Tactics Tuesdays | Page 5 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: Firefighting Romantic Screwups

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romantic firefightingWhat do you do when you screw up with a girl? Maybe you looked needy, or you accidentally spurned her. Either way, now it’s time for a little firefighting.

Sometimes you are going to screw up with girls.

Perhaps she told you she loves to paint and you blurted out not to quit her day job. Maybe you were supposed to meet her at 3:30 PM but for some reason you thought it was at 5:30 PM and stood her up. Or it could be she hinted for you to move things forward but you missed her signal entirely and just kept chatting with her normally until she started acting disappointed.

Hey, it happens to the best of us. We all screw up sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up too much.

Assuming you haven’t screwed up so bad that all hope is lost, however, you are going to need to firefight. But the WAY you firefight a romantic screwup is going to depend on what kind of screwup it is… how egregiously you screwed up… and how urgent the turnaround must be.

Tactics Tuesdays: Handling Girls' Female Friends

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girls' female friendsNot every girl you’ll meet is a lone wolf. Many come with female friends alongside them! How do you handle these friends so you still get your girl?

You’ve approached a girl solo, or perhaps with a wingman. Either way, the girl you want has a friend. Perhaps a couple of friends. The friends are girls too.

Should you game them?

Ignore them?

Just be polite with them?

How much should you touch them, talk to them, or potentially flirt with them?

The way you handle girls’ friends has ripple effects on your seduction of the girl herself, not to mention her friends’ willingness (or not) to let you ask her out or pull her.

Tactics Tuesdays: Talking About Other Girls

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talking about other girlsWhen you talk to girls, talk about other girls. It lets you set sexual frames, communicate popularity with women, and inspire girls to chase you.

Here’s a “golden oldie” of seduction community wisdom:

When talking with girls, talk about other girls.

I first encountered this advice in the first seduction manual I ever read, Swinggcat’s book Real World Seduction. In it, Swinggcat recommended telling girls stories that had other girls in them.

It didn’t take long before I heard this same tactic from other seduction community legends. One advocated talking about “my friend blah blah” and then referring to your friend as “she” and “her” – and if a girl asks, “Is she your girlfriend?” you know you have her hooked.

Another talked about how telling stories about other girls you know or knew allowed women to feel more comfortable around you, showing them you’re not some guy women avoid, while allowing you to show the girls you’re talking to that you have girls just like them in your life already (excellent for attainability).

I don’t see this advice so much anymore, so I figured I’d do a little write up on it specifically, just to get it out there again.

Tactics Tuesdays: Verbal Buy-In During Sexual Escalation

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verbal buy-in escalation to intimacyAnother way to get intimate with women. Rather than just feeling them up and undressing them, you can prompt them to verbalize desire for you instead.

In my article on pussy-centric escalation, a commenter asked me for examples of getting verbal, logical buy-in to your escalation to intimacy. I recommended this for any girl who seemed like she was either on the fence or could cause trouble (e.g., an orange flag girl, etc.).

So let’s talk verbal buy-in during your sex escalations!

Verbal buy-in is anything you are doing to get a girl to affirm that yes, she really wants this next step in the seduction to occur.

You’ve no doubt heard of the social justice / feminist / egalitarian concept of “affirmative consent”, yes? You might’ve thought it a terrible, seduction-killing concept. But believe it or not going for verbal buy-in as you seduce is basically just this: it is the same concept as “affirmative consent”, just gussied up and made sexier.

I’m going to show you how to do this today, and add another powerful tool to your sexual escalation arsenal.

Tactics Tuesdays: Disarming "Critical Busybody" Cockblocks

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busybody cockblockIf you’re talking to a girl when someone interjects with poor opinions on your flirtation, that’s a busybody cockblock – and you have to get rid of him.

Everybody’s a critic, amirite?

Over on the forum, a member reported an issue where he was flirting with a girl who was “way into him” when suddenly a person near to both of them interjected to announce that our member was “too old” to be flirting with the girl he was flirting with.

The forum member wasn’t sure what to do. His first idea was

Essentially, take ownership by saying I am flirting, and joking about being old and creepy like Craig Ferguson, or something?

No. No you definitely do not want to do that.

Craig Ferguson is definitely good at being chasey and creepy with women. But if you are painting yourself as “just a chasey, creepy guy, just like Craig Ferguson!” all that is doing is yielding the frame to the cockblock, empowering him to cockblock further, all while making yourself feel creepy, and creeping out the girl.

The last thing you want to do when someone tries to cockblock you is agree with the frame of your cockblocker and give that person encouragement to continue.

Instead, you need to take the frame away from this person – and obliterate his frame so hard he never tries to interfere with your seductions again.

Tactics Tuesdays: Future Projection + Role-Plays with Girls

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future projection and role-playing in seductionYou know how to project into the future with a girl you’re seducing. You know how to pull her into a role-play. But what happens when you do BOTH?

Here’s an enjoyable-yet-deadly combo seduction tactic that combines two old, great techniques: future projection and role-playing.

Done right, you can use it to lower a woman’s inhibitions with you, making her feel allowed to do things she might otherwise not yet feel allowed to do. From there, you just tell her what to do in the role-play and let her imagine it – or do it.

This tactic can be very effective in mid-game and late game for overcoming resistance or moving a girl into a more sexual state.

Once you see how simple it works, yet how powerful it is, you’re going to want to try it out.

Tactics Tuesdays: Teasing a Move You’ll Make on a Girl

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teasing a move on a girlBefore you make a move on a girl, tease her. You’ll create anticipation, and make her desire it more… and can even make her red-hot for romantic progress.

We’ve discussed the power of anticipation on Girls Chase before.

When you can get a girl to anticipate something that is to come with you – assuming she will want/enjoy that something – it builds up her desire for it even more.

Build enough anticipation, and you can give her that giddy enthusiasm for what’s to come that she last experienced as a kid before Christmas.

It might sound like a tall order, not just MAKING moves on women, but making them anticipate those moves (even positively slaver for you to make them) – but as you will see, building anticipation for moves actually makes making moves on girls easier for you, too.

Tactics Tuesdays: Don't Be Pushy with Girls

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don't be pushy with girlsIt’s good to want to move things forward with girls. But if the way you do it is pushy, you will scare girls off. Here’s how to move ahead sans pushiness.

A while ago I saw a thread on Reddit and saved it for a future tactics article.

In it, a guy talks about having 50-100 women he’s met and tried to text out onto dates, but failed, saying girls ghost him every single time. He says it’s always the same scenario… he tries not to be pushy, saying this:

I really tried not to be pushy/move too quickly, but usually, in my experience, it is best to follow up quickly and set up a get-together quickly rather than waiting a week and being completely forgotten.

When someone says, “I really try not to X, BUT,” 99.9991896% of the time the problem he is having is X (whatever X may be).

When I opened this guy’s example text conversation up – yep, the problem is just as suspected; he is being pushy with girls.

Today’s article will be about how to not be that, so you can recognize if you are, and knock off doing it (so you quit scaring women away with pushiness).

Tactics Tuesdays: High Authority Direct Openers

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high authority direct openersMany guys open girls direct in an ‘equal’ or even supplicating way. Yet open from a place of authority and your direct openers get a LOT more potent.

There are a few varying angles to use to start a conversation with a girl.

You have your indirect openers (which include things like opinion openers and situationally relevant openers). You have direct openers (including compliment openers and opening with a statement of interest). Then you’ve got your playful/nonverbal openers, and things like indirect direct, which fall somewhere in between.

Today we’re going to talk about direct openers, but we’re going to speak about a certain strain of direct opener: the high authority variant.

Because when you can mix authority in with a direct opener, you get a direct open of a very different and altogether more commanding, compelling, and attractive variety.

Tactics Tuesdays: Responding to Women's Dominance Tests

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women dominance testsWomen will test your dominance and leadership abilities at several key points in a courtship. How you respond determines where things go from there.

Picture yourself on a date with a woman. You met her last week via cold approach. Now the two of you are out walking around outside, deciding where you want to go next. She’s in a breezy summer dress, looking quite nice, but she seems standoffish.

There’s a lake five minutes’ walk from where you are with a nice view. You figure that will be a nice spot to visit. “Let’s swing by the lake,” you say. “The flowers are in-bloom. The view will be gorgeous!”

“I don’t want to go to the lake,” she says, sounding a little snippy. “It just rained yesterday. It’s probably all muddy.”

You didn’t ask her to do it; you made a command. You said “Let’s do this.” Her response was to directly test that, objecting to the plan and saying she wanted to do something else.

How do you respond to resistance like this – to these sorts of direct tests to your dating dominance? That’s the subject of this article.