Dating Rules | Page 6 | Girls Chase

Dating Rules

Learn the rules of dating.

dating rules

How to Avoid Getting Attached Before You're Ready

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

how to avoid getting attached
Most guys who learn pickup end up with a girlfriend, often very quickly. But what if you don’t want to settle just yet? These tips will help you avoid getting attached.

Finding that one girl you’d want to be your special unicorn and be with forever and ever is not easy.

I’ve dated hundreds of women in my life, and I still haven’t found “the perfect girl.” There’s no such thing as perfection. Even the most beautiful diamond is just a rock. And the closer you look at it, the more flaws you’ll find.

However, it’s my hope that every one of you finds your dream girl, and you travel to Southern France (or wherever) together and make a dozen babies.

Until then, I believe that every man should date a large variety of women. Otherwise, how will you know when you’ve found one you can tolerate, and even enjoy, for what may be the rest of your mortal life?

Tactics Tuesdays: Re-Seductions to Convert Your Fast Lays

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

re-seduction for fast lays
If you sleep with her too quick, the odds she sees you again go down. Want to raise them up? Re-seduce her once she's dressed and on her way out before you let her go.

If you do fast pickups, where you're sleeping with women very soon after meeting them, you'll run into a certain issue. It won't be much of an issue until you want to hang onto a woman. Then you have one you decide you'd like to see again, and up it pops.

The issue is that no matter how great a guy you are, when you are shagging women very fast, by default a lot of women may not want to see you again.

A woman may feel guilty about having slept with you so fast: "I'm not like that, I don't know why I had sex with him so quick," and this can make her not want to see you again.

Or maybe she enjoyed it, but she completely writes you off as a random sexy rogue (fuckboy) and has no desire to see you further.

None of this is an issue when a one-night stand is all you're worried about.

But it becomes an issue when you lay a girl you'd like to keep, then can't get her back out again.

However, there is one unique little tactic I've devised over the years that dramatically boosts your ability to convert a fast-lay into a girl who'll come to see you again.

Before I tell you about it, you should understand a few things about how people make decisions, first (and actually, I am going to give you a bonus tactic too... so really it's two tactics here).

COVID-19 Has Not Made Dating Apps Better

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

dating apps during COVID-19 pandemic
For getting laid during a pandemic, you’d think dating apps would be the obvious solution, but sadly that’s not the case. In fact, they suck now more than ever.

Hey guys, and welcome back.

Last week I wrote an article about why dating apps suck in general. I shared my skepticism. I believe it is an inferior type of game in every way, and it is the least efficient method of dating.

As I am writing this, the world is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic. Many places are experiencing a full or partial lockdown. The field is not what it used to be, if accessible at all.

During these challenging times, online game, including dating apps and websites, are not the first thing that comes to mind. But they are indirectly recommended by health authorities. Dating apps and dating websites are supposed to be our new way to meet women.

After all, it makes sense. You are not allowed to mingle in big groups, or to go to bars and clubs. If you are, it is usually not recommended, and there are limits due to social distancing policies.

So I get it. Dating apps are supposed to save us.

Despite hating dating apps, I saw them as a potential solution. At first. So, I gave it a shot. At least I had to try.

The results? You’d expect EVERYONE, including girls, to be active on dating apps and be eager to meet a cool guy like you or me. But the truth is, this was as far from reality as it could be.

I was never the type who was big on apps like Tinder. I did get many matches during a period last year when I was experimenting with dating apps. However, these days my results have been lower than usual, almost nonexistent.

I get very few matches. Perhaps 1 in 100 swipes. That’s quite a crappy ratio, especially when you have professionally taken photos and happen to not be ugly.

So what did I see?

  1. Many prostitutes

  2. Many girls stating that they were not answering on Tinder, but that you could add them on Instagram (for attention)

  3. All sorts of girls from across the globe (this BS called Tinder Passport, even if deactivated, you still receive responses from girls from other countries)

Let’s break down these three cases. Then I’ll share my theories on WHY dating apps suck EVEN more during the pandemic, and why you should spend your energy on other options instead.

It hurts me to admit that I’m not giving you clear solutions on how to seduce during the pandemic. However, I may save you some time, energy, and emotions to find solutions that work so you can spend your time on productive activities that are not seduction-related, but beneficial to your development.

Side note: I’m currently experimenting with new solutions on how to meet girls during the pandemic. I need more data before I share, but expect my upcoming posts to cover some solutions.

Without having clear solutions yet, things are progressing well. So stay optimistic!

COVID-19 – The End of Dating as We Know It, Part 2

Varoon Rajah's picture

dating after COVID-19
Mass unemployment has led to a rise in sugar dating. And if you can’t pay for sex, past lovers offer relief for guys unable to work their normal game in a pandemic.

Part 1 of this series explored how dating might change after the pandemic. While it is speculative (note: I want to be very clear, this is all speculation), I think there are important recent trends that indicate where society is heading, and how dating will evolve.

To be clear, there will not be a fundamental shift in how attraction and mating works. Game is game, what’s attractive will remain attractive, and what men and women want will stay the same. Women still want great lovers, great sex, great experiences, and great boyfriends. Don’t think that somehow because of the present lull, the mechanics of dating and courtship will never be the same again.

In many ways, I think dating will be the same, but some major trends could influence your opportunities and strategies to meet and date women.

Here’s what we covered in Part 1:

  • The disappearance of office space, and the rise of the work from home culture. Fewer people are commuting, with more on-the-go, flexible schedules, flexible travel, and home-away setups.

  • Potential depopulation, more affordable cities.

  • The decline of business travel.

  • Increasing reliance on online dating. If it’s not your primary method of meeting women in the good times, at minimum, have a functional online dating profile during the bad times.

Now let's cover the impact of COVID-19 and technology on dating. We’ll start with an interesting growing trend in the market: the rise of sugar baby game and sugar dating.

Why Dating Apps Suck

Alek Rolstad's picture

online dating apps
Dating apps are inferior to meeting girls in person, because they are severely limiting in regards to the seductive tools normally at your disposal.

Hey there. Today I want to discuss online game and dating apps like Tinder.

At the time of this post, the world is still under lockdown from the pandemic. Dating apps are perceived as the go-to way to meet women. We are changing and reinventing ways to be social. Last week, I shared my perspective on this. The conventional way of “rethinking” our social activities is through digitalization, and dating apps have become the new norm.

But who is vouching for these apps? The media, the health authorities, and others with little to no expertise on dating and seduction. So I felt the need to write this post, since I know many of you are following the current recommendations with using dating apps. I think a perspective from a Girls Chase coach would be a useful contribution, because, after all, we care about your results. Though we will keep your security in mind, it is your responsibility to watch out for your health as well as others.

Many points I’ll make will be valid in the future. I will begin by sharing my overall reservations with dating apps, then make a few notes regarding COVID-19 and dating apps in my next post.

Should You Flake on Her First? Well, There Are 5 Pros and 3 Cons

Chase Amante's picture
flake on her first
It's an old tactic, but you may not have tried it. Should you flake on your date first… before she flakes on you? There are 5 good reasons to… yet 3 cons to keep in mind.

There's an old flake-reduction tactic I first learned about 14 years ago.

The tactic is simple: you flake on her first.

This guy who told me about it mentioned he'd flaked first on his last six dates. Then he rescheduled his meets with them. Each of the six jumped into bed with him on Date #1. None of his dates flaked on him back.

He was still testing it out, he said, and couldn't confirm it was an always-reliable technique... but the early signs looked promising.

I filed that away mentally as an interesting anecdote, but not something I was bold enough to try at the time. At the time, I was only just starting out. I still needed to worry about getting dates in the first place... I was not in a place to start flaking on those dates.

1.5 years and a fair bit of romantic progress later, I had a date with a very attractive girl. However, I also had a lot of things going on. And I forgot the date. I was at a trendy upscale nightclub with a friend, and in the midst of talking to new girls, forgot I had one I was supposed to meet up with that night already.

Well, my date messaged. I saw the message, realized I'd forgotten the date, and told her I wasn't coming. Then she called. I had to awkwardly apologize and tell her I'd forgotten I'd promised my friend we'd hang out.

"So... you're not coming?" she asked again.

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I can't tonight," I said.

"... okay," she said.

I apologized again, and hung up. I felt really bad.

The next day I texted her, apologized again, and offered to reschedule. She accepted.

A few days later I met up with her. She was more or less ready to go already when I arrived. We had a few drinks at the bar, she was super flirtatious, then I pulled her. Two hours into the date I shagged her. We went a few rounds, and she was super sweet to me after.

I was... surprised how it played out, to say the least. "I thought she'd want nothing to do with me after I forgot our date," I thought.

Then I remembered that instructor's experiments 1.5 years earlier. 'Flake on her first' had worked for me, just as it had for him. And I definitely wasn't advanced at that point yet, either.

Maybe it wasn't such a challenging tactic to pull off, after all.

If She Tells You Not to Wear a Condom, Wear a Condom

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

you don't need to wear a condom
If a woman tells you not to wear a condom, should you listen? Well, no – while going bareback can be fine sometimes, you don't want to do it with girls like this.

Imagine this: you've just brought a girl home from your usual method of seduction.

Perhaps you picked her up at a bar. Or you met her elsewhere then brought her on a date. Maybe you invited her over off a dating app.

Things have gone well, and the two of you are now in bed. She's topless, and you've cleared her final hurdle of last-minute resistance. You peel her jeans and panties off, then rip your pants off.

"You don't need a condom," she tells you. Her genitals are spread open in front of you and you're about to go in.

What's your reaction?

Gonna strap up anyway, or you going in rawhide?

If you're a 'condoms always' guy, that's an easy answer for you, I suppose.

But what if you're a 'condoms sometimes' guy?

How do you know if this girl is one of the 'sometimes'... or not?

Dating App Gurus vs. Pick Up Artists: What's the Difference?

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

dating app gurus
More and more, guys who succeed with women on dating apps are claiming their way is the 'best way.' But do these guys have superior seduction skills – or are they full of hot air?

When I was a seduction neophyte, cutting my teeth on game, everyone agreed: online dating was good for a few easy lays and a little momentum. Nevertheless it wasn't where you wanted to hang your hat.

There were guys then who specialized in it. But the rule of thumb was, the more into online a guy was, and the less 'real world', the more of an introverted, and frequently kind of odd, guy he was. Online was its own unique niche... but nobody went around equating it with pickup. The two were different things.

Online and pickup/seduction overlapped in some ways. But online always only ever covered a subsection of the skills and tool sets a man learned in cold approach pickup.

Recently, however, there's been a sort of ideological schism.

With the normalization of dating apps, the number of men whose lays come mostly or entirely from dating apps has skyrocketed.

And, increasingly, these online dating guys are getting some rather large egos.

Should You Start Dating a Woman with Kids?

Hector Castillo's picture

dating a woman with kids
Have you considered dating a woman with kids? As the child of a single mother, my advice is to find someone else and avoid the many pitfalls intrinsic to stepfatherhood.

In my opinion, you should not date a woman with kids.

You can shag her, sure. Beyond that, I would not continue to date her.

The only exception is that you also have a kid you’re bringing into the new union, and you're both down to help raise children who aren't yours. In that way, the power imbalance is addressed, and you’re both helping the offspring of other parents.

If that recommendation upsets you, I’m guessing one of two things:

  1. You’ve been programmed to think stepfatherhood virtuous.

  2. Or, you lust for a woman who has a kid. Maybe you’re already dating her.

The only people who will say you should be a stepdad are those with an agenda. And I say this as a guy who was raised by many different surrogate fathers during his childhood.

My birth father was mostly nonexistent from the age of 2 to 12. I only would see him during summers after that. We have a good relationship now, but it’s taken nearly 15 years to get to that point, with drama in between that I would wish on no one.

I say this because it makes me immune to the most hateful responses someone might have about my stance on this topic, which I happen to know better than almost anyone. The only criticism that might strike me as genuine is, “You’re ungrateful for the love those men had for you!”

The answer to that is: no, I’m not.

I’m very grateful for the parenting attempts made by my many quasi-stepfathers (none ended up marrying my mother, except one briefly for a few months). They all had different influences on me. Some good, some bad, some mediocre, but I appreciate the effort they made if they did make one.

There are a few who had a significant impact on me, and I will thank them until the day I die.

One of them was an Italian chef. He was the first person my mother dated who truly acted like a father. My mother told me he is the one responsible for teaching her how to let my cry as a baby and not rush to soothe me. “Let him cry, and he will stop,” he told her. He even sat on her to keep her from rushing to me. He is still my mother’s close friend even to this day.

Another important man was a boyfriend who would later come out as gay. He had some degree of heterosexuality given he had a relationship with my mother, so it would be accurate to classify him as bisexual. My mother had suspected he was more gay than not, though, and after they broke up, he decided to follow that life. He was very, very good to her and me, and he loved us both very much. Even now, he is still a close friend of my mother and visited me on my birthday in Europe a few years back.

The most beautiful follow up to this story is that, after all these years, he still has a picture of my mother and me on his desk. When he’s asked about this picture, he says that if he had desired the life of a straight man more than his current life, then we would have been his life. My mother would have been his wife, and I would be his son. I think this is extraordinarily beautiful.

The third important surrogate father was as close to a stable father figure as I would ever have. Although he had a son and daughter of his own, we were more closely linked in personality than his own kids. You might say I was the son he always wanted. Karma brought us together for a reason because our similarity was insanely strong. However, he had serious personal faults that prevented him from truly being a man worthy of my mother’s respect. He lacked the skills to allow the relationship to flourish. I will say without regret that he was an amazing influence in my life and taught me much about what it means to be good, to care, to love, and to be a man. I love him deeply and wish him all the best in this life and the next. He is a good man with a good heart.

However, I will say this unequivocally: I would never recommend any of them to take on the role they did and attempt to become a stepfather. Even more so, I say this about the rest of the men my mother dated. Of them, none of any importance come to mind.

All those men, no matter how good their intentions, were going after pussy (except the gay one, of course; he might be an exception and probably loved me the most, as his heart wasn’t tainted by lust). For the rest of those men, I was a secondary concern. Even if they grew to love me later, I was not a priority.

Don’t get me wrong.

I don’t doubt some genuinely cared about me or loved me or wanted the best for me. Some clearly did, as I pointed out. It doesn’t change the fact that they still wanted to screw my mom. I know this because I know men. I teach them for a living, and I know their hearts and minds better than they do.

But I get ahead of myself.

Let’s look at why society lauds the stepfather and deconstruct its motivations so you can discover if you want to be praised for this act (and how this praise subtly motivates you to be a stepfather, even if you’re not aware of it).

You Don't Get Girlfriends by "Giving Them Stuff"

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

giving girls stuffCan you convince a girl to be your girlfriend by giving her stuff?

It's obviously not a strategy we recommend on this site. But LOTS of guys try to pull it off. So let's have a look.

A guy on Reddit talks about a girl who “let's just be friends”'d him six months ago, writing:

Earlier this week, I bought tickets for a musical next year that we both really want to see and she was over the moon. I really wanted to go with her but I thought maybe it could also be a good opportunity to ask her out again, seeing as it had been 6 months. She asked me how much tickets were and I told her, "Well, I was thinking maybe this could be a date. And in that case, no charge at all."

My friend told me she was sorry but still didn't have feelings, valued the friendship, etc. I told her it was fine and that I just thought I'd check in again and we moved on as usual. It hurt, but I was fine to just stay friends and hoped the feelings would eventually subside.

The next day, we started talking about the musical again. I mentioned the price of the tickets and she said something like, "Oh, I thought it was a gift?" I told her it would have been free if we were going as a date, but as friends, I'd want her to pay for hers. She got quite annoyed at me and accused me of trying to pay her back for not returning feelings. She told me she really didn't want to hurt me (and to her credit, her rejection was done as considerately as it can be) but this was really making her feel like I was trying to punish her for not reciprocating interest.

I tried to explain that I didn't mean it to come across like that, but these tickets were relatively expensive too and I just wasn't willing to spend that much on a friend. My friend told me she wasn't upset about having to pay for the ticket and she was always happy to do that, but she felt like this was me trying to get some petty revenge or even manipulation, that I didn't value her as a friend but just as someone I could maybe have a relationship with.

We see here the stereotypical nice guy / nice girl manipulation dynamic:

  • Nice guy pretends to be fine with being friends, only to keep trying sneaky tactics at moments he has leverage to try to get dates

  • Nice girl pretends to be surprised something nice guy offered her for free in exchange for a date is not still for free once she's turned down the date (and manages to get both tickets for free in the end -- see below)

In an update, the nice guy bends, giving the girl both tickets for free to invite whomever she wants. Meanwhile, the nice girl accepts the free tickets (of course... the actually gracious thing would be to say "No thanks, you keep them, take some girl you like instead" -- but this girl's not gracious), though says she will probably take the nice guy along. He's providing her free stuff and lots of fawning attention, without her having to give him anything in return... she is going to keep that going so long as it's still worthwhile to her.

While the whole thing is pretty cringeworthy, we must ask: does this technique ever sometimes work?