Tactics Tuesdays | Page 21 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: 5 Ways to Make Her Not Feel Slutty About Sex

Chase Amante's picture

she feels slutty
Sometimes you go for intimacy, but a girl stops you because she feels slutty. There are 5 major ways to help her past this: adventure, sexual expertise, urgency, and more.

This is an old request from the GC topics queue – it goes back about four years or so. A reader (who happened to have attended my alma mater) had this to ask:

Hey Chase, this was an absolute mind boggling article, gave a new perspective to things. Anyway, recently I went on a date to a local bar, Cafe 210 in State College if you know it. We stayed there had a few drinks and then I pulled her back to my place. I then made my move. I had her shirt and bra off, and then refused to take her pants off, and I tried everything to get them off but failed. She had the vibe that she was trying not to be slutty/easy, and was could tell she was experienced. This has happened several times to me with other girls. Im assuming I’m in BF territory, but any advice on making girls not feel slutty/easy would be great.

You might think at first this is just a last-minute resistance issue. And you can treat it as such. However, if it is a pattern, where you encounter this repeatedly when you get women alone, it’s more than just LMR. The LMR is only a symptom of the overall problem. Girls feeling slutty about sex around you is the root.

If you can make a woman feel comfortable being sexual with you, you will not face this obstacle. Sure, a girl may still resist sex with you for any one of a number of other reasons... you may not have turned her on enough, the environment may not be conducive to it, or any of myriad other possibilities may be the case.

However, if you remove the “she feels slutty about sex” issue, this reason for resistance goes away.

And it should be noted here that this goes beyond any boyfriend considerations. That’s because if she does not see you as a boyfriend, but she still feels like it’d be slutty or too easy to sleep with you, she will resist sleeping with you. And meanwhile, even if she does see you as a boyfriend, if she feels like she can hop into bed with you and it won’t affect how you see her or her prospects with you (and she has no other reservations about intimacy with you), she will hop right into bed with you.

The key, of course, is you must remove the ‘too easy’, ‘too slutty’ objection, first.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Show Vulnerabilities

Hector Castillo's picture

how to show vulnerability
Vulnerabilities can be powerful things to show the woman in your life. Yet you must show the right kind of vulnerabilities – and at the right times.

Men should be strong. They should develop a resilience to pain and suffering. This keeps your head up when facing resistance in any endeavor. It’s also very attractive to women. Women like strong men.

But women also like a man who is hard to figure out – a man who has layers.

Strength pulls her in, but what addicts a woman is vulnerability.

However, you need to show the right type of vulnerability, and at the right time. As a lover once told me, you can sometimes be the right guy at the wrong time. Choose the wrong time to be vulnerable or show the wrong type of vulnerability, and she will run for the hills, as you will have shown yourself to be a weak man rather than a strong man with flaws.

Tactics Tuesdays: Go with a Wingman or Roll Solo?

Chase Amante's picture

wingman vs. solo
You’re about to go out and meet girls. But should you go with a wingman or just roll solo? 8 reasons solo is good and 8 reasons a wingman is.

You’re new, but you’re excited. You’re ready to go out and meet new girls. But it seems a little scary, and you’re not sure how to start. One of your biggest questions: go out with a wingman, or go it alone?

We’ve discussed both solo and wingmanning before on Girls Chase. Both are very different approaches, and each offers its own advantages and disadvantages.

Today’s article is a direct comparison between the two. Should you roll solo to meet new girls? Or is it better to take a wingman along?

When you’re new to chatting up girls, this can be one of your big decisions: whether you head out alone or find someone to go with you. Yet even if you’re more experienced, odds are (if you’re like most men) you’ll have settled into one particular style... either you always/usually roll out alone, or you always/usually roll out with a wing. This may be the style you’re comfortable with – but it may not be the style that serves you best.

We’ll pick apart the nuances of wingmanning vs. going stag here, and help you better decide which style to use for what occasion.

Tactics Tuesdays: Kisses for Good Behavior

Chase Amante's picture

cheek kiss reward
When a girl does something good, you can reward her with a cheek kiss… and open up the floodgates of romantic and sexual potential.

This is a fun little tactic I’ve employed over the years that does a lot of good things for you.

The tactic is simple: when she does something you like, give her a peck on the cheek, neck, shoulder, or lips.

There’s a little nuance to it, because the power of the kiss will be tied to the level of investment she gives you. The bigger the investment, the weightier the kiss. The lesser the investment, the lesser the kiss.

I’m going to do a quick section to tell you why this is good. And then I’ll give you a few examples of how and where you’d use it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Conversations Where the Girl Doesn't Talk Much

Chase Amante's picture

girl doesn't talk much
Sometimes you’ll meet girls who won’t contribute to conversation. When this happens, you’ll have to step up and do the talking yourself.

One of our forum members by the name of Witcher had a few questions about deep diving, one of which was this:

Deep diving demand[s] from the seducer to ask girls a lot of questions, How to not make It look like an interview or audition? This is the impression I have doing it and It feels a little weird.

Of course, one of the keys to deep diving is that you not make it feel like an interview... which means past a certain number of questions, if she hasn’t begun to participate much yet, you need to turn your questions into statements. You can do this with cold reads (instead of: “What do you do for work?”, make it: “You look like either an anthropologist or an entrepreneur, I’m not sure which”). And beyond this, if she doesn’t get more involved, you will need to start to tell stories and otherwise steer the conversation with your own content.

The better your fundamentals, the faster you hook girls in... and the more likely you are to end up in conversations where girls pelt you with questions and/or open up about themselves from the get-go. Yet even if your fundamentals are in a class of their own, you will still encounter women who seem, for lack of a better term for it, ‘conversationally impaired’.

Could be she isn’t interested. Could be she’s not in a social mood. Could be she’s just a quiet person and not particularly talkative.

But if you find yourself in such a conversation, with a girl who sticks around and passes your compliance tests (so you know you’re not wasting your time on a disinterested girl), yet nevertheless doesn’t contribute, you will need another approach.

You’ll need to be able to run the conversation when the girl’s contribution is all or mostly absent.

Tactics Tuesdays: "I'm Just Kidding" + Touch

Chase Amante's picture

I'm just kidding
Want to walk back a mistake, or calibrate your sexual innuendo? “I’m just kidding” + touch is the perfect tactic to let you do so.

One of the most potentially powerful lines you can add to your canned line arsenal is “I’m just kidding”... followed up by a bit of touch.

This line plus touch lets you reframe all sorts of situations. It lets you rebuild attainability in an instant with girls who were about to auto-reject you. And it can amplify a woman’s intrigued confusion.

“I’m just kidding” plus touch was a crucial part of the old seduction community “Grand Master style” (which consists of extreme sexual directness with women, right from the opener... if you’re interested in this style, let me know in the comments and I’ll do an article on it). The tactic gives you an easy way to backtrack if a chase frame or sex talk goes a little sour.

Because it’s such a powerful tactic, there’s a little nuance to it. Get that nuance down, and you have an effective means to control the flow of a conversation and the flow of the emotions within it.

Tactics Tuesdays: 3 Ways to Make Women Undress

Chase Amante's picture

make a woman undress
You can undress her yourself. But what if you want to make a woman undress on her own? There are 3 ways: tell her to, use barriers, and take her pants off first.

I know you’re used to the ‘standard’ way to get a new girl into bed. Bring her home, kiss her, continue to escalate on her... rub your hands up and down her, start to peel her clothes off her. She resists, you persist. Rinse and repeat until she’s naked. Then, intercourse.

Today we’ll talk about another way to do this. Rather than you be the one to take her clothes off, today’s article is about how you can make a woman undress herself.

You can use this with girlfriends and new girls alike. It can help you break through tough bouts of resistance. And it can make the escalation process a lot more fun. Tired of having her take your hands off her or stop you from disrobing her? No problem. Get her to take her clothes off herself instead.

We’ll cover three (3) different ways to do this in this article. And in my opinion, each of these is more fun than the one before it.

Tactics Tuesdays: The Friday/Saturday Night Date

Chase Amante's picture

Friday night date
The Friday night or Saturday night date is one of the best date times you can get. But it’s also tricky to get – she may have plans, or want you to think she does.

You know my usual advice on scheduling your dates... go for midday if you can (11 AM start time), when she’s likely to have the whole day free. Or if you can’t, after 7 PM Monday through Thursday is good.

But avoid Friday and Saturday. Especially Friday and Saturday nights.

Why? Well, most girls are busy then. Or at least they’d like you to think they’re busy then. Any girl who’s read The Rules knows she’s not supposed to agree to a date Friday or Saturday night. Makes her seem too available, after all.

On top of this, you don’t want to seem too available. You’re a single guy. Shouldn’t you be out partying on Friday night? Or maybe hooking up with a friend-with-benefits? Having drinks with the boys? If you’re free on a weekend night – especially if she isn’t – you risk looking a little, well... lame.

However, there’s a catch here. And that catch is that if you can pull off a Friday night or Saturday night date, you get a date during the most sex-primed part of the week. It’s easier to sleep with girls on Friday or Saturday night. And if you get them out one-on-one with you on Friday or Saturday night? Hoo boy.

The art, of course, is how to get girls out for a Friday night date or a Saturday night date, without the seeming like the guy with no plans and no social life. That’s the real trick.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Make a Zinger of a Comeback

Chase Amante's picture

how to make a comeback
A good comeback can turn enemies into friends – or at least get them off your case. ‘Agree, then mock’ and ‘mock thanks/curiosity’ are two ways to do this.

In a comment on my article about dismantling condescension, Lawliet asked about ball busting, comebacks, and zingers. I’ll save ball busting for its own, separate article (it’s related but different). In this article, I’d like to give you a pair of formulas you can use to build your own comebacks.

When I was in middle school, I was my school’s Comeback King – not because I came back from any down-and-out situation, but because I had a rare talent for lacing together comebacks that stung like an eyeful of salt. I tried to use my powers only for good – purely for defensive purposes – but I always went out of my way to make sure everyone knew any attempt to put Chase down socially was going to lead to a complete, effortless, socially savvy shredding.

There are two primary ways I build comebacks. Most good comebacks the world over follow the same principles, and if you get these principles down, you’ll be able to build your own great comebacks with relative ease.

Comebacks are incredibly useful. You’ll use them with girls when they test you or bust your balls. You’ll use them with men who challenge you. You’ll use them any time someone tries to make you look bad or undermines you.

Comebacks aren’t only to defeat your social foes, either. You will find, quite often, that after you slap someone down with a salty comeback, that person’s respect for you and attraction to you (whether romantic or platonic) goes up. I have comebacked my way into bed with ball-buster girls and had men start who started off busting my balls end up as friends after I laid down a razor-tipped comeback.

There’s only one catch, and it’s the same catch as with all Girls Chase material: you’re going to have to practice this a while before you get very good.

But the good news is, you can start on that practice right away. Because the principles themselves are simple.

Let’s begin with Formula #1 of our two comeback formulas.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use a Time Bridge to Get Numbers & Dates

Chase Amante's picture

time bridge
Want a fun way to ask girls out? Try the time bridge. The time bridge lets you take anything a girl likes, and turn it into a date.

In old pickup community parlance, a ‘time bridge’ was any excuse you used to seed a future meet-up. For example, if you discover a girl likes arcades, your time bridge could be, “Okay, you and I need to get together and play Skee-Ball and air hockey. Let me get your contact details.”

A good time bridge allows you to seed a fun meet-up a girl is inclined to agree with because it matches what she’s told you she’s interested in. It works fine for girls who like you, of course (they’ll be inclined to say yes to anything reasonable you propose), but it works even better for girls who are on the fence. If she isn’t so sure she’d like to meet you for you, she may still be open to a meet-up with you plus some activity she likes.

There is an art to time bridging. Part of the art is that there are many things a girl might tell you you could use for a time bridge... yet not every item she gives you will equally well. Another part of the art is your enthusiasm during the ask plays a big part of how readily she gives you her contact info – but not necessarily how readily she actually comes on the date.

We’ll talk about both nuances, and a bit more advanced time bridge tech, below.