Tactics Tuesdays | Page 11 | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays

Tactics Tuesdays: Reframing with Paradiastole

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By: Chase Amante

paradiastoleParadiastole is a technique for reframing criticism into trophies. That vice of yours? Hey, look on the bright side! At least it means you (something good). That’s paradiastole.

"You shouldn't say something like that to a woman!" a girl recently told me, half-tickled, half-irate. "It shows you have low EQ!"

"Well, least I'm honest," I said. "Just think how bad it'd be if I was low EQ and I wasn't honest!"

I use this kind of reframe a lot. There's a name for it: it's called 'paradiastole'.

(my EQ's pretty good, by the way)

Paradiastole is a way to reframe a criticism into something positive, in a playful and humorous way. It deflects the other person's judgment, often with a bit of moderate self-deprecation.

If you don't do this, or you don't do it enough, it's a handy little tactic you can add to your arsenal.

Tactics Tuesdays: Take Up Space & Touch Things

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

take up spaceDominant, sexually attractive men take up space in their environments and touch the things around them. They look cool, comfortable, and confident where they are.

I was at the gym yesterday (my condolences to those of you in areas where they have barred your gyms and locked you in your homes). In between workouts I was doing my usual arm movements to stay limber, or leaning on equipment/benches for a breather.

I noticed a lot of guys in between sets would just kind of stand around, or maybe sit somewhere. The effect was I ended up commanding more of the space around me than these guys commanded around them.

This wasn't something I was doing intentionally. I don't really care if people think I'm an ALPHA MALE in the gym. The gym I go to is fairly hardcore and there aren't a lot of women there (so it's not like I'll be picking up there... though I do also like gyms that are good for pickup).

The observation got me thinking about something I always tell guys to work on with their fundamentals, but hadn't talked about in a while: take up space and touch things in your environment.

This is something that all dominant men do, usually without thought.

It is a very visible cue to a man's personal feeling of comfort in and control over his environment. You can just look at whether a guy is doing this to very rapidly figure out how 'at home' he is wherever he is and whether he feels like it's 'his' environment.

Women look at this too, and it influences their attraction to you.

Tactics Tuesdays: Keep the Seduction Setting Constant

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

seduction settingIf you take her from the setting you seduced her in to one that’s very different, you risk disrupting your seduction. Keep an eye on environments as you pull/change venues.

One of the biggest mood-killers in a seduction is when the setting changes.

Every guy who's been around the seduction block has encountered this during transitions.

You meet a girl somewhere (let's say at a bar), and the vibe is great. She's connected with you, laughing with you, the flirtation is strong. There's a strong sexual vibe.

Then you take her out of there. You go to a diner. The two of you chill. The vibe comes down.

You head out onto the street to hail a ride back together. "You know what, I'm just going to go home I think," she tells you.

You try to get her to stick around: "No, no! The car's almost here. We'll just go back for 30 minutes. It'll be a great time, I promise."

But she bails anyway.

What happened?

You know (you could feel it) that if there'd been some way to shag this girl in the bar you met her at, she would absolutely have been yours.

However, there wasn't. You tried taking her to the diner, then home, and somewhere along the way things lost steam.

This will not always happen. Sometimes you can maintain the vibe across settings.

Nevertheless, if you want to maximize your odds to get the girl, keep the setting constant.

Tactics Tuesdays: Post-Sex Behavior After Mediocre Sex

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

mediocre sexYour first time in bed goes a long way toward determining whether a woman sees you again. But it’s not about your technical performance. It’s about how you make her feel.

I'm seeing a lot of cases recently where guys are laying girls, giving mediocre performances in bed, then not being able to get those girls out again.

They message them for a while, and the girls message back less and less enthusiastically, less and less frequently.

Eventually these girls drop off their radars altogether.

There are some common themes I'm seeing in both why these girls drop off and why the guys in question can't get them back.

I started this article wanting to talk about follow-up strategies, and I may get around to that.

But as I got into it, it occurred to me that really the core problem is how guys are behaving with women in the bedroom.

So instead, in today's article, I want to give the reader some tactics he can use to reverse this trend in his own seductions, in the bedroom, and retain more of the women he takes to bed.

Tactics Tuesdays: 3% Frames (Push Her Off the Fence)

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

3% framesDo you keep running into the same objections? Construct frames that circumvent these (and increase your odds by 3-5%).

I know a guy who always struggles with chemistry with women.

He doesn't do things exactly quite right. He uses all the right tactics and techniques with women, but he uses them in this way that is just a little bit 'off'.

When you try to point it out to him, he insists that in fact he is doing everything correctly. Then he says it must be a problem with the technique or that the technique doesn't work for him.

Regardless the reason, he constantly runs into issues where he has what he thinks is a great date, followed by the woman telling him at the end of it (or texting him later on) that she "just isn't feeling it."

"There's no chemistry," she says. Or "I didn't feel a spark."

I can't get him to fix the vibe/calibration issues. He doesn't see these as a real problem, probably because he's unable to pick up on this issue himself, even when women point it out or coaches point it out.

However, I wanted to help him, so gave him a tool I knew he could use: a 3% frame to help push things his way in those edge cases where it could go either way, but "I'm not feeling a spark" is the deciding factor.

Tactics Tuesdays: Be Happy as You Lead Her Out the Door

Chase Amante's picture
lead her outWhen you escalate but she stops you cold, it can be awkward walking her out. To keep things cool (and raise the odds you see her again & bed her later), be merry as you walk her out.

Every guy has girls he pulls home who don’t go to bed with him.

Maybe she stopped you at the kiss, or maybe you got too shy and didn’t go for it.

Or maybe you made it somewhere into the escalation, only to hit a wall of last minute resistance you failed to overcome.

Regardless, you brought her back, hoped to get together with her, then it fizzled out.

In the end, you had to lead her out the door.

If you’re a reader on this site, you know that once she crosses that threshold, without ending up your lover, the odds she’s ever coming back plummet.

Nevertheless, there’s something you can do as you walk her out that increases those odds – not to 50/50, but at least to the point where you’ve still got a fighting chance.

Tactics Tuesdays: Flake-Proof Date Plans

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

flake-proof date plansTired of girls flaking on dates with you? Then it's time to flake-proof your date plans. That is: make it so flakes no longer affect your life (or dating).

I know what you're thinking: "Is Chase about to tell me how to set up dates women will NEVER flake on?"

Well, no... no I'm not.

Sorry to disappoint.

There's no way to totally avoid flakes. They are a natural part of dating life.

However, I'm going to give you the next best thing:

Ways to flake-proof your date plans, that way when girls flake, they don't bug you or inconvenience you beyond the absolute bare minimum.

Tactics Tuesdays: Text Flake Reversal Framing

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

text flake reversalWhen a girl flakes on you, get her back by reverse flaking on her. You might not think it'd work – but psychology is weird (and it does work).

Over the years I've coached a lot of guys into getting girls out on dates who'd repeatedly flaked on them or ignored their messages.

There's a trick I use with this (credit: BradP) where you flip the frame on a flakey girl, and present yourself as the flaker and her as the flakey.

When I spell it out for you here, you're going to think of course it will never work.

It sounds like something that'd be so obvious no woman would ever fall for it.

Yet, even if she picks up on what you're doing (and not every girl will), it still works.

The effect is still there. She feels the emotions, feels like you flaked on her rather than the reverse, and you feel scarce and in-demand to her.

These emotions make her suddenly much more interested in coming out to meet you.

I've personally typed out messages for friends and students to send using this method that turned girls who were avoiding them into girls willing to come meet up with just a single text.

In this article, I'll tell you how I do that.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use Barriers to Make Girls Chase You

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

how to use barriersBarriers are a way to set up small 'walls' a woman must climb with you. In climbing these small walls, you can make a girl start to chase you.

The other day in my article on the click moment I mentioned the use of barriers.

Barriers are a tactic I've touched on only a bit before (in my article from long ago on being a challenge to women).

Today I want to go a lot more in-depth about this powerful technique.

If you're not using barriers, you're missing out on an outstanding tool to get the women you talk to chasing you.

So let's get you using them.

Tactics Tuesdays: Tease-Tease Game for Girls Who Are Teases

Chase Amante's picture
tease-tease gameHow do you handle a girl who's a tease? Well, simple… you tease her back (and get her to chase).

How do you handle the girl who's a genuine tease?

If you do nightlife, you'll meet those girls who are hot but also extraordinarily flirtatious teases. They come up to you, act flirtatious, seem interested, then turn cold and walk off.

15 minutes later they're back flirting with you again. Then a little while after they're off being cold again. You see them flirting with another guy. Then they're back flirting with you. Then off flirting with him again.

These girls thrive on the drama of feeling desired and feeling the power of being able to confuse and mesmerize.

They live in the nightlife scene and have figured out that pitting multiple men against each other for their affections even if indirectly is extremely powerful. They understand once a guy is sucked in he'll watch them, and he will see them flirt with another guy.

They know that there's nothing he can do at that point but watch, helpless, as she flits back and forth between him and the other guy (or guys).

Or... perhaps there's something he can?

Today I'll show you how to run a sort of game I call 'tease-tease game' -- which is, basically, way to tease the teases to the point they zeroed in on you.

First though, let's take a look at how guys usually respond to girls who are 'cockteases'.