Tactics Tuesdays | Page 6 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: The Room Check

Chase Amante's picture
room checkCheck the room you’re in to look for girls open to an approach – and other chances. The room check (or scan) can be a big help… if you know how to use it.

Here’s a little tactic that can serve as a gamechanger if you aren’t in the habit of using it yet: the room check.

Room checks are simple: you do a complete eyeball scan of a room to see what opportunities you can find. Get good at these, and you can zero in on girls you want to go for in just a few seconds of glancing around.

I should correct myself though – while the tactic is simple, you also have to know what you’re looking for to get much use out of it.

So let’s talk about when to use it, and what you’ll be looking for when you do.

Tactics Tuesdays: Framing Phone Calls to Girls in the 2020s

Chase Amante's picture
calling girls in the 2020sYou can and should still call girls on the phone – but mostly for specific purposes. There’s a trick to it, too: you must frame the call the proper way.

As phone calls have fallen out of fashion, guys feel even more awkward about calling girls now than they have in the past (and guys have always felt awkward about calling girls).

Calls have a somewhat more niche utility these days – but they ARE still immensely useful, and for girls of all ages and backgrounds… so long as you are using them for where they’re useful to use.

Like everything in seduction, however, it is all in how you frame things.

The frame you want when you call most girls nowadays?

One of amused mild befuddlement.

Tactics Tuesdays: Embarrassing Stories

Chase Amante's picture
embarrassing storiesThe embarrassing story: told right it can build you up as it entertains. The secret to a good embarrassing story is a “triumphant subplot” lain within.

One big differentiator between extremely socially skilled and comfortable people and everybody else is the highly skilled conversationalist’s use of (superficially) embarrassing stories.

Tactics Tuesdays: Priming Women as a Seduction Tool

Chase Amante's picture
priming women for seductionCan you shape the way someone views reality simply by priming her for what to see? Why yes you can – with this unique form of psychological flirtatious fun.

Earlier this month, a reader asked about ways to use confirmation bias as a seduction tool.

Confirmation bias is the phenomenon whereby people who expect to see something look for and take mental note of events that reinforce their expectations.

For instance, if I tell you, “Reading Girls Chase articles puts you in a stronger girl-getting mentality. Finish this article and go anywhere in public today and I bet you’ll notice girls are suddenly paying more attention to you. Why’s that? Read GC, girl-getting mentality.”

Now, if you do go out, you are going to have that in the back of your head. You’ll be more attuned, looking around more for women paying attention to you. That’ll cause you to notice more women who are looking your way, and your alertness will trigger other women to pay more attention to you, too, which you will also notice. So you likely really will get more attention from women.

Was it because reading this article gave you a stronger girl-getting mentality? You’re probably going to think so, because I told you it would happen and what evidence to look for, and you then saw the evidence – my prediction came true. Even if you know what I was doing, the part of your brain that makes connections between things is still going to believe it anyway.

See, what I did was to use something called ‘priming’ to prepare you to react a certain way to things I was fairly certain would occur.

This priming sets you up for confirmation bias to kick in later and reinforce my earlier primes – and you can use this effect with girls, too.

Tactics Tuesdays: 6 Ways to Minimize Rejection by Girls

Chase Amante's picture
minimize rejection by girlsNo guy likes to get rejected by girls. So, use these tactics to slice your odds of rejection by making things casual, asking before big moves, plus 4 more.

I’m going to talk in this article about a handful of tactics you can use to minimize rejection the odds of a girl rejecting you.

Is it important to minimize these odds? Do you want them shaved down as low as possible? Well it depends:

  • For beginners it can be fairly important. You want to get those positive experiences up so you feel confident to do more

  • As you gain in experience, you can start to go in bolder, being more resilient and not as easily shaken by rejections, IF you want (you may not always want to). You’ll also tend to be smoother in general, and will have more tools to avoid or minimize rejections aside from those in this article

Still, even if you’re more advanced, rejection never feels GREAT, so anything you can do to reduce the odds of it (so long as it doesn’t derail anything else you’re doing) helps.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Answer "Who Is She?" & Other LTR Tests

Chase Amante's picture
who is she?Every guy gets asked tricky questions by his long-term girlfriends. How do you deal with these in a way that lets you calm the girl without giving up power?

When you have a long-term girlfriend – and even before she’s long-term, sometimes – you are going to run into the occasional (or perhaps not so occasional; depends on the girl) grilling about people and activities in your life.

Some of the standard ones are questions like:

  • “Who is she?” about some girl who obviously knows you in-person or who appears in photos with you or is texting you, who your girlfriend does not know

  • “I don’t like those friends of yours” about buddies you have who are brash, single, and playboy-like

  • “You’re still doing that?” if you are heading out to nightlife or parties with friends but unaccompanied by your girlfriend

  • “I don’t see why you need to do that” if you are signing up for, say, a foreign language class suddenly out of the blue

  • “Oh, so now you care about your look a lot” if suddenly you are fixing up your fashion, getting back into exercise, working to slim down, or trying out new hair/skin/etc. products

You are a lot more likely to run into this with confident girlfriends, and ESPECIALLY if they are looking for something long, long-term with you (i.e., permanent / ever after). Less confident girlfriends will be more circumspect, and may instead only hint at their concerns.

Girls who aren’t thinking super long-term with you, on the other hand, may not ask you these things at all.

When you DO get hit with such LTR tests though, they’re tricky:

Fail to reassure your woman, and she begins to lose confidence in the relationship.

Yet, go too far emasculating yourself in your response (“I’ve never even LOOKED at another woman! I swear!”), and you reduce a lot of her attraction for you, meanwhile handing over stronger relationship control to her.

If you want to survive these types of tests without wrecking your relationship one way or the other, you’ve got to know how to answer them.

Tactics Tuesdays: Soft Barriers (Easy for Her to BREAK Past)

Chase Amante's picture
soft barriersBarriers in seduction get the other party helping to move things along. Soft barriers are a special variety: they’re easy to pass to raise her investment.

A couple years ago we discussed the powerful tactic of barriers in detail.

Tactics Tuesdays: Foreplay a Girl… with Your Penis

Chase Amante's picture
foreplay with penisForeplay often involves just the hands or mouth. But that’s no fun, especially with a resistant girl. Use THESE radical tactics to get your penis involved.

When most men think of foreplay, they think of:

  • Using their hands on a woman’s body

  • Using their mouth on a woman’s body

  • Getting a woman to use her hands on them

  • Getting a woman to use her mouth on them

They might be touching her pussy with their mouth or hands. But NOT their penis.

That’s not foreplay. That’s the main event. Right?

SHE might be touching their penis with her mouth or hands. But NOT her pussy.

Again, that’s not foreplay. It’s the main thing. Right?

Yet, in fact, there are numerous ways you can engage in foreplay where you actively use your penis on a woman – not waiting for her to suck you off or stroke you – including on her pussy, without getting to vaginal penetration, before sex starts.

Today I’m going to introduce you to some. If you’ve never done these before, they might just change the sexual escalation game for you.

Tactics Tuesdays: Baits & Subversion, Pt. 2: Sex Talk Transitions

Alek Rolstad's picture
sex talk transitionIn part 2 of this series on baits & subversion, we get into sex talk. Use these baits to get women ready to talk sex… then subvert their expectations as you go into it.

Today I’ll discuss a simple sex talk transition that I use frequently.

Many men, especially the seasoned guys on our forums, are into sex talk, but one problem they face is transitioning into the topic. So, today I will share another way to transition into sex talk.

I have already shared these techniques for transitioning into sex talk:

How to Bridge Your Conversations with Girls into Juicy Topics

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies

EXPLICIT CONTENT! How to Sexualize Conversations with Minimal Resistance

And I’ll have more to come.

Most gambits I have shared contain transition examples. This is a continuation of last week’s post about using baits and subverting expectations to hook her in, stimulate her and facilitate those transitions. The concepts are similar to those presented last week, although tweaked for sex talk transitions.

Using baits and subversions are among my favorite ways of transitioning into sex talk, along with using proxies.

Like last week, you can use these transitions anytime during the interaction. Whether a gambit is suited for early or late game does not depend on the transition, but rather the theme discussed (light vs. bold sex talk) as discussed in part two of my sex talk calibration posts.

PS: Most techniques below are suitable for transitioning into sex talk, but you may also use them as transitions for anything—telling a story to convey high value or discussing a subject that conveys a good frame. See my previous article for details.

Tactics Tuesdays: Bait Then Subvert

Alek Rolstad's picture
bait then subvertWant a simple way to hook women in? Bait them with something that sounds juicy or provocative… then subvert their expectations.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today we will discuss hook techniques that will immerse her deeper into the interaction and serve as a transition into any topic.

Curiosity leads to immersion. When she’s immersed, transitions are easier because she’s hooked in. Immersion generates compliance—she will listen to what you say.

Because of the “hooking” nature of these gambits, they work exceptionally well for early game when you don’t yet have a hook and have time for fancier transitions. In these settings, baits can be a shortcut to deliver a transition quickly.

Also, generating curiosity early solidifies your hook post-opening. You stimulate, intrigue, and immerse her. It helps you proceed smoothly.

Of course, you can use baits anytime during the interaction. It keeps the interaction fun and fresh. However, you get the most bang for your buck by adding them early.