Tactics Tuesdays | Page 7 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: Nested DHV Stories

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nested dhv storiesDHV stories let you showcase attractive qualities. Yet you don’t want to boast. So what can you do? Nest your value.

When you talk to somebody else, that person only knows two things about you:

  • What you tell him about you
  • What you show him about you

The way you talk about yourself, the types of stories you tell, and your manner of telling them is all part of this, too. All these things both show and tell.

The name of the game in human social interaction is to convey valuable traits, but do so in an adroit way that others can recognize without it being in their faces. This amplifies the value you have on display, because it positions you as a socially savvy man. Social savvy is a key aspect of a man’s attractiveness; in fact, it is one of our four categories of attractive fundamentals.

So you want to tell people valuable things about yourself, but you don’t want to come right out and brag. How can you do it?

One way that we’ll talk about today is by nesting displays of higher value inside entertaining stories that on the surface appear to display lower value.

Tactics Tuesdays: Pre-Approach Screening

Chase Amante's picture
pre-approach screeningWhich girls to approach? Before you walk up, screen the girl & situation. You can learn a lot in advance… including whether she’s worth going up to or not.

One of the reasons guys psyche themselves out so much with approaching is trying to figure out in advance how an approach is going to go.

Well, you’re not going to know in advance how an approach is going to go. But you can try to form a rough general idea about what you’re signing up for before you approach a girl, to ready your game (and perhaps steel your resolve).

This is the ‘pre-approach screening’ you do: before you even walk up to a girl, you try to form a measure of who she is, what she’s about, what she’s likely to respond to, and what kind of reaction you can expect to your approach.

Every guy does this automatically to some extent. However, less experienced men are a lot vaguer in their pre-approach screening and are much less adept at reading women accurately.

So let’s arm you with a few simple tools you can use to get a measure of a girl before you make the approach. This will help you decide how to approach her… and even if she’s someone worth approaching in the first place.

Tactics Tuesdays: The "Prove It" Frame Buster

Chase Amante's picture
TEXTYou’re talking to a girl and she says “I’m boring” or “I don’t date.” That’s the kiss of death, right? Well, not so long as you can get her to PROVE IT!

When you talk to a girl and she starts throwing out claims about herself, these can seem like real obstacles if they don’t cooperate with the overall seduction.

Anti-seductive claims include women saying things like:

  • “I’m boring”
  • “I’m not adventurous”
  • “I’m not spontaneous”
  • “I don’t like excitement”
  • “I don’t think about sex”
  • “I don’t really date”

… and so on. Running into these can feel like a conversation death sentence if you don’t have a good response to reframe with.

After all, what hope is there really for a boring girl… a girl who doesn’t like excitement… a girl who doesn’t think about sex or go out on dates? None, right?

Au contraire, for in this article I’ll give you a simple little tactic you can use to turn these claims women make right on their head.

With this in-hand, instead of looking at women’s anti-seductive claims as if they are agile seduction killers, you will start to view women’s claims as clumsy fumbles that have led them right into your web.

Tactics Tuesdays: Who Should Use a BIHC Text?

Chase Amante's picture
bihc textThe ball-in-her-court text can be very effective at getting flaky girls onto dates. It’s also easy to misuse, however… and even sabotage your attractiveness with.

Recently on the forum we had a relatively new member claiming the ball-in-her-court text “doesn’t work” for him, and that women can “see through it” and it harms the man’s frame.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the ball-in-her-court text (which I’ll refer to as the BIHC text from here on out, to save me writing “ball-in-her-court text” fifty times), it’s this:

A text you send a woman after you have tried to get her out on dates repeatedly and repeatedly had her decline or flake on them. The text tells her (in an eloquent way) that you will chase her no more; it also says, however, that if she decides she’d like to get serious about going out sometime, to send you a message. After that, you simply forget all about her and do not contact her again ever unless/until you hear again from her.

As soon as I saw a guy saying women could “see through” the text I knew he must be using it wrong. There is no “seeing through it” to do (if used properly): you are explicitly telling a woman exactly what the situation is and exactly what to do!

It’s what makes the text so effective… in my experience it gets around a 50% text-back rate 2-8 weeks after you send it… I have heard from many of the other guys in our community who’ve used it their reply-back rate is similar.

Yet, newer guys often struggle with this message and, like that newer member on the forum, report that women simply vanish after they BIHC text them and do not return.

So let’s talk about the “who” and “when” of BIHC texting – because it’s clearly not for everyone, in every situation.

Tactics Tuesdays: Friendship Strengtheners

Chase Amante's picture
friendship strengthenersEven if making friends is easy, getting close to them is not. How do you build deep, lasting friendships? The secret is trust… which takes time; and also technique.

Men who end up reading Girls Chase often seek improvement socially beyond just dating. They also want better and stronger friendships, broader social circles, and superior social skills across the board.

I’ve fielded a lot of questions over the years about how to deepen friendships. Often guys may make new friends, but observe that their new friends have deeper friendships with others than they do with them.

Part of the answer to this is “time” – spending enough time around and interacting with someone is a necessary step to building a  lasting and deep relationship.

Another part of the answer though is “quality experiences” – i.e., not just hanging around eating Cheetos together watching the football game, but actually doing things or connecting over things that further the friendship bond.

Today I’m going to introduce you to several types of ‘friendship strengtheners’. Most of these will work to deepen your relationships with women as well. You won’t normally need them for a run-of-the-mill seduction… however, if you have a girl who’s a particularly tough case, or whom you’ve screwed up and need to recover with… or if you have a girl you’re already seeing, but you want a much stronger, deeper relationship with her… then these can work great.

We’ll start with activity-based friendship strengtheners, which are the more robust kind, but less convenient to use. Then we’ll talk about verbal friendship strengtheners, which are more flexible to use, but require the relationship already be at a certain point (which we’ll discuss, not to worry).

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease Her About Wanting to Get Rid of Her

Chase Amante's picture
woman making shocked expressionIf you like to tease girls, you’ll like this one: teasing her by implying you want to get rid of her or get her away. Not only can this be a fun, playful tease – it is also a chase frame.

I was reminded to write a post on a favored form of teasing by a recent report on our forum.

In it, the thread starter (Fluxcapacitor) relentlessly teases the girl he ultimately beds by implying that either:

  1. He wants to get rid of her, or

  2. He thinks she is a pariah in general

For example:

Girl: (eagerly) I'm going to Pub X!

Flux: Oh cool, I know to avoid there then.


Girl: Oh well it sucks to be you! (playfully with a giggle)

Flux: It actually does! Then I come out here and bump into you! It just gets worse!

And another:

Girl: I know, I know. But this is where the cool people come.

Flux: I'm surprised they let you in (playful look)

Here's one more:

Girl: It sucks to be you.

Flux: It actually does, and now I've just spent all night with you, how bad is that?!

As a guy who enjoys giving girls a good ribbing, this kind of teasing is one I quite like too.

Today, we're going to take a quick look at how this "get rid of her" / "she's a pariah" teasing works.

Tactics Tuesdays: Warming Up Quick When Approached

Chase Amante's picture
woman with cocktail at barWhat happens when a girl starts talking to you but you aren’t ready to talk? There must be a way to NOT blow this… well there is: with 3-step “chitchat jujutsu.”

You’ve probably had this happen:

You went out somewhere, just in your head, not in much of a social mood.

Some girl then appeared out of nowhere, trying to get your attention, smiling, tapping you, telling you, “Hey!”

And you, stuck in your head, responded with a stiff, stilted, “Oh, hey. What’s going on?”

She said, “Not much! How about you?”

You stumbled through a few more awkward phrases. You could tell she liked you and wanted to see if she could get something going with you, but you were just too out of it.

Then the moment passed. She realized you weren’t going to do much of anything. So she left.

Damn, another layup missed, you think.

There must be a way to snap yourself to attention and shift into gear when unexpected “gimmes” like this fall into your lap – right?

Tactics Tuesdays: Jerking: Make Her Like You LESS

Chase Amante's picture
man and woman flirting at bar[When girls like you TOO much, it can be just as bad for a seduction as when they don’t like you enough. What can you do? Mix a little ‘jerk’ into things to fix the vibe.

Here’s something for our advanced players and up.

Once you are GOOD with girls, you will start finding yourself not uncommonly in situations where women like you too much. If you are an advanced player, you already know why this is bad.

(if you’re not an advanced seducer, you can read this article for educational purposes, though it might sound rather alien to you. Trying the materials from it may lead to calibration errors for you at this point now, too. Circle back around to it once you’ve leveled up; you’ll find it more useful, I promise)

When girls like you TOO much, they start envisioning a future with you, hit the brakes, and get nervous they’re going to screw it up with you if they let you move things too fast. This can completely sink your seductions.

We’ve talked about this a lot on Girls Chase when discussing the boyfriend zone and making it clear to women you’re NOT boyfriend material.

In this article we’ll go one further: not just not being boyfriend material, but actually calibrating your attainability to make sure the women you talk to don’t like you TOO much.

We’ll do that by using a range of tactics that, taken together, we can politely call “jerking.”

Tactics Tuesdays: Implicit Relationship Expectations

Chase Amante's picture
man and woman sitting together happily in bedYour behavior with a woman sets expectations for the relationship that is to come. Erratic behavior works against you. But consistent behavior makes things smooth.

We’ve talked on Girls Chase before about setting semi-explicit relationship expectations.

Tactics Tuesdays: Fielding Women's Counteroffers

Chase Amante's picture
woman standing with hand on hip thinkingWhen you propose a date or anything else, a woman may counteroffer her own suggestion. Should you take it? Or stick to your guns? This 4-part decision tree shows you what to do.

Responding to my article on guys not needing much money to get girls, reader Newyorkboy asks about women having 'resistance to doing' cheap or costless dates.

As an example, he cites this incident posted on SoSuave.net by a user named 'powersize':

Texted a latina girl in IG, after a short convo proposed to meet. She is 7/8 - not a dime for me. Below is our conversation:

Me: Are you free tonight?
Her: Maybe. Where would you like to take me?
Me: There is one hipster pub close to center
Her: I can’t drink alcohol. I prefer somewhere more relax.
Me: Coffee?
Her: No. A restaurant where we don’t have that much noise
Me: I do not go on dinners on the first date
Her: I do. That’s what gentleman should do At least that’s what I am getting used to.
Me: So you define if the guy is a gentleman if he brings to you to a fancy place?
Her: Who says it has to be fancy. I define a gentleman a man who takes his time to take me somewhere. A coffee is something I can do anytime
Me: Too bad. Cause I love coffee meeting that people can do anytime
Her: Enjoy your coffee then

I do consider her as a typical chick who is looking for guy. So no reply from my side.

What do you think?

In light of the abysmal text game on evidence here and the fact that this fellow is messaging girls in Instagram, the girl's reaction is pretty standard. Generous, even, I'd say.

Most of the time when you fail at game, you get a rejection. But sometimes when you fail at game, girls will still offer you a shot as a provider.

That's what happened here.

Of course, if you're going to be a provider, you have to provide. You cannot start talking about your rules of never doing dinner dates or talking up the glory of cheap dates once she's slotted you into the provider role.

So not only did this cat fail at game, he could not fulfill the provider role either -- and he at last received the inevitable rejection.

How could he have done things differently and achieved a different result?

One part of the answer lies in how he deals with fielding women's counteroffers.