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Dating Rules

Learn the rules of dating.

dating rules

How to Get Your Dick Sucked (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Today, we gather to discuss how to get a girl to give you a blowjob. Why? Because we have penises and most of us aren't contortionists.

Nah, but seriously, it can feel awkward to bring up the subject to a girl you just met, or even a girlfriend. So, do you ask her? Beg? Send her a letter written in blood, pleading for some sucky sucky?

Let's find out...

Holiday Dating Tips to Keep You on Santa's Naughty List

Varoon Rajah's picture

holiday dating tips
Dating during the holidays is troublesome, but there are plenty of ho-ho-horny girls looking for a good stocking stuffer! Here’s how to add them to your naughty list.

Dating in December is unique compared to other months, and this makes it a very interesting time for game, yet also tough. While a guy’s game and a girl’s attraction to sexy guys stay the same, fundamental human dynamics of mating don’t change.

But, given differences in availability, scheduling, and girls out searching for men, December is uniquely challenging. These odd challenges can present many new opportunities with girls quickly, just in time to close the year on a high note.

First, let’s look at the drawbacks of December versus other months, then examine what makes December very opportunistic and fun for the pleasure-seeking man and woman. Finally, we’ll go over what kind of game style makes the most sense in the holiday season, a unique time of the year.

Mistakes that Make Women Screen Men Out as Sex Partners

Varoon Rajah's picture

screened out as sex partner
A woman’s decision to sleep with you is largely based on whether you give her a reason to screen you out. The solution? Stop making mistakes that get you screened out.

Men and women differ significantly in their mating strategies with how each screens the opposite sex. Men are direction oriented and look for women with the sexual qualities that they want in a woman. They have a knack for going after certain looks, features, or personality traits in a woman. Men screen for women who fit the bill.

A woman, on the other hand, operates quite differently and from the opposite angle. She looks for attractive men and evaluates if she should keep moving forward with a guy based on his behavior and presentation. Then she evaluates whether or not she wants that. So she’ll give him a chance until she is forced to screen him out. It’s usually a result of a mistake a guy makes that conflicts with her social frame, sexual desires, failure to interest her, or her biology.

The reason for this is because men primarily seek sex and women primarily seek relationships. Yet women live in a land of sexual abundance where they’ll always have men looking to have sex with them if they’re remotely attractive, but women find it tough to lock men into relationships because they can’t find one who is good enough and down for a relationship! This difference in nature is perplexing to a lot of men. I see this happen all the time. A guy sees progress with a woman and gets super excited about her and how far they’ve come along until she suddenly disappears, and the guy is left clueless wondering what happened.

Because of radically different mating agendas, men screen for women to add to their lives, but an attractive woman lives in sexual abundance and has many different men chasing after her, so she is forced to screen men out. Men’s sexual agenda is to mate with as many of the best girls as possible, whereas a woman’s goal is to find the best one and win him over for herself.

In the mating game, men screen women in, and women screen men out. And when guys make mistakes in the seduction, or they miss good opportunities, she no longer sees him as a contender for the best man, and he loses his shot.

Good Game Means Communicating like a Hot Girl, Part 1

Varoon Rajah's picture

sexy communication
Women respond to emotions better than logic, and when it comes to attraction and sex, logic just gets in the way. The solution: learn to communicate like a hot chick!

As a guy grows on his journey to seduction mastery, he inevitably comes to realize that much of “good game” entails learning to behave and think like a hot girl.

To curtail any confusion about the focus of this article series, I want to make it clear that women are attracted to men because men are men. This will never change. By “behaving like a hot girl,” I’m not saying you should adopt the personality or mannerisms of a hot girl.

The points in this series are separate from the idea that effeminate men have great success with women. Those guys are indeed deadly seducers; many pros are super masculine but have a strong feminine façade. Consider, for example, guys like Prince and Russell Brand, along with many musicians, rappers, and actors. Our very own Alek Rolstad enjoys great success having a somewhat effeminate persona.

So if you’re specifically wondering how to be attractive to women as an effeminate man, here’s the article you’re looking for:

On the other end of the spectrum, you have predominantly masculine characters like James Bond. Sure, these guys are super attractive physically, but what is it about their seductive prowess that puts them over the top?

The answer is similar to that which makes effeminate men so deadly: a deep understanding of hot women and how they communicate.

These guys, whether they are super masculine or effeminate, can communicate on a level most guys are oblivious to. So that’s what we’ll cover in this article series: the communication and social behaviors used by hot girls, and how understanding these behaviors and incorporating them into your masculine presence can raise your seduction prowess to 007 levels.

In Part 1, we’ll look at the elements of each behavior or quality to help manage a girl’s social frame. And in Part 2, we’ll discuss how to do this while maintaining your masculine edge, allowing you to connect to a woman’s biological core and spark intense attraction.

Let’s get started, shall we?

The Basics of Turning Dates into Sex

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

how to turn date into sex
You wanted to bring her home and have sex with her, but you ended up having another platonic date with no action. Why? It’s because these elements were lacking.

Ever worry so much about your approach anxiety or what to say that when you actually land a date, you have no clue how to turn it into sex?

It’s super common. Usually, you’re waiting for a sign that she’s attracted, a special laugh, compliment, or a submissive, coy gesture. And when it never materializes, you think “Oh, maybe she’s not that into me. I better not be creepy. I better take this slow.”

Of course, this means you go on three dates and never have sex. Lose-lose.

Want to know if she’s down? Assume that ALL WOMEN ARE INTO YOU. They just don’t know it yet.

The reason you fail to close dates? You fear mistakes. What if you say something “weird” or try to touch her, and she freaks out? But you know what? It’s either you take those risks or stay in the friend zone.

When you meet girls from day game, you’ll probably have to go on at least one date. Same-day lays don’t happen very often for most guys. And for most men, you won’t get laid even on the first or second date. By the third or fourth date, you’re solidly slotted as a “friend.”

If you want to get laid fast from a date, you need an effective plan and the right mindset.

In this article, I’ll teach you a basic guideline on how to take a date home and bang her silly.

Women with Small Dating Pools

Chase Amante's picture

dating poolOne of the things that dawns on you after years of cold approaching is that some women are much easier to date and bed than other women are. Further, it dawns on you that the factors that make a woman easier to date and bed are not always ones obvious to guys who don't approach a lot of women.

You learn counterintuitive truths like that very beautiful women are nicer and friendlier to strangers than mediocre-looking women are. Or that the most physically attractive women usually try to blend in more, while the most eye-catching women tend to be lower down on the looks scale but are far more deliberately flashy. You learn it's usually better to move faster than it is to wait around until some girl is 'ready' to date you (which, if it doesn't happen fast, most likely won't ever happen). You discover women have more respect for men who challenge them and ask them for favors than they do for men who go out of their ways to do favors for them.

You learn to look for signs a woman wants you to approach, as well as for signs you should stay away from her. You learn to tell how a girl shows interest in you and which women want you for sex.

Another thing you figure out, sooner or later, is how important the size of a woman's dating pool is to the odds you date or sleep with her.

15 Dating Lessons You Don't Want to Learn the Hard Way

Tony Depp's picture

learn dating
If you want to learn dating, the key is to gain experience. But you don’t have to learn everything directly. These pro tips will save you a lot of pain and suffering.

To learn dating and be successful at it, you need experience. There might be a few lucky (or unlucky) guys who married their high school sweeties, but for most of us, it’s trial and error.

But can you even learn dating to an extent that your life will be significantly improved? Yes, you can. And you should.

In this article, when I say “learn dating,” I don’t mean knowing whether to show up 15 minutes early or 15 minutes late, or whether to wait three days afterward to text again. I'm talking about dating a girl who’s addicted to meth, and now her drug-dealing ex-boyfriend feels you owe him a kidney.

To be clear, it's not our intention to feed your cynicism when it comes to women and dating, but to help you prepare for some very real situations that will seriously trip you up if you're not prepared. If thus far in your dating life your cynicism has boiled up to the point of overflowing, these articles will help you understand where women are coming from:

Either way, if you're looking for some great tips that will save you a lot of sanity, read on.

Tactics Tuesdays: Back-to-Back Date Scheduling

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

back-to-back dates

Dates can be a major stressor for guys. Especially if you don't have  a lot of dates, or you put pressure on yourself, it can be hard to get out of that. Going out to meet new women can also be a big stressor. You can put a lot of pressure on yourself to succeed, and get in your head about it.

There's a neat little way you can make both of these a whole lot less stressing, however. It just takes a bit of scheduling to do.

If you use this scheduling tactic, it'll give you other benefits aside from the stress reduction. It'll let you give yourself multiple chances to succeed with women on any given day. Further, it'll let your later interactions piggyback on momentum from your earlier ones... and your earlier ones relax quite a bit because you know you have more coming up.

What the tactic is is to schedule dates and pickup time one after another on the same day.

Don't Just Ask for Her Phone Number! IT'S A WASTE OF TIME

Hector Castillo's picture

Getting a girl’s number doesn’t mean crap. It means absolutely nothing.

You need to focus on something else entirely.

If you’re focused on getting her IG, Snap, WhatsApp, phone number… you’re doing it wrong.

I promise.

This is what you need to focus on.

Should You Expect a Falling Out After She Goes on Vacation?

Varoon Rajah's picture

relationship time apart
With certain types of relationships, don’t expect things to go back to business as usual after she returns from a vacation or is away from you very long.

Over the years as you grow in the game and experience more women, you see many patterns in male and female dynamics. Men and women have different agendas. A woman’s ultimate agenda is to find and keep a provider, especially one who is high-value (but still attainable) and one she can commit to monogamously.

Monogamy is virtually the only acceptable social frame for a woman as far as dating and relationships go. Other relationship models likely don’t fit so well with the world view held by her family, friends, and peers. So she most likely always has the monogamy goal in mind, despite what she’s doing with a guy or guys in the moment.

If you’re in a committed, monogamous, and stable relationship that’s going well (this is an important condition distinction), you might not experience the pattern I describe below. Similarly, if you’re dating a girl but haven’t yet slept with her, you might be able to avoid this situation. Finally, if she already has a provider, you’re just having sex, and she’s not emotionally intertwined, you can escape unharmed.

However, for nearly every other scenario, a girl taking a vacation without you equates to the impending doom of whatever it is you have going with her. I’ve found that when a girl you’re seeing takes a vacation — like a 1-2 week vacation to a faraway place — there’s a good chance you won’t see her again. At least your relationship can fundamentally change once she returns from her trip.

This concept applies mostly to these setups:

It’s also true regardless of how much you both communicate with each other during the trip. This naturally tends to dip a little during trips per the nature of the above setups.

It can be a strange phenomenon to observe. But we have to remember that when a woman sees you regularly, she feels emotionally tied to you, especially if you’re giving her a great experience.

This fades away once she experiences a little distance.