Tactics Tuesdays | Page 3 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: When Girls Unexpectedly Open You

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girl unexpectedly opens youAt unexpected times, in unexpected places, women may start talking to you. If you aren’t ‘on’ you can miss these chances. How best should you respond?

Commenting on my article about testing girls for interest before you approach, Sub-Zero asks:

How do you deal with not knowing what to say? There’s times when I guess a girl pings me and I don’t know how to respond or how to close.

For example, would you say that these were pings or invitations?

A: I had one girl say the food I was getting made looks good. I couldn’t tell if it was a ping or if she was making small talk. Anyway, I still didn’t know what else to say. I might have said thank you or something?

B. I was shopping and a girl said something about buying some food for her kid, then she said you probably don’t care what I’m getting my kid. There I didn't say anything because I really had no idea what to say.

So would you say those were pings for me to approach or were they just being social and what should I have said, what do you do or say when you don’t know what to say and are stuck?

Yes, these are both pings (the subject of my article on testing girls for interest). Just like you can ping women to test for interest before approaching, women can ping you too. A ping doesn’t mean she’s ready to hop into bed with you, of course – it just means she’s interested in finding out if you’re someone she can chat with. She might want to date you or might just want to talk. Either way, she’s testing you for openness to a conversation.

The problem Sub-Zero has here, that many guys have, is that women ping you at unexpected times, when you are not prepared to be social. Worse still, because most women expect the man to lead, usually all you’ll get from a girl is a single ping… then she retreats and waits. If you don’t act soon, she gives up, closes off, and runs away!

How can you deal with these situations when girls unexpectedly open you… and where you aren’t already primed for socializing, in any kind of social mood?

Tactics Tuesdays: 7 Example Stories for Early Conversation

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example stories to tell in early conversationIt’s early into a conversation and you’d like to tell a story. What do you talk about? These 7 examples help you figure out just what tale to tell.

In a comment on my article “How to Tell a Story that Rivets and Captivates”, Greg remarks:

Very interesting article, thank you, I really appreciated it. But now that I know how to tell a story (the form), the problem is what stories to tell (the content). A long list of story examples to tell (one sentence per example, not the complete stories, just the basic idea) (like 30 stories exemples at least) could help in developing or finding one's own stories. Because I don't know about others, but for me, I feel like I don't have any stories to tell.

Sure, story examples. We can talk about some of those.

For this article, I’m going to focus on early conversation stories, since that’s the place the most guys have the most trouble. E.g., “How do I get the storytelling started with a girl I’m talking to?”

We’ll break it down into two categories for this piece: “crazy thing” stories and “cool DHV” stories. Before we begin, I want to preface with a note on the ‘recency’ requirement for early conversation stories.

Tactics Tuesdays: Thank You Dates (Using Gratitude)

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thank you dateInstead of ask a girl out on a date, you can offer her one – as thanks. Frame your date as a sign of gratitude and change the frame on your dating.

What if there was a way to leverage the power of the social factor of reciprocity… and use it to actually get dates with more girls?

There is – we just need to use reciprocity the opposite way from how most men try using it with girls.

When your average man attempts to use reciprocity as a romantic tool, the way he does it is by attempting to ingratiate himself to women. His hope: if a woman feels grateful enough to him, that he has done so much for her and provided so much value to her life, she’ll finally agree to a date with him.

This is simple chasing of women, of course. It’s transparent; women see right through it; and studies show that women in general don’t feel too much need to comply more with men just because those men performed favors for them.

If we want to use reciprocity to get dates the seductive way, we can’t use the same (ineffective) approach to it normal men use.

We need to use it the seductive way.

Tactics Tuesdays: "Is It True What They Say About X Girls?"

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you know what they say about girlsTurn boring conversation into playful banter and open loops. Just ask her, “Is it true what they say about X girls?” with ‘X’ being something about her.

Let’s give you a simple little banter line you can use with pretty much any girl you talk to.

That is this:

“Is it true what they say about X girls?” / “girls from Y place?” / “girls who Z?”

… with ‘X’ or ‘Y’ or ‘Z’ being anything about her she uses to describe herself:

  • Age
  • Hobby
  • Career
  • Star sign
  • Place of origin

You can also make it a statement: “You know what they say about X girls…”

For instance, if she tells you she’s Greek, you say:

“Is it true what they say about Greek girls?” / “You know what they say about girls from Greece…”

She, of course, will be curious and want to know what “they say” about Greek girls.

That’s where the real fun begins.

Tactics Tuesdays: Story-Based Charisma

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story-based charismaYou can tell a story to amplify your charisma. Showcase charismatic qualities in your storytelling, and be amazed how people start treating you different.

In light of our New Year’s promotion of my charisma-generating course “Charisma in a Bottle” (and the new, limited release Sexual Charisma Manual that comes with it until January 7th), I wanted to share some pieces devoted to the theme of charisma.

For this Tactics Tuesdays, we’re going to discuss a simple type of charisma-building tactic that anyone can use, and that builds charisma even if a guy doesn’t have great charismatic fundamentals or advanced charisma game… yet.

I call it “Story-Based Charisma” and it revolves around telling stories that frame you in a charismatic light.

If you think that sounds like it couldn’t possibly work to generate charismatic attraction, you’d be very surprised.

Tactics Tuesdays: Sexual Escalation Script

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sexual escalation scriptWhat steps should you follow to get to sex with a girl? This sexual escalation script lays it all out, down to the timing of each move needed to bed a girl.

We’ve got a guy over on the forum who’s struggled to make things sexual with girls. He’s a mechanical learner who can follow rules but has trouble grasping the deeper purpose to them, and seems a little lacking in social intuition.

As a result, he’s struggled to find success with women – though he’s been on fifty dates from dating apps, he hasn’t bedded a single girl, and his efforts to seduce once back with girls at his place consistently fall flat.

For today’s Tactics Tuesdays installment, I’m going to lay out an example sexual escalation script you’ll be able to follow in a typical seduction. Even if you’re an intuitive learner this should still be helpful to you, as it’ll give you certain techniques and timings you might not have stumbled across yet. If you’re a mechanical learner I expect this might be a Godsend.

So join me and let’s follow along every step of the way as we lay out a path toward creating sexual arousal in a woman that allows you to sweep her off her off her feet and into bed!

Tactics Tuesdays: Using Sexual Magnetism with Girls

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using sexual magnetism with girlsSome men just ooze powerful sexual magnetism. But what is sexual magnetism? How did they get it? The secret is 3 key aspects – but you’ve got to be a bit of a “seduction pro” first.

This article presupposes you already have solid fundamentals and game. Basically, you are intermediate at least – and probably closer to advanced (or actually advanced). If you’re not there yet, feel free to read it still, but don’t worry if you can’t pull this one off yet – you can come back to it later once your game and attractive qualities are more on-lock.

A forum member named Jeff recently asked about how to convey sexual state to girls the way his highly skilled natural friend does. In other words, how to use sexual magnetism.

About this friend, Jeff says:

I have a friend who's been hitting the field for over 10 years.

Dude's a pro - having racked up easily over 500 lays, and between 100-150 in 2019.

Recently, he told me he moved to a new house (in Delhi, India where he's living) and there's a girl on the first floor (while he's on the fourth).

He ran into her while moving some stuff and all he did was have a 2 minute back and forth with the girl without doing anything fancy, and she was ON him - suggesting they should catch up, party, get a drink, etc.

...all the while being married, with her husband downstairs in the house they're sharing.

I was curious as to what he did to elicit such desire.

By that, I mean -

- Girls text him as opposed to him having to do all the work (of course he texts them, but he barely has to do anything)
- Falling all over him in the club within a few minutes of meeting
- Girls throwing attraction signals at him (like the time he was dancing at a dance workshop and everyone wanted to know who he was)

I, on the other hand, still have work way too hard, probably relying on my verbals a lot more than he does.

Sexual magnetism is an interesting topic. It’s a subset of charisma (which I’ve devoted an entire course to, as well as a series of charismatic breakdowns on Hollywood figures, and a set of beginner’s and pro’s guides to charisma that many guys found helpful)… but rather than focus on general charisma, it zeroes in on the sexual variety.

I gave a quick response on the forum thread, but I want to expand upon that a bit here in an article on what sexual magnetism is and how you can convey it.

Tactics Tuesdays: Party Pooper Girl Inoculation

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party pooper girl inoculationParty pooper girls can ruin your seductions – not to mention your good mood. Yet with the right inoculation, you can protect your interactions and image.

Sometimes you’re going to find yourself talking to one or more girls who are just total party poopers.

They’re low energy, in bad moods, don’t respond to your humor, or otherwise act all prickly.

Now, what you don’t want to do is get caught up in these girls’ bad moods. But you also don’t want to get caught trying to change their moods for them either. That’s not your job, nor is it a good use of your time and energy.

So what do you do with these party pooper girls? If you already approached them, only to discover too late that they’re a total drag, you need some way to either get things going with their rest of their group, or else get out of there without it feeling like you got the wind sucked out of you.

The solution is party pooper girl inoculation – measures you take to firmly have a handle on the frame in the face of girls who are no fun.

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Give Her What She Wants

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don't give her what she wantsGirls ask for things they think they want from you. If you give them these though the attraction dies out. Why? Because what girls want ≠ what they need!

The title for this one is a bit deceptive. Because you ARE going to give her what she actually wants… but you aren’t going to give her what she says she wants.

As you’re talking with women, they will frequently ask you for things or fish for things from you, like:

  • Compliments
  • Reassurance
  • Qualification
  • Free drinks
  • Free food
  • Other compliance

If you give a girl exactly what she asks for when she asks for it, which is what a lot of guys will do, because they feel like they have to, or see no way to decline without looking rude or insensitive, she loses attraction for you. You are not the sexy bad boy rebel she cannot tame. You are, rather, just another guy who will do exactly what she asks of him.

The challenge of course is that you can’t do absolutely nothing, either. She’s asked you for something… you have to reply in some way. You can’t just withdraw into your turtle shell to hide.

What we’re going to do with this Tactics Tuesdays piece is to look at how to give her not what she wants, but what she needs to move things forward instead.

Tactics Tuesdays: Deep Diving Off of Her Compliments

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deep diving a girl when she compliments youUse this simple process to take the compliments others pay you and springboard off them into a deep dive.

Commenting on a recent article of mine, reader Cian requests “tips on how to gracefully reply to compliments and leverage them to further the conversation/Deep Dive process.”

His first request is simple enough. The way to reply to a compliment is, “Thank you.”

You don’t launch into a story (makes you look self-satisfied). You don’t engage in self-deprecation (makes you look uncomfortable taking a compliment). You don’t compliment back, usually – at least not instantly (makes you look reactive and lessens the impact of any compliments you do pay).

You just say thanks.

Can you use compliments as deep dive fuel though?

If so, how does that work? How do you use someone else’s compliment about you as an excuse to get to know more about your interlocuter?