Dating Rules | Page 8 | Girls Chase

Dating Rules

Learn the rules of dating.

dating rules

9 Ways to Make One Night Stand Sex Good

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one night stand sex
One night stands happen either because that’s what you wanted or because the sex was awful. These tips eliminate the “bad sex” issues and make her want to see you again.

When women tell me about their sex lives, I repeatedly hear that one night stand sex usually sucks. Perhaps it’s rushed, sloppy, unimaginative, uncaring, or just not good for her. And that’s why it doesn't progress beyond a one night stand.

Who wants to have even more sex with someone you had a terrible experience with?

Personally, I don’t like one night stand sex. I want 10 or 50 one night stands. If I find this girl attractive, I want to call her up for a repeat performance any time I wish. The only time I want one night stand sex is if she’s annoying, not that attractive, or I’m passing through her city and have one night only.

The truth is, one night stands for men are hard to come by. That’s why there are books, YouTube channels, and entire digital courses dedicated to teaching men how to pull chicks. It’s never easy.

So on that note, let this be a guide on how to evolve your one night stands into a situation where you have the power of choice.

6 Things to Do with a Girl with a Bad Attitude

Hector Castillo's picture

bad attitude
When a girl has a bad attitude, does it mean she’s a bitch? Is she having a bad day? How do you deal with her and move forward, and how do you know when to walk away?

What do you do with a girl who has a bad attitude?

Usually, when you’re seducing a girl right, she'll be more like a teenager in love. Yeah, maybe she teases you a little and doesn’t have a problem putting her foot down if you cross a line, but she’s almost entirely under your spell. She’s smiling, eager, curious, and almost can’t control her giddiness when she’s around you.

But seductions are not always so perfect.

Sometimes an amazing romance can begin with some attitude. Maybe it’s you that caused her bad attitude or something else.

She’s upset about something. I mean, she is a woman.

In these cases, they’re usually irritated with something. It’s in their nature. But she’s also human, and people go through stuff. So a bad attitude doesn’t always mean she’s a bitch. She might be, but you don’t know until you have the experience to distinguish between a girl with attitude and a girl with a bad attitude.

As men, we lean toward calling her a “bitch.” It’s an instinctual disgust of women with too much attitude. We see them as unruly and unreasonable.

When a girl around me has a bad attitude, even if it’s not directed toward me, it irks me. And it should, to an extent.

You should also find it funny. I mean, what’s this girl’s ire to you? She’s just a girl.

But what if she’s your girl or you want her to be yours? Her crappy attitude can ruin the whole vibe. Unless, of course, you handle it right.

Let’s learn how to deal with a girl’s bad attitude, or when to know that it’s not worth the trouble.

Sex Fails: Avoid These 5 Mistakes Almost EVERYONE Makes (Video)

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Don't make these mistakes in bed. Don't. Don't. Don't. Good sex is largely about avoiding mistakes.

And these 5, you DEF WANNA WATCH OUT FOR, K?

Don't Listen to Those Who Say "No Sex on the First Date"

Hector Castillo's picture

first date sex
She’s not that kind of girl? Well, here’s a pro tip: all girls are that kind of girl. Those who say first date sex shouldn’t happen usually have ulterior motives.

I’m always surprised when men believe sex on the first date is unlikely, unnecessary, impossible, or even wrong.

I’m never surprised when women have this belief.

You see, when you spend many years with an enlightened view of women (like I and the contributors on Girls Chase have), it becomes your norm. Old and misguided beliefs you lost years ago or never had seem strange and foreign.

Sometimes men say they “want to take it slow” with a girl because they want something serious, or they might mention that she’s being a slut because she has sex on the first date. They might even say she’s a whore despite not sleeping with him on the first date. When I see this, I know that they are entangled in the Madonna-Whore complex, which is where this false belief originates. It’s the root of wrong views about quick sex.

Men lose so much from this ignorance.

However, when a woman says it, she has everything to gain and little to lose.

To understand why women pretend to believe that “sex can’t happen on the first date” and why men fall for the lie, we will go through what motivations a man or woman might have for holding this wrong view.

In the sense of good and bad, it has very little to do with morality and instead is about the morality of status-gaining and control, and mate-screening.

Women rightly want what is best for them. They want the best man they can get. If we start with this simple premise, everything about the idea of “not having sex on the first date” becomes translucent. We see an innocent idea as something much more.

When you see this idea for what it is, you will wake up to a new view of women.

It is a liberating view.

You will walk around the world as a hunter, knowing that you can screw any girl, and I mean any girl on the first date.

I don’t care if she’s a Queen or just thinks she is one on Instagram, you can slay her on the first date.

Now, why might a man believe this romantically pernicious idea?

Why You Must Break the Touch Barrier Early with Girls

Varoon Rajah's picture

break the touch barrier with girls
The longer you wait to touch a girl, the weirder it gets when you finally do. Touch her early and often to reap all the benefits of this powerful seduction tool.

On meets with girls, you have to break the touch barrier eventually if you’re planning to sleep with her. The longer you wait, the more odd it’s going to feel for her, and the more pressure there will be for both of you.

Imagine going on dates with two different girls. You spend the first 90 minutes on the date with the first girl not touching, then make your first move. But with the second girl, you touch her in the first five minutes and continue to have touch throughout the date. Which date will feel more natural to the girl? On which date will the transition to intimacy be smoother?

Long story short, if you don’t touch early, you’re dooming yourself to face a bigger uphill battle of comfort to touch later on. It makes all the difference if you establish touch early on. This gets her thinking touch between the two of you is normal and expected. It's comfortable and never comes as a surprise.

Generally, people make their first impressions of others within the first five to ten seconds of meeting. Additionally, the first 5–10 minutes of a date sets the tone. So, the best way to break the touch barrier is to do it early and quickly in your meets to set the tone.

I recommend, at the very least, touching her warmly when ending your approach set, and it’s also important to touch in the first moments of your first date, which starts the escalation. From the moment you greet her at the venue, the touch should begin as a form of physical intimacy.

Here's how to do it.

3 Classic (and GREAT) Threesome Sex Positions

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threesome sex positions
Many men dream of having sex with two girls at the same time, but threesome sex positions aren’t as intuitive as one-on-one play. This will help you go in prepared.

A few days before writing this, I filmed a video for the Girls Chase YouTube channel. The topic was how to get threesomes and what threesome sex positions to put the girls in during the adventure. It won’t get published for a few months after this article comes out, so I wanted to write this to give that video a cousin and teach you how to make your threesome sex the best it can be.

Obviously, this article assumes you can get a threesome. If you can’t, wait for the video or check out these articles:

However, if you can’t pull it off right now, reading this article might excite you, like seeing some high-level combo in a video game and you knowing that one day, you’ll pull that off in a competitive match.

Goals are always good. Threesomes usually don’t fall into your lap (but it certainly happens). You need to have a clear desire to make it happen. Only one threesome scenario I've had was initiated by the girls, and it was more like half a threesome (my girl does stuff with the other girl while I bang my girl).

That’s how I had a few threesomes last summer.

I told myself, a few months before summer, “You’re going to have some threesomes this summer.” Ask, and you shall receive. And I didn't even need a million dollars...

13 Things That Happen When You Date Experienced Women

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experienced women
Dating an experienced woman can be a treacherous yet incredibly worthwhile journey. You’ll experience heartbreak and pure ecstasy. Prepare yourself.

I have had the pleasurable misfortune of not only sleeping with many experienced women but also dating one as a serious girlfriend.

And by experienced, I mean promiscuous. She's sexually experienced and has dated lots of guys.

Of course, there can be another definition for experienced.

She might be older and have had a handful of long-term relationships (LTRs). Though, a girl could be young and still have had a lot of boyfriends, even if they weren’t long-lasting relationships.

And even if a girl is older, it doesn’t mean she knows much about dating, but maybe she knows a lot about life. Or she could know a lot about dating but was relatively unslutty and had one or two LTRs.

For this article, then, let’s have three possible definitions of “experienced”:

  1. Older than you
  2. Many lays
  3. Four or more LTRs

Four LTRs is somewhat an arbitrary number, but I’d say four that last longer than a year makes one well-acquainted with relationships (though not necessarily skilled).

And, of course, these definitions are not mutually exclusive. A girl can have some, none, or all these traits.

I’ll address experience via these definitions differently throughout this article in terms of how they can impact your adventure.

For You to Get Her, She Has to Think "I Want This"

Varoon Rajah's picture

make her want you
The goal of seduction is to make a girl think “I want this” with you. With a bit of knowledge and skill, you can choose what ‘this’ is and lead her toward it.

Women and men want to meet at least ONE person in their lives they're attracted to and find chemistry with, if not more. Of course, that extends beyond just one suitor and one lead.

Women are bombarded left, right, and center with requests from men in person, at bars, at their workplace, and increasingly online. Competition is fierce, and it’s common for women to have partner counts now in the double digits.

Despite having a dizzying array of choices, for sex to happen, it’s critical for a woman to get beyond just entertaining the idea of getting with a man and actually make the decision (consciously or subconsciously) to do so.

At the decision point, she's thinking: “I want THIS with this man.”

But “THIS” could mean any number of things, including:

  • A date
  • A one-night stand
  • A friend with benefits
  • A relationship
  • Some social value or a connection that could be meaningful

However, until she consciously chooses what "this" is, a guy can only try to lead her toward what he desires with her. We can’t force any girl to do anything against her will, but we CAN influence her to make choices that align with our goals, as long as she feels that those choices align with her goals. For example, if a guy wants a girl to be a friend with benefits, he does his best to frame himself as the kind of guy she'd want as a friend with benefits. He must show her that being with him in that capacity is something she consciously wants.

The key word here is “consciously.” If a girl wants you unconsciously, but she isn’t sure consciously, then have a look at our recent article series on Female State Control to see how this conflict can sabotage moving forward with a woman. If her unconscious and conscious minds are in sync with her desire, there’s nothing stopping both of you from getting together.

So, to separate yourself as the guy who gets her among the hundreds of guys chasing her without any luck, you must learn to make her feel that sense of “I want this” with you.

17 Places to Go on a First Date That Make Dating Easy

Tony Depp's picture

where to go on a first date
Your best chance to make things happen is on the first date. So, where you go on a first date needs to be simple and provide opportunities for intimacy and sex.

If you’re wondering where to go on a first date, you’ll be happy to discover that you don’t have to go all nuts about it.

At Girls Chase, we are in the business of getting laid, and fast. But this strategy doesn’t diminish the prospects of getting a girlfriend if that’s what you want. The date ideas in this article suit whatever your goals are with a girl.

So, what do the dating pros do? Dinner and Netflix? Horseback riding in Hungary? Spearfishing in Playa Del Carmen?

First, let’s set the stage for a first date. Why are you going on a date in the first place? What’s your objective? Are you looking to get laid, or just get to know a girl and maybe make her your girlfriend?

Either way, you should always be aiming for sex as fast as possible. It is scientifically proven to be in both your interests to cement your relationship with a bang before she can talk herself out of it. I can count on one hand how many women were upset that I aimed for sex too quickly. But I lament over the scads of women I lost because I went too slowly.

If she rejects your sexual escalation, at least she respects you for trying. You’re not another friend zone guy; you’re a sexual threat (a good kind of threat). She knows that if she spends time with you, sex will happen. Unless you want to be her buddy or texting pal, it’s important she understands this.

Of course, not all women are going to sleep with you on the first date. But plenty will.

When I say you should escalate to sex on the first date, I don’t mean you should be needy, beg, or whine. It could be as simple as asking her to “come inside” for whatever reason, to look at pictures, or have a drink. Or asking to see her apartment “quickly.”

I once banged a girl I’d met 15 minutes earlier by asking to see her paintings. She was an artist, so of course she wanted to show off her work. There’s always a reason to come inside her or your place (other than needing a toilet). Women understand that to be alone with a man in a flat means sex is more than likely. So let that be your first date mission.

After that, you can take things wherever you want, from making her a one-night stand or a friend with benefits to making her your girlfriend or wife.

Bottom line: all those outcomes start with sex, and these date ideas maximize your odds for getting the girl to be whatever you're looking for.

Good Game Means Communicating like a Hot Girl, Part 2

Varoon Rajah's picture

sexy masculinity
Good game means adopting certain behaviors that come easy to women. But to attract women, you must balance this by maintaining a dominant, masculine presence.

Welcome to Part 2 of this series about how to adopt certain aspects of female behavior to improve your seduction game.

In Part 1, we discussed the elements of each behavior or quality to help manage a girl’s social frame. Now we’ll discuss how to do this while maintaining your masculine edge, allowing you to connect to a woman’s biological core and spark intense attraction.

We’ll look at how you can text in a masculine manner, behave like the man she wants, and how to talk like an attractive, dominant man.