches to hook it to improve your fundamentals... things like walk, posture, fashion, eye contact, and voice. The stronger each of these are, the faster and more reliably women hook.
Nevertheless, even men with strong fundamentals can run into this
“girls I approach just don’t hook” phenomenon. They approach plenty
of girls. But those approaches go
So if you feel like your approaches connect a lot less than they should, this troubleshooting article’s for you: things to tweak to make those conversations hook a whole lot better.
Below, you’ll find seven (7) technical reasons why men’s approaches often don’t work.
If you’re doing any of these wrong, you’ll want to switch it up. Fix all the issues, and you can expect a noticeable boost in the number of women you hook.
Here’s the list.