Tactics Tuesdays: Self- vs. Other-Pointing

A recent study examined US President Donald Trump’s use of pointing to connect with his audience. The study authors note
Results show that (i) inward points are associated with first-person references; (ii) outward points are associated with second person and third person/object references; (iii) downward points are associated with locative expressions; (iv) looping marks plurality and inclusiveness and (v) internal complexity is associated with expressions of number, time, sequence and comparison.
The authors further note that “Trump uses pointing in the kinesic performance of right-wing populism to entertain his audience, to engage with them more directly, to steer their attention and to align himself with them as a man of the people.”
While academia may just be catching up, the use of pointing has been with us since before we were human (apes, for instance, are known to point).
And one place we’ve long paid attention to the usefulness of the point is in neurolinguistics programming.