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Dating Rules

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dating rules

How to Use Your Phone to Set Up Dates and Avoid Flakes

Alek Rolstad's picture

phone calls set up dates
Calling girls on the phone is no longer the norm. But if you prime her for a call, it can save time, be more personal, and reduce the odds she’ll flake on your date.

Today I have a beginner-friendly article about something I rarely talk about – how I take phone numbers.

Dealing with flakes is a common topic we discuss in our 1-on-1 sessions. It is one of the most frequently discussed subjects on our forums and elsewhere on the web.

And for good reason.

I have been studying this subject for over ten years and consider myself pretty successful with women. Yet the issue of dealing with flakes was never fully resolved.

Many beginners think that the perfect text, with the coolest message, with the coolest frame, sent at the right time will help them solve the issue. I am sorry to tell you that this is not how things work.

So let's talk about how they do work and shed some light on getting numbers and avoiding flakes.

Tactics Tuesdays: Getting Free of Local Dating Norms

Chase Amante's picture
dating norms
Every group or society has norms it expects members to follow. These norms extend to dating and romance as well. But what if you aren't from the same norm group?

I've done quite a bit of travel and lived in a variety of places, all very different from each other, with people who were all quite different too. Everywhere I have gone, I have encountered many men who told me the women in whatever city or country I was in were 'traditional' and 'hard to get anywhere with'. Often I would have men telling me this after I had already quickly slept with several normal, local women, with normal dating histories (not wild party girls, sluts, or 'exceptions to the rule'). I never want to rub it in a guy's face, so usually I will just say "Well, the girls here seem pretty normal and not too uptight to me."

I am not the only guy this happens to. Everywhere I've lived or traveled for any good amount of time, for every 10 guys I meet who tell me the women there are 'difficult' or 'traditional', I'll meet at least one man who tells me the women there are unbelievably easy. Often these guys sleep with multiple new women a week, oblivious to the guys who spend months or years without girlfriends or lays.

I could spend 10 posts unpacking the differences between the 'girls here are hard to get' guys and the 'girls here are so easy' guys... and in many ways, this website is devoted to just this mission.

Today though, I want to talk about one specific wrinkle of the successful guys' success: playing dumb on dating norms.

5 Ways Guys Blow the First Kiss (Plus How Not To)

Chase Amante's picture

first kiss mistakesToday we're going to talk about how guys get the first kiss wrong.

We've had a slew of articles on Girls Chase about how to get the first kiss right.

It's a fairly long list:

  1. How to Kiss Her: kiss basics

  2. Manhandle Kisses: an aggressive, dominant kiss

  3. Can't-Miss Tips for Getting the First Kiss with a Girl: tips for the first kiss

  4. How to Kiss a Girl Like No One's Ever Kissed Her Before: step-by-step kiss guide

  5. How to Kiss Girls in Public and Have It Go Great: kissing girls in public

  6. How to Be a Good Kisser: 5 Steps to Confident Kissing: mindsets, techniques, and tactics for great kisses

  7. Tactics Tuesdays: How to Make Her Kiss You Back: getting her to kiss you back when you kiss

  8. The Kiss and Other Mouth Moves in Physical Escalation: using kisses to move the courtship forward

  9. Tactics Tuesdays: The 5-Second Kiss: kiss a girl five seconds after you first meet

  10. Tactics Tuesdays: Kisses for Good Behavior: reward her with a kiss

  11. 3 Legendary Movie Manhandle Kisses to Model Your Kisses After: examples of manhandle kisses in action, so you can see exactly what these look like

One subject we haven't delved into on kisses much though, is things to avoid doing with the kiss.

All those first kiss mistakes you can (and many guys do) make.

We've talked about some things to avoid here and there. But we haven't covered them all. And not all in the same place.

For this piece, I've compiled the top five ways guys blow the first kiss. They're all here in one place, for your easy perusal.

Note that I am going to leave out the most common way guys blow the first kiss, which is to not actually make the first kiss at all. Whether that is because they wait too long for the right moment, or they even feel the right moment but can't summon the courage to kiss, this is the most common way to blow it. However, we've addressed this mistake extensively in the other kiss articles (above). In this article I want to focus on things guys do wrong when they make the actual kiss (rather than wilt out of hesitation).

After we talk about each way to botch the kiss, of course, we'll talk about how to not blow these aspects of the kiss, too.

Here's the list of the top five biggest ways guys blow that first kiss (and how not to).

12 Ways to Make Sex with a New Partner Good

Tony Depp's picture

sex with a new partner
Sick of one-night stands? When you have sex with a new partner, you can make it mediocre and never see her again, or make it so good she’ll want to come back for more.

Having sex with a new partner is supposed to be epic, fun, and a gateway to more amazing sex. But often the affair ends after only one session.

Personally, I am not a fan of one-night stands. Approaching, mesmerizing, and picking up very attractive women is no small effort. It sucks to put in all that work for one brief sex session. So why waste it? Sex with a new partner should be good enough for a repeat performance, if that’s what you want.

I’ve had quite a few girls shag me then ghost. Why? Maybe they just wanted an easy bang. Perhaps they had husbands or boyfriends and needed an adventure. Women love sex too, and it’s not difficult for them to find it. So if you’re spending months or years learning how to attract women, you should also learn how to shag them with enough skill to keep them around.

When you’re having sex with a new partner, you want to give her an epic time so she’ll come back for more. A man who is great in bed is hard to come by. If you can be that guy, she’ll still be thinking about you at night, long after your first session, and you’ll start getting those “What are you up to tonight?” texts more frequently.

What to Expect on a Date with an Older Woman

James Anderson's picture

date with an older woman
This one’s for the MILF lovers! They’re fun, experienced, and know what they want. But a date with an older woman can be a bit different. Here’s what you can expect.

Age gaps in dating can make for an interesting and exciting dynamic for both you and her. If you’ve never done it before, you may not know what to expect on a date with an older woman.

That’s what we’ll be covering in today’s article. We’ll get into this in detail soon, but in a nutshell, older women tend to be a little more demanding and upfront. As the younger guy, that means you can benefit from some preparation.

The better prepared you can be for this experience, the more likely she’ll see you as a datable and shaggable guy.

Just so we know who we’re talking about in this article, we generally think of an “older woman” as being 35-50 years of age, as the mid-to-late 30s is when most women experience a priority shift and take on the traits discussed in this article.

Here’s what you need to know before you go on a date with an older woman!

The Girls Chase Guide to Getting & Staying Slim

Chase Amante's picture
getting slim
If you want to slim down for good, lose the fad diet. Don't even exercise (not for this anyway). Instead, do this: cut your portions, and cut bad foods.

We were talking over on the forum about how people in general have gotten a lot fatter. In fact it is to the point that people often do not notice it. And you are not generally allowed to talk about it in polite company.

Some years ago, we had a great article on men's weight loss here from Eric Reeves. The tips in this article are different from the tips in that one. So for good measure I suggest you read that one too; then just pick the strategy that appeals to you most.

When I went to university, I put on a lot of weight. I was reed-thin when I started school at 19. I was so skinny then one of the grizzled old roughnecks in the auto shop I worked at used to mock my walk, hounding me about "Why do you walk like that, man? Like you're some big guy?" I was just thin.

I began to lift weights hard in college to bulk up. I consumed a lot of protein powder (which I don't recommend anymore), but otherwise ate almost straight junk food. Pizza, French fries, potato chips, cookies, soda, and a couple bottles of cheap Nikolai vodka every month rounded out my diet. I was at McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's almost every day of the week.

I did put on a bunch of muscle, but I also added a big, sloppy gut, and got fat in the face. As this happened to me, I did not really realize it, and nobody told me. It wasn't until I started to spend time around friends and girlfriends from the third world, mostly after I graduated college, that I found out I was overweight. They told me right to my face: they told me I was fat and pointed out my big gut ("Look at that belly!"). I'd spent much more time around Americans but none of them had ever said a thing to me about it.

It still took me almost a year once I realized I was fat to actually start to lose weight. I'd tried to before I succeeded, but none of the stuff I tried before I succeeded worked.

This post will give you everything you need to slim down to healthy weight and stay that way.

It gives you the stuff that I found that works (simple stuff), and leaves out all the complicated stuff people try and fail and multi-billion dollar industries exist to serve.

Mandatory disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not professional medical advice. Before you do anything that affects your health you should go and talk to your doctor first. Just be sensible.

Always Go for the Girl Who Wants You

Varoon Rajah's picture

go for the girl who wants you
Sometimes we let good lays slip by because we’re too focused on the wrong girl. These real-life examples show why you should always keep your head on a swivel.

Sometimes we run into dating situations which fall a bit outside the box. You’ll be going for one girl – the one you want – but another girl in the vicinity will show more interest in you.

I’ve often seen guys trip up on this situation, myself included, and today we’re going to talk about how to identify this and how to deal with it so you still get laid.

The lesson of this article is to be flexible. If you are after one girl, and a better opportunity opens up that might result in getting a different girl – it’s almost always better to go after the new girl IF the original girl is giving you murky signs of interest, or if she’s passing you on to her friend as a set-up.

There tend to be two kinds of situations where this happens, and from my own experience they are mostly in social circle situations:

  1. A girl you like doesn’t share the same enthusiasm for you but sets you up with her attractive friend instead

  2. You wind up somewhere with a girl, perhaps a place where she invited you, but a new window opens with a different girl in that circle

Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that these opportunities tend to trip up guys who are not well-versed in social circle game or are not naturals. From the point of view of most girls, most guys are either naturals or pursue the social circle approach to meet women, which is generally true (although in this decade we can also add Tinder into this mix). So girls use the most natural means for them to set up their friends, or their friends themselves will pursue – but often the guys will trip and falter... and end up dry.

To Get the Women You Desire, You Must Take a Proactive Role

Tony Depp's picture

how to get quality women
Are you dissatisfied by the quality of women out there? Fact is, quality women abound; but they’ll never just fall into your lap. To get them, here’s what you must know.

As a seducer, pickup is your business, and you want to attract the most high-quality clients (i.e., quality women). In that way, seduction is like marketing and sales.

In general, businessmen want results, and not to just “get by.” They want to make millions of dollars, not just live paycheck to paycheck. They want a lifestyle that provides everything they desire, yes, but mostly they want to be free from worry – worry about paying bills, putting their kids through college, or taking a two-month vacation without risking their livelihood.

In dating terms, not all guys are satisfied with simply being able to attract and sleep with women. That’s where their seduction journey may begin, but as they progress, they find that quantity is no longer enough; they want quality. Not just in hotness, but in all the ways that make a relationship worth the effort.

Maybe they find that the women they attract aren’t satisfying them in ways other than sex, so they get bored. Maybe they find that the only women who will give them the time of day or stick around with them long term aren’t of the type or quality they desire... so they just settle, or they end up in a never-ending cycle of doomed relationships. Maybe they even begin to think that quality women no longer exist.

So in this article, I’d like to talk about getting results, but not in terms of just getting laid. Anyone can get laid, but getting real results means getting what you truly desire, right? If simply getting laid is all you desire, that's fine, but if you want to get a quality woman (or women) who will satisfy you in all the other ways women can satisfy a man, you might need to change your game.

  • You can have the most wonderful game or charisma, and still not get the results you want

  • You can have a positive attitude that Tony Robbins would be envious of, and still not get the results you want

  • You can be a master closer, collecting girls’ phone numbers at will, left and right, and still not get the results you want

  • You can provide people with great social value, good experiences, or philosophical knowledge, and still not get the results you want

Pickup and Seduction Styles: Which Will Work Best for You?

Varoon Rajah's picture

pickup and seduction styles
New to the dating, pickup, seduction world? Are you overwhelmed by the volume of information? This article will help economize your efforts in reaching your woman goals!

In my last article, we discussed how following conventional methods creates conventional results, whereas following an extraordinary method creates extraordinary results.

Too many follow conventional ideas yet expect out-of-the-ordinary results. Often this behavior creates disappointment and frustration.

A bigger issue is fear. People want to try new things but are afraid of taking the right risks to experience success that results from a tried-and-true system.

There are many different methods and systems men can use to meet and have sex with women. In this article, I’ll lay out all of them for you.

There’s been much debate in the seduction and pickup community about what makes for “great game.” Hardcore night gamers and people into one-night stands find the folks that go after online dating and consistent sex with low effort to be repulsive; meanwhile, the latter folks find cold approaching to be inefficient and inconsistent, putting in too many hours or effort for little reward. Then there are guys who commit to social circles and meet women through friends and their groups. And of course there are those who meet women and have sex by paying for it.

But which path is right for you?

5 Tips to Help Your Girl Enjoy Better Orgasms (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Every girl everywhere would LOVE if you knew how to help her have a better orgasm.

It's what women really fall in love with.

Not looks. Not money. Not charm.

If you make her cum hard, she will LOVE you.

You're the realest man she's ever met.

So, let's help her cum her brains out.

Here are some tips to give her a better orgasm and drive her absolutely crazy every time she thinks of you.