Tactics Tuesdays | Page 23 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: 7 Awesome Ways to Ace Women's Tests

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women's tests
Girls test when they want to gauge a man. But not every test warrants the same response. Here are the 7 ways to respond in the face of women’s tests.

Tests are a major irritant of many guys new to dating. Yet despite covering tests extensively, and giving you plenty of tools to deal with them over the years, I haven’t assembled a proper end-to-end guide on acing these.

If you’re new here or need a refresher, read these articles on tests (and why women use them) first:

The tests we’ll deal with in this article are lighter tests. i.e., put-you-on-the-spot type tests. The kind where she is not trying to reject you yet, but she is turning up the heat. For recovery from hard tests – where she out-and-out rebuffs or rejects you – see this article:

If she’s testing you in any way other than ignoring or rejecting you, however, this article will serve as your guide to seven (7) terrific ways to hurdle over her tests without pulling your hamstring.

You will notice as you read through these a common theme to all but the very first and, to a certain degree, the very last way: you respond to her tests by teasing her. She tests, you tease. She tests, you tease.

When a woman tests, what she’s evaluating is your reaction to her tests, to better gauge what kind of man you are. Do you flip a table over? Do you turn into a mound of jelly? Or do you brush her tests aside while you tease and flirt with her?

In all but the most serious cases (where she has raised a genuine problem), you’re best served to make light of her attempt to put you on the hot seat.

Now let’s unpack those seven (7) ways to ace women’s tests.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Do a Street Stop

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street stop
There are four (4) ways to meet girls walking on the street: the side stop, the circle stop, the wave stop, and the policeman stop.

You’ve gone out for a stroll on your city streets.

The sunshine’s shining, the birds are chirping, and you’re feeling grand.

Then, you see her: Venus incarnate. A remarkably beautiful woman headed down the street, right to you. You know you have to meet her. There is a pull inside of you that insists on it.

Yet, you can think of no good way to say hi.

She’s striding along, mind on whatever it’s on, not having noticed you one bit.

How can you reach her in a natural, attractive way?

The way you do this is with something called the ‘street stop’; that is, you will quite literally stop her on the street to meet her. There are many different street stops you can use. Today, I’ll give you the four (4) most effective stops I know of. Once you have these at your disposal (and don’t shy away from using them), you’ll be able to meet those stunning girls you see on the street... rather than let them walk on by.

Tactics Tuesdays: Make Her Come to You (on Dates)

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her come to you
When you plan out a date, it’s just easier to plan it for somewhere close to you. If you’ve been trying to meet girls “halfway”, you’ve been doing it wrong.

Short article. This won’t be anything terribly new or earth-shattering if you’re a longtime reader. But it might be a worthwhile refresher.

Was talking to one of our grizzled GC veterans whom I’d unfortunately missed a series of phone calls with. He’s a punctual guy, and I missed three calls I had scheduled with him in a row. I miss a lot of calls (I’m the worst at schedules. Punctuality is not my strong suit), but I’ve never missed three in a row with one person before, I don’t think. He felt understandably bothered/devalued by my missing scheduled calls with him. The first time was me being absentminded, but the second two missed calls were black swan woman-related chaos (I almost never have women derail my business or personal plans, and the only two days I can remember where I missed calls due to a woman were both days I had calls with the GC veteran in question).

Anyway, I felt bad, but once a call is missed, there’s little you can do. You are just that unreliable jerk who disrespects other people’s time. You are an asshole.

But it isn’t just scheduled calls I miss. I’ve long been very flakey about meeting girls for dates, too. I forget about dates, I show up an hour late, I go to the wrong place, etc. Sometimes it works out okay; I’ve had girls show up to the next date ready to go to bed after I’d stood them up on Date #1 (always by accident; I have never stood anyone up on purpose, and don’t expect I ever will). But often you’ll just never hear from her again. It’s not a reliable way to turn strangers into lovers.

So, as a result of my flakiness, I adopted the strategy I’ll review with you today: make her come to you.

Tactics Tuesdays: Adding New Girl-Getting Tactics to Your Tool Box

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tactics vs. strategy
Tactics are majorly useful to your progress with girls… If you use them right. But use tactics in pursuit of the wrong strategy and you’ll hobble yourself.

I’m going to break slightly from Tactics Tuesdays tradition today to talk about how to learn tactics rather than give you a specific new tactic. To do this, I want to start with a particular hardcase example from our forums, a kissless 27-year-old virgin named Nexus.

Nexus wants to get better with girls... Yet his approach to dating makes this next to impossible. His chief problem is, as we'll identify today, a purely tactical approach to dating, rather than a strategic one.

We’ve discussed the difference between tactics and strategy before, in the context of relationship difficulties.

Today, we’ll talk about tactical vs. strategic learning as you seek to get dates, get kisses, and get laid.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Proceed When She Asks You Out

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girl asks you out
When a girl asks you out, it should seem obvious what to do: say yes, right? Yet guys botch this one surprisingly often. Here’s how not to.

You’re in the classroom looking at your notebook, or you’re in the office leaned up against a cubicle wall. A girl you know stops by to say hello and makes a little light chitchat with you. You talk with her, it’s fun; at one point she laughs. And then all at once she tells you, “We should hang out sometime.”

“Yeah, totally,” you tell her.

“All right, I need to get back to work,” she says. “I’ll see you.”

“See you!” you tell her.

You spend the next week mulling over what to do. Should you walk up to her and ask her for her phone number? Should you go tell her about the date idea you cooked up? Should you wait for her to re-approach you and make something happen then?

The more time goes by, the more awkward it gets.

Finally, two weeks later, you bump into her again and tell her, “We should get some coffee or something.”

She says, “Yeah, just let me know.” Then drifts off.

Still, you don’t have her contact info.

The date never happens.

How should you have dealt with the situation?

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Tell Her Why Not to Sleep with You

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why not to sleep with you
If she starts trying to convince herself to go with you or sleep with you, should you correct her if she says things about you that aren’t true?

The inspiration for this post came from the exchange Davi shares of a scenario where he was just about to sleep with a girl he’d brought back home... Until he talked her out of it:

Girl: Look, I’ve got to go to work quite early in the morning...

Davi: Well, I’ll take care of it, don’t worry!

Girl: Oh yeah, you can take me with your car when you go to your regular work, right? Then, yeah I can stay.

Davi: I can call you an Uber. But no, I don’t own a car, and it’s just a student job, haha.

Girl: Really? Hmm... oh... mmm... then I think I should go home now.

At which point she left.

I’ve been here. I remember at one point a girl had asked me to swing by her friends’ place so she could pick up her cell phone. Finally, both of us in my car, she agreed to go back to my place with me, and was talking about how she’d get home in the morning. Then I said, kind of thinking out loud, “Oh wait, we still need to get your phone from your friends,” and she said oh yeah, I have to get that.

So, we drove to her friends’ house, there was an after party going on there, she ended up wandering off and making out with some other guy she knew there for a while, while I stood around awkwardly having drinks and trying to act natural and talk with her friends, until at last the girl I’d come with passed out on a couch, and I gave up and went home alone.

Shouldn’t have reminded her about the phone and just had her pick it up in the morning. Whoops.

All I had to do in that scenario – and all Davi had to do here – was keep my mouth shut.

I just couldn’t help myself though. I had to talk her out of sleeping with me.

Tactics Tuesdays: The Bonding Phone Call

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bonding phone call
The bonding phone call lets you build a stronger emotional connection with a girl you’ve just met. If you need a boost before the date, this is it.

In a comment under my article on over-the-top romanticness, Sadeqh asks about the bonding phone call:

Hi chase

Salut you for your ethereality that makes dating life more valuable.

I have to know what you do mean when you say bonding phone call because you haven’t really opened it yet not in your records on GC nor I could found it in your inscriptions anywhere else.

It’s like a lost necessary fragment that could fill the time you wouldn’t make a date because you are away or have not yet handled the logistics for reasons.

What’s better to say how to do it and other stuff related you could teach performing it jovial.

Mania è Dementica, Sadeqh

Sadeqh is correct, this is something I’ve referred to here and there, but not described to any great detail.

What is a bonding phone call? It’s a phone call in which your objective is the creation of a stronger emotional bond with a girl. Your chief aim with a bonding phone call is to make yourself more familiar, more trustworthy, and more comfortable to her. A secondary aim will be to make her (sexually) excited about you.

How do you do it, how is it executed, and what does it look like? Step inside and let me show you.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Get Laid When You Have Roommates

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get laid when you have roommates
How do you sleep with a girl when you have a roommate? There are two (2) scenarios: housemates, and roommates… And there exist strategies for each.

This is a question we get a lot on these parts: how do I sleep with girls when I have a roommate?

I’ve done enough hooking up with girls in places where I’ve had housemates, or even full-on roommates (i.e., someone who sleeps in the same room as you). While I usually prefer to have my own place or go to the girl’s place, it’s been my experience that roommates can actually make it easier for you to sleep with new women... I’ll tell you the reasons why in just a minute.

Caveat: this entire article is predicated on you not having totally lame cockblock roommates. If your roommates are lame pricks who don’t get laid and want to do everything in their power to make sure you don’t get laid either, then either change your living situation, or get good at going back to girls’ places or sleeping with girls in less conventional settings.

Assuming your roommates are at least marginally cool people whom we can get to play along with helping their bro get a new girl in the sack (or at least, they’re folks we can get to not interfere), let’s examine some strategies to help you bed babes in spite of your living situation.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Screen Her on Touchy Topics

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touchy topics
Women conceal the past. So how do you get the skinny on them on touchy topics… Without them shutting down or blowing up?

A reader named Eric writes in:

Hey, just wondering how do you screen a girl for topics that she might not want to talk about or for things that wouldn’t be in her best interest to tell you like daddy issues or if she has ever cheated in a relationship without coming off as too insecure or too aggressive?

This is a pretty fun topic. How do you get girls to be straight with you on stuff they’d rather not be?

Two days ago, I published “Why Won’t Women Just Say What They Want?”, which is all about women’s tendency toward the vague and ambiguous. This can make it hard to nail a girl down on some topics... Especially the topics she doesn’t want you to nail her down on.

Further, women usually cloak the less marketable parts of their pasts in secrecy (and even go so far as to discourage investigation into their pasts: “Why does it matter?” “The past is irrelevant!”). Men do this too, but the female version of the murky past is the big leagues; men are the J.V. squad of concealment, compared to how women do.

Yet, those parts of her past she doesn’t want you to know about may be exactly the things you need to know about most. In “Why Her Past Matters If You Want Something Serious”, I shared a trio of scientific investigations into women’s age at first sex, their tendencies to sleep with male friends, and their religious service attendance... and how these three things relate to the level of fidelity you can expect from them, on average. And in “How Many Partners Has Your Girlfriend Had? Find Out Here”, I highlight a study that finds a woman’s infidelity risk rises 7% for each additional sex partner she has.

Particularly if you want a long-term relationship with a girl, there’s a good chance you want to know the things she may not want you to. But how do you find these things out, without her lying to you or spiraling into auto-rejection?

Tactics Tuesdays: What to Do If You're Not That Sexy (Yet)

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not that sexy
It takes time to be sexy. Yet while you’re working on it, there’s no reason for you to go dateless in the meantime.

Writing on the Girls Chase boards, a member by the name GottaChange says:

From what I’ve seen around the only men who manage to consistently bed women using a normal “person-to-person” frame are men who are particularly good-looking according to society’s modern criteria. It is as if their looks takes care of the attraction for them and they can just worry about having a normal interaction and move things towards sex.

All the other guys (the average-looking ones) being successful with women are, from what I have seen, those who are able to arouse women by projecting masculinity and sexuality and be consistent with it during the whole interaction. They aren’t faking it, they ARE like that.

I know for some of you this is easy if not natural, but for me this is very very hard. I can open girls using a friendly/warm/playful vibe but this doesn’t lead me anywhere. We keep bantering until she either sees me as a new friend or she loses interest and goes away.

Yeah, rarely I have had women becoming sexually interested in me even if I was just being normal and friendly, but it’s not something I can rely on regularly like I see good-looking guys do. I need to structurally change something about myself, and that’s why I chose this nickname.

So, this is not going to be an article on how to be sexy. We already have a bunch of those – here’s a few, for starters:

Rather, this will be an article on patching things together in the short-term, before your sexy self has emerged from the sexpot chrysalis.

We touched on the lack-of-sexiness problem yesterday a bit in my massive troubleshoot post “What to Do When Your Approach Just Isn’t Working.” However, I want to give it its own treatment in article form. Partly so you don’t have to read 12,000 words to find the one paragraph that talks about it. But also because it needs highlighting – what you don’t highlight often goes unnoticed.

One of the points we harp on a lot on Girls Chase is the value of being sexy. When you are sexy, girls become... pretty straightforward. You have clear sexual value on offer that appeals to women:

  • Women who’d like a boyfriend like you appreciate it

  • Women who’d like a friend like you appreciate it too

  • And women in need of sexual release really appreciate it

Most men appreciate sexual value too. They tend to view it as ‘charismatic’ or ‘cool’. Being sexy is a boon all around.

There’s just one problem. It takes time to develop that sexy vibe if you don’t have it yet. I think it took me eight or nine months to get mine to the point where I saw noticeable changes in how women received me. So what are you supposed to do in the meantime? Scratch days off your calendar and watch the seasons pass?

Obviously, that’s not so desirable.

Instead, you’re going to have to find some other ways to make girls want to do things with you.